Oil Consumption

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Oil Consumption

Postby BZG Wagon » Sun Dec 26, 2004 10:14 pm

When my car is running, if you put your hand in front of the exhaust, and rev it, bits of (what im guessing is) oil comes out (Like chunks of carbon or something). I have cleaned the inside of the exhaust, and it goes black immediately (Within a few seconds).

Here is the weird part:
No Blue Smoke (Black only after 4500RPM - apparently because the ECU runs the car ritch to protect the engine)
Spark-Plugs are Clean
No oil coming up PCV Breather
No oil in airfilter or other breather pipes
No Engine oil leaks
No Oil in Radiator or Water Loss
It consumes 500mls of oil every 1000 - 2000 kms
It also has no cat converter - could that be a reason for stuff coming out?

Is there any other seal that could be broken to let oil come out?
Shouldnt the oil be burning in the exhaust - and come out blue?

Any Ideas?????

(1996 4AGE AE101 Corolla Wagon - Using Castrol GTX 15-40 but switched to Magnatec 10-40 Synthetic today for oil change)
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Postby DVLRCR » Sun Dec 26, 2004 10:39 pm

i dont know what the problem is but what fuel do you run? try a fuel with a higher octane? that seems to clean out my exhaust.
i probly said something completely wrong but thats just my 2 cents
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Postby B1NZ » Mon Dec 27, 2004 10:30 am

I used about 500ml from Wellington to Napier the other day :cry: Somethings not healthy, i actually have a feeling it may be the oil breather putting crap back into the intake cos when i take off the intake pipe theres always oil or signs of oil being there, so im gonna try an oil catch can and see what happens?

So to check the rings i need to do a compression check right?
Any other ideas?
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Postby AceSniper » Mon Dec 27, 2004 11:08 am

try using 15-50 iv been using it with out problems (im using penzoil), It will prolly burn the magnatec quick.. i used about 1lt in a week. I also used to run GTX an itd burn a little but not to much I swaped to penzoil coz its semi-syn an slightly thicker when hot (I think) I was told GTX wasnt syn in anyway :? .
Using 20-50 is prolly getting abit thick for a small engine when you start up it will take longer to restore oil pressure.
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Postby Mr Revhead » Mon Dec 27, 2004 11:09 am

your tail pipe will always be black with the gas we have here. dont worry bout that, nothing u can do.

the stuff out your exhaust will be carbon/water nothing to worry about. try looking when its hot. real hot.

500mls for 2000ks is not bad. 1000 i little excessive.
20vs do dump a bit into the intake. so im fitting a catch tank as well.
pull ya surge tank off and have a look in the bottom
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Postby BZG Wagon » Mon Dec 27, 2004 6:07 pm

Mr Revhead wrote:pull ya surge tank off and have a look in the bottom

Where/What is the surge tank?

I just took out the plugs, the tip is white, the centre inside is white, around the edges is black/carbonish, and there are really really small white dots of stuff around then (very very few dots) - could that be from the engine oil flush?
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Postby rallymazda » Mon Dec 27, 2004 6:18 pm

im using approx 1L per 1000kms as well and the back of my car is always covered in carbon rubbish

ive had it hooked up to computers and everything and no one can find anything wrong :P
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Postby B1NZ » Tue Dec 28, 2004 10:35 am

CozmoNz wrote:
BZG|Bling wrote:heh, try 1L / 1000km on average :| , go 20v go :roll: :(

speak for yourself ;)

500odd mls over each oil change >.> and thats ALWAYS within the first week (i probbaly dont fill it completely to full). it will drop to 1/2 roughly by the time i need to change it.

maybe you dont drive yours as well as the rest of us :wink:
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Postby CozmoNz » Tue Dec 28, 2004 10:37 am

i duno, im using a tanc a week and im not traveling that far if that answer's anything.

maybe my car likes me better than yours likes you :P
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Postby B1NZ » Tue Dec 28, 2004 10:59 am

CozmoNz wrote:i
maybe my car likes me better than yours likes you :P

LIAR!! Mine loves me better than yours loves you, She thanks me everyday for buying her over a substandard Trueno :lol:
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Postby CozmoNz » Tue Dec 28, 2004 12:30 pm

B1NZ wrote:
CozmoNz wrote:i
maybe my car likes me better than yours likes you :P

LIAR!! Mine loves me better than yours loves you, She thanks me everyday for buying her over a substandard Levin :lol:

you had a typo, i corrected it for you
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Postby Mr Revhead » Tue Dec 28, 2004 12:49 pm

the surge tank is the large cover over the ram tubes. some ppl call it a plenum, but strictly speaking plenums come after throttle bodys.
anyway toyota call it a surge tank 8)
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Postby Graphite » Tue Dec 28, 2004 5:10 pm

Hmm seems alot of people are finding there 20v is using oil, my oil level was still full after 8,000ks, so hadn't really used any. (had cheap 15w40 valvolene stuff in it).
I changed it the otherday (well oilchangers did) it now has semi synethic Halvolene 10w40.
Hopefully it still doesn't consume oil
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Postby Graphite » Wed Dec 29, 2004 5:54 pm

BZG Wagon wrote:
Ae92typeX wrote:3 litres!- to top up to max level?
for future refference, dont let the car get that low on oil, its fairly bad for it!

Nah - it was just an oil change. I have never had a car go below 'low' (even though they often can without damage).

Thats the gay thing - Honda with 220000kms on the clock - 2L's oil over 10000kms, Mazda with 190000kms on the clock - 500ml - 1L over 10000kms (& it leaked out the crank), Toyota with 139000kms on the clock 6L? oil over 10000kms - and thats not thrashing it like I did in the Honda & Mazda.

I thought Toyotas were supposed to be super-reliable and maintainance free compared to other cars?

6L/10,000K's is just insane.

My OLD OLD Corona GTR Coupe used 1L/10,000k's with 190,000ks on the clock
My old Vtec prelude used 500ML/10,000K's
My Current BZ-G Levin doesn't need a topup at all between oilchanges.

And I do thrash the car now and then too, the prelude used to go to 1/4 mile drags most months too.

Are thrashing your car everyday or something? and revving it to 8000rpm all the time?
Cos I just can't see how its possible for it to use that much oil.
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Postby Ae92typeX » Wed Dec 29, 2004 6:27 pm

BZG Wagon wrote:
Ae92typeX wrote:3 litres!- to top up to max level?
for future refference, dont let the car get that low on oil, its fairly bad for it!

Nah - it was just an oil change. I have never had a car go below 'low' (even though they often can without damage).

Doing it a few times wont do squat, but its not a good habbit to get into (going below the 'min') Some cars react badly and even though they still go fine when topped up again dammage Has been done.

but yea, yours was an oil change so all good :)
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Postby BZG Wagon » Wed Dec 29, 2004 7:01 pm

In all honesty, I havent taken it to 8000RPM once. 6500RPM is the furtheriest I have taken it, maybe 7000RPM once or twice. I have tried driving it without going over 5000RPM, and it still chewed throught the oil.
I just have to wait & see what this new oil is like, and im hoping that thats the problem.

If the car is using 500ml - 1L per 1000kms, then yea, im guessing approx 6L an oil change.

I so should not have wasted my time buying this car. All the 'small things' that have gone wrong with it in the 2 months I have had it are really pissing me off considering I have had older cars which have been more reliable. Its not that the car has been neglected, but I reckon its just been poorley made. So far its put me off Toyota's for life.
(The latest - the thermostat in the cabin, will not change temp from 20 to 25, but will from 25 to 30 - broken thermostat?).
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Oil Consumption and Other Myths...

Postby jondee86 » Wed Dec 29, 2004 7:27 pm

CozmoNz wrote:the reason this oil is so *great* is adatives... adatives shorten the engines life.... and no one wants that :).

Hahahahahahahahahaha........ nice one :D :D :D :D :D

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Postby Mr Revhead » Wed Dec 29, 2004 7:39 pm

cosmo, wtf??? 8O

bzg wagon, i assume yours is a 20v?
ae101 corollas are not poorly made, they would be one of the best built cars around.

500mls over a thousand kays isnt the end of the world. sound s like its a little tired thats all.
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Postby BZG Wagon » Wed Dec 29, 2004 11:13 pm

Yea I have done (b) - nothing but once you hit 4500rpm the black smoke starts. I think I will just get it checked out by Toyota.

Are Albany Toyota any good?
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Postby CozmoNz » Wed Dec 29, 2004 11:20 pm

Mr Revhead wrote:cosmo, wtf??? 8O

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