AE86 rear axle

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Postby Stealer Of Souls » Wed Dec 22, 2004 9:46 am

When I had my bearings replace I got everything done.. can't remember the price (I think about $500 for both sides including mates rates bearings.)

Anyways. For a week or so afterwards there was a very slight oil leak out of both ends. Anyway, leak stopped for a bit and then when I'd stopped checking it it started again. Anyways. Long story short, oil seals had finally died (possibly replacement job pushed them over the edge) and the leaking oil screwed my pads up... bye bye mintex...

My advice, if you're getting the rear axle bearings replaced, get them to do your seals too... Probably need to be done, and saves on double labour by doing them at a later date...
'86 AE85.5 Levin

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Postby Mr Revhead » Wed Dec 22, 2004 1:50 pm

price is good, but the quality....

seems odd to me that all of a sudden theres a problem.... the seals should be replaced if possible, its not as though they are hard to get or exspensive.

ring gear? thats on ya flywheel.... i assume you mean crown wheel?
metal filings in the oil and the axle stuck is not good, its the bearing retainer that holds the axle in, so they must have stuff up the bearing or retainer in some way, i cant see how the shaft can be held by anything else. theres no circlips or anything i can see that could fail and jam it.

looks to me its their problem.
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