Chaos ... depends what specs it was custom built to.
You can make a legal bolt in cage, without any worries ... but, if it's a cage that was built to Japanese specs rather than NZ (or FIA) specs ... well, lets put it this way, I can count on all the fingers on one thumb the number of compliant ones I have seen. None.
If it's built to the NZ rulebook then it's not a problem.
If in doubt, take it to a Technical Officer for inspection (Manual 32, page 14).
You can take a Homologated Structure out of one vehicle, and fit it to another, just so long as the structure meets current safety requirements. So if your cage met 1991 safety rules (but not todays rules, they have changed over the last decade), and hasn't changed, it is still valid if it remains in your car. But you can't put it into another car, not without bringing the structure up to 2004 rules.
Homologated structures remain valid until *any* alteration to them is made. At which stage they need re-homologating. is the form for moving a homolgated structure from car A to car B.