How can I tell if my clutch is dieing on me?

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How can I tell if my clutch is dieing on me?

Postby mycoolcar » Mon Oct 18, 2004 5:58 pm

Well I have a weird feeling that my clutch is dieing on me.

Driving to school today in traffic and when I would go to take off it would shudder as if I wasn’t give it enough gas, but I was giving it the normal amount.
I found if I gave it a bit more gas it would stop shuddering, I’ve never had this before and I’ve driven on this road in the same traffic conditions quite a few times. I haven’t done any thing recently that could cause it to wear out excessively in such a short time (almost over night).
It wasn’t because the engine was cold because it wasn’t. I could possibly have something to do with my removal of my fry pan type ducting to my carby (more info on that here viewtopic.php?t=22805 ) so I put the cover back on this afternoon and will see if there’s any difference tomorrow. I went for a short drive this afternoon after replacing the fry pan type ducting but didn’t notice the shuddering, although it wasn’t in the same conditions as when the shuddering occurred this morning.

So, what’s a good way to find out if my clutch is dieing on me?

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Re: How can I tell if my clutch is dieing on me?

Postby kingcorolla » Mon Oct 18, 2004 6:53 pm

is it just me, or did you just answer your own question?? :|

mycoolcar wrote:I went for a short drive this afternoon after replacing the fry pan type ducting but didn’t notice the shuddering
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Postby Muzzie » Mon Oct 18, 2004 7:03 pm

Theres a few ways of 'testing' it, but like Kingcorolla said.....

You answered your own question.
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Postby mycoolcar » Mon Oct 18, 2004 7:19 pm

Nah, this afternoon i wasnt driving under the same conditions where i was experienceing the shuddering this morning. So i think it currently only occurs in certian conditions (i.e. taking off slowly in traffic).

I will see if it happens tomorrow aswell.

But what are the few ways of 'testing' it?
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Postby Muzzie » Mon Oct 18, 2004 7:55 pm

Well, not sure how everyone else does theirs, but...

If you put it in top, from standstill and let the clutch out and it doesn't stall, it's f**ked.

And if you're driving along, and you boot it and the revs increase rapidly and you don;t get squat all speed, then it's another tell tale sign.

And you can often smell it slipping - but I don't know of anyone capable of killing a clutch in a day (short of revving the crap out of it in top from standstill til it dies).
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Postby mycoolcar » Mon Oct 18, 2004 8:03 pm

It was just "gittering" a lot more than normal today so i was a bit concerned.
I can still drive on it fine but just taking off when its cold is more gitterey than before (and no its not my driving)
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Postby matt dunn » Mon Oct 18, 2004 8:08 pm

Clutch slip and clutch shudder are two different things.

Testing for slip is easy but testing for shudder,.....only driving it will tell.
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Postby Muzzie » Mon Oct 18, 2004 9:29 pm

Well, just to get you on a technicality - I don't 'know' you :)

But I can't even kill a clutch riding the sucker the whole time and using it for hill holding etc etc etc.

How'd you do it?
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Postby TotemoAW11 » Mon Oct 18, 2004 9:44 pm

How'd you do it?

clutch kick drifting? :wink:

mycoolcar - maybe your bling bling air intake was sucking in too much hot air from the engine bay while you were sitting idling at lights or whatever..then when you go to take off it pings like shit... I don't know what "gittering" is so im not too sure going by your description... Worth thinking about, guess we'll all just have to wait and see what happens with the normal ducting back on.
If it is the hot air thats the problem then maybe a ph-phat bonnet scoop, like what king_rolla or someone suggested in that other thread, might be a good idea :twisted: or just whack it all back properly and be happy that even though your 2e is slow it's still awesome and will probably live till 400,000k's :)
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Postby kingcorolla » Mon Oct 18, 2004 9:49 pm

ive done it too 8)

a day at the track, with a $50 ke70 :mrgreen:
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Postby mycoolcar » Mon Oct 18, 2004 9:52 pm

Hmm... yeah, that seems like it could be right TotemoAW11, time will tell.

Only thing thats a bit worrying, the clutch is already pretty shagged, the cars previous owner felt it was nesacary to use the "power" to get the wheels spinning often, i know this because we got it from my mums bosses son. He managed to get it impounded after, according to my mum, "dropping the clutch outside school and there was an unmarked police car a couple of cars behind him"

The wost bit is they (parents) knew the clutch was worn when we got it and i didnt have much say in the purchase.
But none the less, its a car i dont have to pay for :) which is damn good of them.
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Postby kingcorolla » Mon Oct 18, 2004 10:03 pm

TotemoAW11 wrote:maybe a ph-phat bonnet scoop, like what king_rolla or someone suggested in that other thread

na bro, i laughed at the idea :lol:
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Postby Spannergal » Tue Oct 19, 2004 8:07 pm

not to insult your intelligence as a driver but have you considered that you may have been in too higher gear - I've had this happen to me a couple of times when i was in too higher gear - and it went away with more gas
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Postby mycoolcar » Tue Oct 19, 2004 8:14 pm

I was in first gear taking off in a traffic jam, so i dont think thats much of an issue. good-old auckland traffic.

But thanks for thinking about my problem and replying anyway :)
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Postby Adamal » Tue Oct 19, 2004 9:55 pm

5,000 RPM, drop clutch, see if you can hear tyres squealing. ;)
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