Av Gas in A Silvertop?

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Postby Just_Juzz » Thu Jan 06, 2005 7:55 am

Just gonna turn into a flame contest.
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Postby Dr-X » Thu Jan 06, 2005 9:13 am

Just_Juzz wrote:Avgas is jsut that Aviation Gas.

If it was ment for a car it wouldn't be called av gas.

My partners dad is a mechanic, and has been for 15+ years, and has seen the effect of, to put it simpily, idiots who have used avgas in there road cars.

It $&#$% them, end of story.

But hey, to each there own.

Well my flatmates brothers ex girlfriends fathers dog is a mechanic, and he disagrees with you. There's nothing wrong with putting avgas in a car, the only thing it will root is your oxy sensor. Until you can back up your statements, dont make them.
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Postby Just_Juzz » Thu Jan 06, 2005 9:39 am

Just gonna turn into a flame contest.
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Postby wde_bdy » Thu Jan 06, 2005 10:25 am

Just_Juzz wrote:Avgas is jsut that Aviation Gas.

If it was ment for a car it wouldn't be called av gas.

My partners dad is a mechanic, and has been for 15+ years, and has seen the effect of, to put it simpily, idiots who have used avgas in there road cars.

It $&#$% them, end of story.

But hey, to each there own.

What problems exactly did it cause? I know a number of people with both race and road motors that have used Avgas regularly with no problems (no oxygen sensors though). As long as the car is tuned for it it should be fine.

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Postby Dragger_Dan » Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:32 am

If the motor is built and tuned to run avgas (like a blueprinted 406 winsor), then there is no problem at all. But I have seen a number of Jap cars using avgas with little or no problems. Just don't use it all the time or you get the lead deposits.

Postby Dr-X » Thu Jan 06, 2005 12:33 pm

Just_Juzz wrote:Just gonna turn into a flame contest.

No it's not, I'm just asking you to justify your comment. But obviously you cant. Your brothers best friends ex wife's new partners mother in law's friendly neighbourhood mechanic isnt around to ask what exactly using avgas will cause.
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Postby Just_Juzz » Thu Jan 06, 2005 12:43 pm

My comment were made on the knowledge wich other people have told me, who I deemed qualified to know these things.

I cant magically pull a piece of paper out of places that will say all.

What I should have said was " I have been told by a mechanic that it will wreck your engine, due to the avgas holding and attracting water to itself."
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Postby Dr-X » Thu Jan 06, 2005 12:48 pm

Just_Juzz wrote:My comment were made on the knowledge wich other people have told me, who I deemed qualified to know these things.

I cant magically pull a piece of paper out of places that will say all.

What I should have said was " I have been told by a mechanic that it will wreck your engine, due to the avgas holding and attracting water to itself."

Yes that is exactly what you should have said. That way, anyone who knows the basic law of forums knows that they can disregard your comment.

The basic law, of course, being that you disregard any comment that starts with "Someone told me..." or "I've heard..." or "From what I've been told..." etc.
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Postby vvega » Thu Jan 06, 2005 3:18 pm

add to that anything that utters out of your mouth and i think you have a winning combo D:

Postby 10k 20v » Thu Jan 06, 2005 3:50 pm

leaded fuels also damage catalytic converts, the main reason the world went unleaded so manufacuters can fit these wonderful devices which lower emissions, of course there are more benifits as well as there are no longer lead emissions and when we pour fuel the lead isn't absorbed into our bloodstream through our skin
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Postby RedMist » Thu Jan 06, 2005 4:17 pm

VVega, can I join your club? It seems a worthy cause.

Ewan, ever washed your hands in av gas... wild ride!
Last edited by RedMist on Thu Jan 06, 2005 8:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Chickenman » Thu Jan 06, 2005 4:38 pm

My first job when I left school (the first time)was at an Auto electrical place.... I cleaned alternator and starter motor housings in something that could only be described as .. . evil. My boss said that it was a mixture of lotsa things... including avgas... might have just bin pulling a 16 yo's leg though.
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Postby vvega » Thu Jan 06, 2005 4:57 pm

RedMist wrote:VVega, can I join your club? It seems a worthy cause.

Ewan, every washed your hands in av gas... wild ride!

lol feel free
if only the funky chicken caught on this fast

Postby ChaosAD » Fri Jan 07, 2005 12:49 pm

You saying it gets sold for more when it goes off? do u need a licence to buy it off u guys?
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Postby DVLRCR » Fri Jan 07, 2005 1:03 pm

no, no license but we might get you to sign a form saying "i bought this sh*t for my off-road bike/jetski etc etc"
the next few days where i can't sere properly sometimes is on Sat. night between 8.00 and 8.30 (we close at 8.30 thats why i might be too busy to notice sertain things) and also on sunday early morning between 6.30 am and 7.30 am (at that time im still halve asleep so i mustve not seen things properly aye :wink: ) but as i said, this only happens when people talk to me first :? my roster changes from week to week so i might just post up my roster evry week or so :D
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Postby wde_bdy » Fri Jan 07, 2005 1:15 pm

What happens is the Avgas passes its accepted shelf life for aircraft use, so gets redyed a different colour and sold off as race gas. If you can get near an airport it is better to source the fresh stuff, if not it isn't a bad alternative.

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Postby DVLRCR » Sun Jan 09, 2005 1:51 pm

LUMIN8 wrote:dvlcr if i were you i wouldnt divulge too much information like rosters etc.

if some wanker decides to rat you out, or the boss sees these posts, you might have a lot of explaining to do given the evidence.

i once called my boss a wanker on radio, over a uniform issue thinking he would never know coz he never listens to the radio station.

i had a call on my cell within 3 minutes. i was in it biiiiigggg.

if you look closely you will see that i never told anyone to come in and fill up their car, i just told you stuff that has happened in the past. the reason i put my roster up is so that you people can come and see my starlet :wink:
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Postby DVLRCR » Sun Jan 09, 2005 1:54 pm

purple_beasty wrote:What happens is the Avgas passes its accepted shelf life for aircraft use, so gets redyed a different colour and sold off as race gas. If you can get near an airport it is better to source the fresh stuff, if not it isn't a bad alternative.


that sounds about right (its the same thing i said but i just said that the octane level dropes and that only happens when its past the accepted shelf life)
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Postby CozmoNz » Sun Jan 09, 2005 2:30 pm

DVLRCR wrote:
LUMIN8 wrote:dvlcr if i were you i wouldnt divulge too much information like rosters etc.

if some wanker decides to rat you out, or the boss sees these posts, you might have a lot of explaining to do given the evidence.

i once called my boss a wanker on radio, over a uniform issue thinking he would never know coz he never listens to the radio station.

i had a call on my cell within 3 minutes. i was in it biiiiigggg.

if you look closely you will see that i never told anyone to come in and fill up their car, i just told you stuff that has happened in the past. the reason i put my roster up is so that you people can come and see my starlet :wink:

but ur boss runs a business, obviously he knows what your on about, its not like he cant read >.>
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Postby DVLRCR » Sun Jan 09, 2005 11:42 pm

yeah but he cant do shit about it though and my boss doesn't read this anyway. he owns a merc :x
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