If u hear the sound of bov when u step on the clutch...

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If u hear the sound of bov when u step on the clutch...

Postby alastabesta » Thu Nov 04, 2004 8:35 pm

does that mean the hydraulic system is f*cked up?

whenever I change gear from 1st to 2nd i hear the gear grinding against each other (sounds like when u flat shift them) and now when I put the clutch down I hear the pschiii sound which scares the hell outta me...

any good mechanics in north shore area? and my clutch is wearing out after 11000kms... tho last one lasted 5000km and last mechanics said i got a big hole in the gearbox when he tried changing it :cry:

how much would it cost to fix the gearbox (if its just the hole), change the clutch and machine the flywheel? any help would be greatly appreciated 8)

thanks everybody :)
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Postby alastabesta » Thu Nov 04, 2004 8:50 pm

i duno man
no redline shifting, no drag, no flat shifting

altho the reverse gear grinds abit when i baught the car, but the problem of 2nd gear only started about 6 month ago... :( and for the last few days it sorta became worse and ended up with possible clutch not being there even tho its a manual car...

so yeah, i just need some recommendations as to where to go to get my car checked out.(AE111 BZG)
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Postby matt dunn » Thu Nov 04, 2004 11:23 pm

maybe the clutch isn't clearing or releasing properly causing the syncro's to struggle.
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Postby celica_tommo » Thu Nov 04, 2004 11:47 pm

get your mechanic to bleed and refill your clutch lines and check for leaks fron the master and slave cylinders

grinding differing from each gear wil probably be synchros... might be helped a bit if your clutch isnt disengaing properly

sounds like you need a new gearbox (or recondition), new clutch kit, as you say machining the flywheel would be a good idea too, and new fluid in your clutch lines and check for leaks... do these things and you'll likely have no more problems for ages
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Postby fuel » Thu Nov 04, 2004 11:47 pm

That noise when you step on the clutch will most likely be the thrust bearing.
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Postby alastabesta » Fri Nov 05, 2004 12:55 am

anybody recommend any good mechanics?

last one i went to didn't tell me any of these problems except i got a hole in the gearbox which might be causing the problem when i changed my last set of clutch last year :?

when i bought the car the gearbox doesn't engage reverse properly - i'll have to hold the clutch, wait for half a sec and then throw the gearstick to reverse else it'll just grind the gear :cry:

sounds like a 2 grand job tho... /checks bank balance :roll:
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Postby rage » Fri Nov 05, 2004 1:11 am

holes in gearboxes arent good... reverse is always a tough gear to get into... all the cars ive had have issues with reverse.
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Postby alastabesta » Fri Nov 05, 2004 1:23 am

yeah i think reverse gears are different in design to normal forward moving gears...?

correct me if i'm wrong tho. i'm not 100% on this.
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Postby kingcorolla » Fri Nov 05, 2004 1:38 am

celica_tommo wrote:sounds like you need a new gearbox (or recondition), new clutch kit, as you say machining the flywheel would be a good idea too, and new fluid in your clutch lines and check for leaks... do these things and you'll likely have no more problems for ages

woo woo hold up :o
its best if he trys the first basic things before he goes forking out on a new box. 8O 8O
just get the clutch operation and operating components checked 1st!

grinding in the sychros, and the bov sound of the thrust bearing is a good suggestion that the clutch is not engaging properly. Could even be old thin gearbox oil. New oil is a $&#$% cheaper than new box!

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Postby alastabesta » Fri Nov 05, 2004 7:13 am

what things would i need to check?
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Postby celica_tommo » Fri Nov 05, 2004 10:44 am

I just think it'll save money in the long run only paying for labour once to remove the gearbox... I mean it does seem to be synchros to me and his mechanic has told him the gearbox has a hole in it :? suppose it depends if you've got money to spend on fixing it properly

you need to get your mechanic to check the operation of the clutch from the pedal to the cutch kit... change the gearbox fluid as kingcorolla says... i think you'll be left with grinding when you change gear still which will be the gearbox
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Postby shaggz » Fri Nov 05, 2004 12:36 pm

my cuz brendan works at continental cars hes good hell fix almost anything but sounds pretty buggard tho
drive it till it breaks, then upgrade it

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Postby Dr-X » Fri Nov 05, 2004 5:38 pm

It doesnt sound buggered at all. The sound is clearly the release bearing, and your problems with the gbox are most likely related to the clutch no operating properly.
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Re: mechanics

Postby alastabesta » Fri Nov 05, 2004 8:30 pm

stephen bedford wrote:my cuz brendan works at continental cars hes good hell fix almost anything but sounds pretty buggard tho

continental cars...

would ppl there be 8O when i take my AE111 in and say I want to get some service done on it? 8)
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Postby matt dunn » Fri Nov 05, 2004 11:06 pm

alastabesta wrote:yeah i think reverse gears are different in design to normal forward moving gears...?

correct me if i'm wrong tho. i'm not 100% on this.

Hardly any boxes have syncro's for reverse.
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Postby BL8KK9T » Fri Nov 05, 2004 11:30 pm

have you try putting it in first then reverse? just take the drain bung out, see how much metal shaving is in it,, that could probably tell you if the gearbox is worth saving :wink:
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Postby alastabesta » Fri Nov 05, 2004 11:43 pm

tried driving it reallllllly slowly today (change gear at 2k rpm) and found out it only does that when the car's still cold... cos i can rev it to 4k and it would be fine (feels slightly difficult to get into gears but no sound at all) but when the cars cold it grinds even if i change gear at 2k rev... :cry:
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Postby Dr-X » Sat Nov 06, 2004 3:29 pm

Change your gbox oil. It may do nothing, or it may help. Replacing old, thin gbox oil with new stuff can make a big difference.
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Postby Silent Knight » Sat Nov 06, 2004 4:33 pm

Just replace your whole box if it does have a hole in......C series boxes are a piece of piss to track wich yours i suspect will be.

As for clutch problems etc it is easy enough to change the clutch yourself in a levin so jst jack it up and replace the clutch...all you need is a gud socket set :D

Flywheel machining I paid $60 for at Sterling in Onehunga but most the time if you buy your clutch assembly from any place they'll machine your flywheel for free.
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