by Rasker » Mon Jan 24, 2005 8:13 am
Had a major oil leak last August, my usual mechanic called it as being the Head Gasket needing replacement, thought that was a little odd, so took it into Toyota Botany who after 30 minutes of poking around found it to be the Rocker Cover Gaskets, Distributor O rings, and the Oil Sump.
They did a good job took them all day, even called me up when they thought there was another problem with the bearings, even checked out the potential issue for free.
All in all their parts were rather pricey, but the labour worked out the same as my normal mechanics rates.
They did a good job hasn't leaked a drop of oil since so in a classic rating system it would look like this (1-10, 10 being best)
Part Pricing - 5 ($310 for an oil sump........ F&^K!)
Labour Charges - 9.9
Knowledge of a SW20 - 10 (were able to get the aircon compressor off the car easily, others wanted to remove the head gasket to get to it)
Administration side - 7 (tended to be lost without the mechanics)
Likely hood of taking a stickey problem to them again - 8
Apart from the part pricing and the admin side being a bit slow, I'd happily take my car back when another tough to figure out issue comes up.