Idle Problems ... *sigh* Again

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Idle Problems ... *sigh* Again

Postby §teven » Sat Nov 13, 2004 2:14 pm


Hopefully sumone can tell me wtf is going on with my car, the car is a 1987 FXGT AE92 and pretty much ever since I brought it I've been having problems with it's cold idle etc etc. The previous owner maoried up the intake, cutt the air box open had a panel K&N and the K&N got wet and gunked up the throttle body. And when you would start it in the morning or when cold it would idle at 2500-3000rpm intill the temp gets up to half way and would then idle at 1200rpm if you adjusted the idle any lower it would just stall.

So I thought I would go all out got a new throttle body, intake, pod filter. Installed them all and the problem has gottin worse. Idles now at 3000rpm cold intill temp gauge gets to halfway. And won't idle any lower than 1,500rpm (the idle adjuster is down as far as the screw will go and thats the lowest it will idle). And sounds horrible, missing etc. So yeah kinda fuming a bit now. It's got nothing to do with the cooling system thats sumthing I can rule out, no air locks etc etc. So yeah any suggestions would be very helpfull at this stage. Thanks Steven.
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Postby §teven » Sat Nov 13, 2004 2:24 pm

Yeah they have a step up thing that hot radiator fluid flows through part of the throttle body, but yeah new throttle body should have fixed that problem if thats what it is ... Yeah its got me stumped.
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Postby Dr-X » Sat Nov 13, 2004 3:23 pm

Unlinkely to make much difference, but try resetting the ECU. Checked the TPS?
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Postby Lloyd » Sat Nov 13, 2004 3:34 pm

Has it got an AFM on it? Any major leaks after the AFM will cause it to try to die
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Postby LUMIN8 » Sat Nov 13, 2004 5:37 pm

HRT is onto something,

i fiddled with a catch can mod and after i restored it to factory, and put all the lil pipes back into the intake after afm, i didnt notice one had cracked, and the bastard stalled when cold, and when using the Aircon.

if youve exhausted all your options, see a mechanic.

they cost money, but they do the job :P
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Postby §teven » Tue Nov 16, 2004 9:47 pm

Went one further, replaced the vacum lines ... all are in correct place, reset the computer, and got the fault codes came up all clear.

So yeah, these are the things done and checked so far.
- Vacum lines in correct place/replaced
- Thermostat replaced
- Coolent replaced and cheacked for air bubbles twice
- Computer reset/and checked for fault codes

Yeah I mite sound like a noob asking simple questions but its the only way you learn. I really like my car as theres not many good examples down this way, thats half the problem though lack of spare parts.

The cars fuel consumption hasn't increased, so how do you check if you have leaky injectors?
Other thought I had would faulty sensors screw everythings up, or would it just go back to a preset air/fuel ratio etc.

Surely someones ran into the same problem with this car ...
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Postby MrBob » Wed Nov 17, 2004 9:02 am

mates one did the same thing. turned out to be the tps. check your new one is adjusted correctly. Failing that, perhaps try another map sensor ? (no afm on these).
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Postby ants_ae92 » Wed Nov 17, 2004 10:51 am

Check Timing also. Some people play around with the distributor take it out and put it in 1 tooth out! TPS would be the best bet. Gert hold of an Auto electrical manual and reset the tps. Also make sure no one has played with the Idle stop screw ... hp?id=1548
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