1999 GT-T Caldina standard boost pressure?

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Postby vvega » Thu Jan 06, 2005 12:04 am

tell you what
you pay my hourly rate and ill do it for you
seams like your having issues with it :D

how bout you attually do the job before you start telling others it cant be done
you might get to the end and realise you went the whole wrong way about it,but hell ive never done a conversion in my life so have no practical experiance in such things and what benfits hindsite can give

oh and you been wrong ??
i edited my post to be accurate but
or how about just simply replacing/regaping gt-t plugs to fix a missfire
but im not gunna scoure you posts that i havent even read to look for them ethier its a waste of time givin the fact your info is normally exerlernt and these are small uninportant things(well i think they are)

everyones wrong
you just dont tend to"drop yourself into the woodchipper" like i did

and to be honest you say we need to harden up and to a point i agree but you still need to loose the nasty,saying all of us have a problem just highlights the fact

noone sould have to put up with abuse just to get simple info.if you think this is a requirent or right of passage then you have some issues with treatment of others

everone is brave and fearless with a anonimity of the internet but do remember words always seem harsher than intended(goes for both sides)


Postby fivebob » Thu Jan 06, 2005 1:43 am

vvega wrote:tell you what
you pay my hourly rate and ill do it for you
seams like your having issues with it :D

How about you pay my hourly rate to inform you of the true properties of Aluminium alloys, my work so far should cover several weeks at your hourly rate :wink:

Thanks for the offer but I don't need any help. Anyway it's a pleasant distraction from my daily routine and gives me something to do when I bored with my jetsetting lifestyle :P
how bout you attually do the job before you start telling others it cant be done
you might get to the end and realise you went the whole wrong way about it
but hell ive never done a conversion in my life
so have no practical experiance in such things

Learn well don't we :lol: but I'm too old and wise to fall for such poorly baited traps :twisted:

FYI I have tried to get the GT-T to run without the cabin loom attached (I wanted to install it in a SW20), it fails miserably. I have also corresponded with several others who have tried with the same degree of success. I suppose it could be made to work if I spent enough time with an oscilliscope and knew enough about electronics to build some devices to emulate the required signals, but I’d rather not waste my time, it’s cheaper for me to buy a Motec. Besides which, if you have read any of my posts of the subject of GT-T modification, you’d know that the ECU is the first thing that needs to be ditched.

Replacing the ECU is my next step, firstly so I can see how to make the engine run on it's own so at least its a viable SW20 replacement engine, then I move onto getting the GT-T to function without having a conniption fit. Maybe I’m tackling the project in a less than efficient manner, but my logical mind won’t let me do it any other way, and I feel it’s my duty to warn people how difficult the task could be, better that they know what they’re likely to be letting themselves in for than to be told it’s easy and then find they’re way out of their depth after expending more money than they can afford with little result.
oh and you been wrong ??
i edited my post to be accurate but

I thought you might be (mistakenly) alluding to that thread, but I'm afraid that you are wrong, and sorry, but ownage doesn't belong to you. You misread and misinterpreted what I was saying. I was referring to the additive package, not the gear form, as I repeatedly tried to explain to you, albeit in a somewhat harsh manner. Perhaps a re-read on your part with a cooler head is in order, but let's let sleeping dogs lie on that one eh, I don't want mods closing this thread just yet.
stop been so nasty fivebob no point been inteligent when noone wants to play with you due to your repulsive personality

Nice of you to point out my character flaws in such a pleasant manner :lol: and here I was about to join your “Dr-X is a retard club” and show you how to properly deal with such ill-informed miscreants, but I have no real desire to play in your sandpit and I’ve long since given up arguing with fools (no I'm not referring to you, I don't necessarily believe that you fit into that category at this moment in time) as a) they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience, and b) outside observers often can’t tell the difference. So I will give membership in such a worthy organisation a miss (for now).

However brash and rude I may appear, I believe I the info I provide is factual and accurate. Despite what you might think, I am always open to debate in a rational manner, and if you ever do prove me wrong I’ll happily admit the error of my ways. However you may be waiting a long time for that ,as the queue of people waiting to prove me wrong is rather long, I’ve had to move it way over there, so distant is it that I’ve had to name it the far queue :evil:

Now enough of this nonsense, unless anyone has something to contribute to the topic at hand (ie GT-T engines) or wishes to ask a question about said topic (please use the search first), I'm outta here, too many other things to do, like move my Ferrari and other projects into their new 150sqm home/workshop and look for a good 4 post hoist :D .
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Postby fivebob » Thu Jan 06, 2005 2:23 am

vvega wrote:or how about just simply replacing/regaping gt-t plugs to fix a missfire
but im not gunna scoure you posts that i havent even read to look for them ethier its a waste of time givin the fact your info is normally exerlernt and these are small uninportant things(well i think they are)

everyones wrong
you just dont tend to"drop yourself into the woodchipper" like i did

and to be honest you say we need to harden up and to a point i agree but you still need to loose the nasty,saying all of us have a problem just highlights the fact

noone sould have to put up with abuse just to get simple info.if you think this is a requirent or right of passage then you have some issues with treatment of others

everone is brave and fearless with a anonimity of the internet but do remember words always seem harsher than intended(goes for both sides)

Jeez stop editing you posts while I'm replying will you. :lol:

I was wrong about the plug gap, but then again I didn't realise anybody would be so foolish as to run such a large gap on a turbo engine, and you will note I did qualify my post with the words "it is unlikely to be..." or words to that effect (I can't be arsed looking up the post). If I'm unsure of such things I will say as much, diagnosing problems over the net is hard, as usually some vital piece of info is left out.

And as for abuse... what's that saying about pots and kettles... I'm sure Dr-X would agree with you but then again I'm sure you think he deserves it (and you may well be right).

Bear in mind I have little time to post on these boards, hence little time to debate stupid ideas and misconceptions. So I will stamp hard on people if they continually post misinformation and then, worse still, try and defend it. Might piss them off but it stops them dead in their tracks and forces them to evaluate their position, once the red mist lifts that is. If people don't like that then perhaps they should do a little research before posting on topics that I participate in... not too much to ask is it, as it's generally only confined to MR2s, GT-Ts and the 3S-GTEs. I don't have time for much else. I see many other threads where I could post in a similar vein, but refrain as I can't be arsed wasting my time

I realise it's a hard thing to expect from a board with such a young audience, but if people could just refrain from posting what rumours they've heard, or at least qualify them with a simple statement like "I've heard..." of "I'm not sure about this but..." then I wouldn't feel compelled to give them reaming. But when they do, as Lunchie did, and post rumours masquerading as fact in such a forthright fashion then as far as I'm concerned they're fair game... As I'm sure you feel about some of Dr-X's posts. So I suppose the moral is, Know what you're posting about, don't just think you know... or at least qualify your posts as above. A little research on the part of the poster would save a lot of raised blood pressure, and would result in a better informed audience, so such misinformation may be stopped in it's tracks before it becomes urban legend.

Oh and BTW if you think I'm being nasty you're wrong, that's mild compared to what I have to dish out to the Fwits in the companies that I consult for, and they pay handsomely for the privilege and even thank me for it... but then again they're Australian :lol:

Anyway like I said before, let's try an keep on topic... discussing my many character flaws isn't going to get a GT-T engine working in a ST185 now is it... Besides which it's a waste of effort on your part as I'm set in my ways, and at this stage in life I'm unlikely to change. So if people can't hack it, then say so and I'll happily stop contributing to this board, I know I sure as hell don't get much out of it, apart from MrRevheads fantastic prices on Toyota parts that is :)
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Postby fivebob » Thu Jan 06, 2005 2:36 am

Oh and one more thing

Will everyone please learn to use the search engine properly, there are enough dead kittens already!!!

This thread wouldn't exist if strx7 had done so, and I wouldn't be having to defend my obtuse mannerisms to all and sundry, entertaining though it may be.

I know, I know, it's too much to hope for but I'm an eternal optimist
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Postby Dell'Orto » Thu Jan 06, 2005 2:41 am

Ok, I have a question - If the gen 4 3SGTE is the weakest of them, why bother going through the considerable hassle of trying to rewire one to work in an MR2?
Wouldnt it be simpler/more cost effective to use a gen 3 motor? or if its the power gain, can the gen 4 head be put on the gen 3 block to gain (what I assume to be) its better flow characteristics?
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Postby fivebob » Thu Jan 06, 2005 3:13 am

Mmm, Boost wrote:Ok, I have a question - If the gen 4 3SGTE is the weakest of them, why bother going through the considerable hassle of trying to rewire one to work in an MR2?
Wouldnt it be simpler/more cost effective to use a gen 3 motor? or if its the power gain, can the gen 4 head be put on the gen 3 block to gain (what I assume to be) its better flow characteristics?

Gen III head is the same and the Gen IV so no gains there :(

Where it is a vast improvement is in the Coil on plug ignition and the associated sensors (i.e. crank, not cam, activated). Also the block is stronger if you are going to go the mega HP route, and it comes with a top feed rail, so injectors should be cheaper and more choice is available. Though I've been told that these top feed injector rails may not be compatible with the more common Bosch injectors, so this may not necessarily be the case.

The turbo also seems to give a better response, I can get .5bar at 1800rpm as opposed to needing 2200 on a gen III to see the same amount of boost, and it's fully spooled before 3000rpm where the gen III takes 3400rpm.

Of course most of these things are largely academic if you're opening the engine up, and replacing the turbo. However given that there is little difference in the cost of sourcing and engine the gen IV may well end up cheaper in the long run. Besides which I've got two spare Gen IV's and no spare Gen III's so that's my reason.

Anyway it's my opinion that the Gen IV's fragility can be traced to it's agressive ignition curve and poor top mount I/C, once you replace the ECU and get rid of the interwarmer then it's probably as reliable as any stock internals 3S-GTE. Although that said, I suspect it may be more prone to detonation due to it's reduced squish band and the conrods may be a bit weaker, but the rods shouldn't affect things until you're well over 400HP, which is IMHO past the point where stock internals are a viable option.

Also bear in mind that the Gen III is getting harder to come by whereas the Caldina engine is in (relatively) plentiful supply. Though there are probably more saleable parts from a damaged SW20 and they should be cheaper, demand from the USA makes them harder to come by, besides which I don't mind cutting up a wagon, but I find it hard to scrap an MR2 :(
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Postby vvega » Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:34 am

hehe fivebob i edited my posts to ensure that keep what i was saying correct rather than rantings
maybe i sould post on word first and then read it a few times first
some of the comments made did not read how it was intended
its intention was not to bait you into one of our nasty unconstructive post wars

lol on the alloy comment that was just bit $&#$% in regards but ive made it to a caa B grade inpector now so ive had to um...get a grip :D

now for the helpfull bit
i can help with creation of the cuircuits you require in regards to non parasidic signal splitting
i did have some simpler ideas after reading your post on how to install ....
but didnt comment as to elud from the focus from your headway(and wildcard asked me to leave it for a bit :))<<<-----good advice too
i would be more that happy to look into helping
god know that someone is more than likely to land this problem on my lap soon enough and a head start would be benifital in my part
i also have quite a good level of contact with toyota workshop materals and spares(ask mr revhead for confoirmation on my level of access)that most toyota employees would love to have

its your call big boy
have a go at soom teamwork and colective efforts
or just keep on with the frustration


Postby Mr Revhead » Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:55 am

you guys give me a headache.... :lol:

im very keen to learn how you guys get on with the gt-t mods, mate of mine has one and is VERY keen to make it go better... so keep us updated if youd be so kind :D

fivebob: saw ya mate on scrapheap challange.... thems some funs toys! :twisted:
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Postby fivebob » Thu Jan 06, 2005 3:10 pm

vvega wrote:hehe fivebob i edited my posts to ensure that keep what i was saying correct rather than rantings
maybe i sould post on word first and then read it a few times first
some of the comments made did not read how it was intended
its intention was not to bait you into one of our nasty unconstructive post wars

Yeah that's what I do, speil chucker also helps ;)
now for the helpfull bit
i can help with creation of the cuircuits you require in regards to non parasidic signal splitting
i did have some simpler ideas after reading your post on how to install ....
but didnt comment as to elud from the focus from your headway(and wildcard asked me to leave it for a bit :))<<<-----good advice too
i would be more that happy to look into helping
god know that someone is more than likely to land this problem on my lap soon enough and a head start would be benifital in my part
i also have quite a good level of contact with toyota workshop materals and spares(ask mr revhead for confoirmation on my level of access)that most toyota employees would love to have

its your call big boy
have a go at soom teamwork and colective efforts
or just keep on with the frustration

Thanks for the offer, no really I mean it, but like I pointed out IMO it's not a good idea to try and keep the stock ECU, and in most cases I think I can get the Motec to output the correct signal If I can determing what it is.

However I'll keep your offer in mind when I do get to the stage of actually doing some more in depth testing, but like I've said elsewhere it's a long term project and I've got a lot of those and not much time seeing as I work 8 months of the year is Aus. :( But hey it pays the bills and gives me pleanty of time for reading up on technology so it ain't all bad.
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Postby Inane » Fri Jan 07, 2005 9:18 am

if you want to install a switch to turn VSC on and off I'm just writing a guide..

I've done it and it works well :)
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Postby blitza » Fri Jan 07, 2005 4:54 pm

dam hell crikey yeah!!! vsc is only on autos aye?? the other thing I'm having trouble with is the traction control (maybe only a auto thing) but it is rooing my launch, any mods ?
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Postby Inane » Fri Jan 07, 2005 7:05 pm

VSC and TRC are disabled by the same switch I've installed...

so switch off = ABS only,

switch on = VSC/TRC and ABS all on
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Postby blitza » Fri Jan 07, 2005 10:58 pm

top effort! will wait the photo............
how strong are these auto boxes? (sorry for being off topic, but all that bitching was a bit off too, still waiting for a job description from you professor spotter)
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