AUXILARY AIR VALVE.. The book says....
Inspect Air Valve Operation (w/o Air Flow Meter = with MAP Sensor)
(a) Remove the air cleaner hose.
(b) Check the engine rpm by closing the air port on the throttle body
(= put your finger over the sucking hole

At low temp (coolant temp below 80 deg C.... the engine rpm should drop.
After warmup.... check that the engine rpm does not drop more than 100 rpm.
If operation is not as specified, replace the air valve.
Sooooooo.... as I understand it, this says that there will be a lot more air
running through the valve when the engine is cold. Going by what you
have described the air valve must be stuck open.
You can confirm this by seeing if you can set the idle with the idle speed
adjustment screw (with the engine hot) while you have the air port
blocked off.
Cheers...... jondee86