A few ae92 z performance questions

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A few ae92 z performance questions

Postby jacko » Wed Oct 13, 2004 9:07 pm

Howsit - A few Q's

-Whats the 1/4 mile time of standard map ae92 gtz?
-Whats the best bang for buck pulley kit around?
-Is it going to make my 4agze pop (170,000km but runs nice and looked afta)
-What hp would a stock 4agze running 12-14psi make?
-Why does my car drop its balls after 5500-6000rpm????
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Postby Lloyd » Wed Oct 13, 2004 9:14 pm

- Dunno, take it out and see
- Brand doesn't matter, just get some thats about 170mm (I think 175 is as large as you can go without modifying water pump pulleys etc
- Should be sweet
- No idea
- They just do that, blame the ECU
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Postby Fred » Wed Oct 13, 2004 9:33 pm

- standard hmm id say mid 15s? jst a guess tho
- http://www.trademe.co.nz/structure/auct ... d=16498384 (175mm is the bigest u can go) guy on toyspeed is selling them so jst put a post up for it
- aint gna pop the gzs are good up to hmmm 20ish psi?
- more than the 165hpish stok claimed figure
- gtz got the torque like a horse but not the sprint like a cheetah, think its gta do with the sc being super inefficient the harder it goes

one thing tho if its stock it wont be running 12-14psi, you may already have a 175mm pulley. stock they run 6-8? i think im not sure but by the sounds of it you already got as big a pulley as you can go if thats the case 14.5 quarter time would be an acheivable time id say.
White Trueno ae92, 4agte
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Postby jacko » Thu Oct 14, 2004 12:00 am

Nah i meant my engine (stock apart from a M's pod and some RSR branded jap mufflers and a fuel/rev doohickey that i dont really know how to work) and thinking of running around 12-14psi (170mm pulley???)

another question -

Has anyone out there got the same fuel doohickey??? It says NA FUEL UNIT on it and i cant find any other labeling
its about 10x3x5 cm has a silver face with 3 knobs on it
the first one labeled A 1-10 around the dial
the 2nd labeled RPM 1-10 with heavy black bands at 2000rpm and 6000rpm
the 3rd labeled B 1-10

The first knob seems to adjust the idle by around 1000rpm, the others i aint too sure.

Im going to hook up an air/fuel gauge and see what they do - anyone know of a cheap one?

Does the abv vent any usefull boost with standard pulleys???

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Re: A few ae92 z performance questions

Postby Lanius » Thu Oct 14, 2004 12:13 pm

jacko wrote:-Whats the 1/4 mile time of standard map ae92 gtz?

Average for a stock GTZ should be between 15.0 and 15.5, depending on driver and condition of car
jacko wrote:-Whats the best bang for buck pulley kit around?

See answers above
jacko wrote:-Is it going to make my 4agze pop (170,000km but runs nice and looked afta)

If you're worried, get a compression test, do basic maintenance (oil, filters, belts etc). Shouldn't have to worry about a complete rebuild until well into the 200,000's, provided the engine is well maintained. Different story if you're planning on turbo'ing it of course.
jacko wrote:-What hp would a stock 4agze running 12-14psi make?

If you're talking hp at the flywheel, then should be between 155hp and 175hp for an AE92 AFM model. If its the MAP sensored model, then it should be a bit higher.
jacko wrote:-Why does my car drop its balls after 5500-6000rpm????
this has been asked a few times. If its the MAP sensored model, its probably the ECU. Seems to have some kind of safety feature where it cuts the power for some reason at around 5500rpm. Due to the nature of the roots type SC12, they become inefficient over ~6000rpm, hence the drop in power. The AFM models don't seem to have the same power cut as the MAP sensored models, but they do still run out of puff. The air the supercharger is compressing becomes too hot for the s/charger to continue providing any beneficial boost. Superchargers also drain a bit of power from the top end, as the engine is providing the power to turn the compressor.

If you're able to post a pic of that fuel unit, someone might be able to help you out with it.

And yes, the ABV does leak useful boost. The "T-piece" should help with that though. (do a search for t piece and you should find it pretty easily).
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Postby jacko » Thu Oct 14, 2004 10:45 pm

Just got my car running and have found a few things - My timing pointer is bent all outta shape and there isnt room for a gnats cock between the pulley and the idler. Im guessing i have an aftermarket pulley.

From what I know about the ABV mod - I have a T peice installed after the blue doofa (VSV?) attached to the strut brass that plummed into a metal pipe about 6cm's from the ABV.
The mod diagram I have shows the brown VSV blanked off - Mine isnt.
Does it have to be? whats a VSV???

Boost seems to max at 9psi (factory)

I have traced the little knob box back to the ECU to try and unplug it (I have a problem with the engine sorta going into limp mode (im guessing) at about 5k rpm for about .5sec and then sorting itself out and keeping on going ( makes necks snap ) But the box is hardwired into the ecu (sum bugger has cut a hole in the case below the rearmost plug)

New question - Does the ecu have some sorta self diagnosis mode????
How do you enter it and is there a list of fault codes anywhere?
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Postby Bazda » Thu Oct 14, 2004 10:55 pm

you got some tricky vocabulary going on there..

to see if u got a bigger pulley its the gap between the crank pulley and the water pump pulley. 9psi sounds pretty standard as well.
1988 Toyota Levin GTZ 410kw atw @26psi
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Postby Lanius » Fri Oct 15, 2004 9:48 am

That "limp mode" stopping at 5k rpm is probably the safety cut I mentioned on the MAP sensored 4A-GZE's.
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Postby jacko » Fri Oct 15, 2004 3:43 pm

Its more than just it going slow - Im guessing its cutting the ignition right down and sorta stuttering then shes off again.

How can I tell if my ABV is leaking?
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Postby Lanius » Fri Oct 15, 2004 5:04 pm

Yes, I realise that ... I know exactly what you're talking about with the "stop". Its as if you've hit a brick wall, then suddenly that wall disappears again? :wink:

I've owned two GTZ's and my flatmate has one now :)

You need to change the ECU to get rid of it.
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Postby jacko » Fri Oct 15, 2004 5:59 pm

Ahhhh feck. Found the ecu fault code thingmee gonna give that a go. I was thinking it might be the TPS sensor or something cheap.....
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Postby jacko » Fri Oct 15, 2004 11:04 pm

Nah the ecu fault codes doesnt come up with anything. The ABV mod looks like the diagram now. Still max boost seems to 9psi - maybe I have a shithouse s/c?
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Postby Lanius » Sat Oct 16, 2004 9:13 pm

Pretty sure thats the most boost you'll get out of a factory pulley kit. If you've got an aftermarket one, then yet, the charger might be stuffed.

:twisted: turbo :twisted:
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Postby toymodifier » Sat Oct 30, 2004 2:07 pm

i got a stock AFM 4agze and mine sprints hard until 7k rpm
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Postby wanado13's » Sun Oct 31, 2004 3:45 pm

Has anyone taken a ae92 map gtz down the strip with pulley kit and reasonable frount mount. thinkin about takin my car down the strip and was just wonderin what times id be lookin at getting.
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Postby Lanius » Sun Oct 31, 2004 4:03 pm

You'll probably be looking at best about mid-14's. Normally around the 15 second mark in stock form.
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Postby EVLGTZ » Sun Oct 31, 2004 4:49 pm

wanado13's wrote:Has anyone taken a ae92 map gtz down the strip with pulley kit and reasonable frount mount. thinkin about takin my car down the strip and was just wonderin what times id be lookin at getting.

low to mid 14s with a bit of decent driving and quality rubber
Ex 4AGTE AE101 Levin - 13.3@173km/hr
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Ex 4AGZE AE82 - 14.2@163km/hr

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Postby Silent Knight » Sun Oct 31, 2004 5:13 pm

if you want a decent pulley contact evil_si on here. he sells them for cheap and very gud quality.

cuple of ppl on here i know can vouch for him. :wink:
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