Are all ae82s interchangable???

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Are all ae82s interchangable???

Postby skoty » Tue Jan 18, 2005 11:00 pm

Sorry if its already been posted but awhile back I purchased an ae82 NZ new Corolla liftback GT as a project. As I searched deeper into the car to discovered I had major rust problems and had a lot of other issues with the body to get a warrant however the engine/drivetrain were very well indeed.

So.... I'm thinking about buying another ae82 in almost mint condition, preferably owned buy some nana lol and swap my engine/drivetrain over into the new body along with rear discs etc and gt dash cluster.

The question is, if the ae82 i buy was originally equipped with an A series engine such as a 4A, will it be a sipple swap of my 4age etc??? Anyone done it, had the same situation?
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Postby skoty » Tue Jan 18, 2005 11:04 pm

BTW i still have the entire car, so I have parts such as the in-tank fuel pump and other required parts.
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Postby ee904age » Wed Jan 19, 2005 7:46 am

Yes its possible. Ive done it in my AE82 liftback. Depending on your wiring ability the engine can be done in a day, not sure bout the dash tho. PM me for more details.
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Postby skoty » Wed Jan 19, 2005 8:06 am

Cheers I may need to give you a ring about it. Did you have any probs with the engine/g/box going straight in? I've got the complete existing loom and ECU.
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Postby pc » Wed Jan 19, 2005 8:53 am

I've done this exact thing, I think the frame I swapped into was an AE81. everything just bolts in, no worries. Be prepared to swap 'everything' tho.... loom, fuel lines etc.
The only things that didn't swap were the braces at the bottom of the front strut towers (no screw holes in the chassis) The top braces I had to drill holes for. and there are no mount holes for some of the exhaust heat shielding in some spots.
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Postby ee904age » Wed Jan 19, 2005 12:22 pm

I just had the engine, loom ecu and box. Just used the std box and kept the 4AGE one as a spare but mine is starting to get noisey so it wil pay to use the GE one to start with. I had to get and external fuel pump etc but as you have the whole car you can just use the EFI tank with internal pump.

Its a straight out and in job plus the wiring which is the most time consuming part but I can explain how to do it when the time comes.

I cant offer any help with the rear brakes as I still have the drums on mine.

I did a basic step by step write up on mine so I will dig it out and PM it to you to give you an idea on what needs doing.

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Postby TRDWGN » Wed Jan 19, 2005 5:50 pm

Most NZ spec AE/EE80/82's have the 2 lower braces between firewall and inner guard so get a NZ shell and the only aspect that won't bolt in is the factory top strut brace you will need to drill holes and either tap them or bolt it from behind. Try to get a GL model not a DX or XL spec as the lower spec models had a fixed back seat rather than the split folding rears of the GL and GT's. Dashes etc will interchange no problems. I think you need to swap hand brake cable over too for rear disc's. but yeah piece of p1ss, unbolt rebolt :lol:
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Postby skoty » Wed Jan 19, 2005 7:24 pm

Cheers, so pretty simple when chucking everything back into another fwd ae82 right? What about the clutch, doesn't the original use a cable clutch therefore will there be a mounting on the firewall for the clutch resivor and lines etc? ...or do they all use the hydraulic c52?

The good thing is like I said Ive got the COMPLETE ae82 gt on my driveway as my donor :) Is there any variation whether the ae82 is a hatch, liftback or sedan? Is there anything else I should know before I go buy up my grandma spec rolla? :roll:
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Postby TRDWGN » Wed Jan 19, 2005 7:43 pm

Nah all use hydro clutch set up....
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Postby 4agepwr » Thu Jan 20, 2005 9:18 pm

once u swap it all over tho it will never really be a real GT tho :) :P
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Postby ee904age » Thu Jan 20, 2005 9:24 pm

The only problem you MIGHT come across is a difference in fuel tanks. Im not sure if sedan and hatch are the same. However this can be overcome by using the std tank with an external pump.

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Postby skoty » Thu Jan 20, 2005 9:57 pm

4agepwr wrote:it will never really be a real GT tho :) :P

Yeh true, but u'll understand why I've swapped it over when you see it, 350,000kays and 13 owners did it some serious harm :cry:
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Postby skoty » Thu Jan 20, 2005 10:00 pm

ee904age wrote:The only problem you MIGHT come across is a difference in fuel tanks. Im not sure if sedan and hatch are the same. However this can be overcome by using the std tank with an external pump.


That was something I was a bit curious about however I am trying to find another liftback ae82, but there still is the possibility of a sedan. I was trying to avoid needing to shell out for an external pump as then I would need to start modifying things.
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Postby ee904age » Thu Jan 20, 2005 10:22 pm

If you cant use the fx tank, just sell it and buy a VL Commodore pump and thats it. Nothing else needs modifying to use an external, its up to you if you use a surge tank but I dont think its necessary for road use.
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Postby TRDWGN » Fri Jan 21, 2005 4:45 pm

I would just about be willing to put money on the fact that the tanks are identical in fitment, PM Revhead and see if he can look up the part numbers and see if they list different no.s for hatch to sedan, the floorpan is identical i would think, put the GT Tank in and remenber to take the return line from the GT also as carbie ones do not have this.
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