vvega wrote:tell you what
you pay my hourly rate and ill do it for you
seams like your having issues with it

How about you pay my hourly rate to inform you of the true properties of Aluminium alloys, my work so far should cover several weeks at your hourly rate
Thanks for the offer but I don't need any help. Anyway it's a pleasant distraction from my daily routine and gives me something to do when I bored with my jetsetting lifestyle

how bout you attually do the job before you start telling others it cant be done
you might get to the end and realise you went the whole wrong way about it
but hell ive never done a conversion in my life
so have no practical experiance in such things
Learn well don't we

but I'm too old and wise to fall for such poorly baited traps
FYI I have tried to get the GT-T to run without the cabin loom attached (I wanted to install it in a SW20), it fails miserably. I have also corresponded with several others who have tried with the same degree of success. I suppose it could be made to work if I spent enough time with an oscilliscope and knew enough about electronics to build some devices to emulate the required signals, but I’d rather not waste my time, it’s cheaper for me to buy a Motec. Besides which, if you have read any of my posts of the subject of GT-T modification, you’d know that the ECU is the first thing that needs to be ditched.
Replacing the ECU is my next step, firstly so I can see how to make the engine run on it's own so at least its a viable SW20 replacement engine, then I move onto getting the GT-T to function without having a conniption fit. Maybe I’m tackling the project in a less than efficient manner, but my logical mind won’t let me do it any other way, and I feel it’s my duty to warn people how difficult the task could be, better that they know what they’re likely to be letting themselves in for than to be told it’s easy and then find they’re way out of their depth after expending more money than they can afford with little result.
oh and you been wrong ??
i edited my post to be accurate but
I thought you might be (mistakenly) alluding to that thread, but I'm afraid that you are wrong, and sorry, but ownage doesn't belong to you. You misread and misinterpreted what I was saying. I was referring to the additive package, not the gear form, as I repeatedly tried to explain to you, albeit in a somewhat harsh manner. Perhaps a re-read on your part with a cooler head is in order, but let's let sleeping dogs lie on that one eh, I don't want mods closing this thread just yet.
stop been so nasty fivebob no point been inteligent when noone wants to play with you due to your repulsive personality
Nice of you to point out my character flaws in such a pleasant manner

and here I was about to join your “Dr-X is a retard club” and show you how to properly deal with such ill-informed miscreants, but I have no real desire to play in your sandpit and I’ve long since given up arguing with fools (no I'm not referring to you, I don't necessarily believe that you fit into that category at this moment in time) as a) they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience, and b) outside observers often can’t tell the difference. So I will give membership in such a worthy organisation a miss (for now).
However brash and rude I may appear, I believe I the info I provide is factual and accurate. Despite what you might think, I am always open to debate in a rational manner, and if you ever do prove me wrong I’ll happily admit the error of my ways. However you may be waiting a long time for that ,as the queue of people waiting to prove me wrong is rather long, I’ve had to move it way over there, so distant is it that I’ve had to name it the far queue
Now enough of this nonsense, unless anyone has something to contribute to the topic at hand (ie GT-T engines) or wishes to ask a question about said topic (please use the search first), I'm outta here, too many other things to do, like move my Ferrari and other projects into their new 150sqm home/workshop and look for a good 4 post hoist
