Which party do you support?

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Which party you support?

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Total votes : 41

Postby MikeE » Mon Jun 17, 2002 11:00 pm

ummmmm the greens were not pro "boy racer" when they voted against clayton cosgroves bill in parliament. They were voting against it cause Nandor was against giving police discretionary powers etc. Also cause the stuff was already covered under current law.

The greens are against "car culture" and everthing with it, see the post by 1COOLBABE on www.nzhondas.com (do a search for greens + boy racer amendment bill)

I'm voting act. Lower the taxes, give the bums less money, help out students who are gonna earn the country more money and get rid of the criminals.

The saddest thing is those who don't vote cause they think they are making some sort of statement! I just can't understand them!
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Postby Stupra » Wed Jun 19, 2002 10:12 pm

BlakJak wrote:Stupra, learn to use Fullstops and Capital Letters and it will make your messages so much easier to read! (Id suffocate if i tried to read your message out loud lol)

cool man i keep forgetting when im typing hard. ill edit it soon.

The lower taxes will be better for everyone really. Businesses are getting taxed heaps its nearly running my dad out of business. Businesses are what makes the world grow and gets people off the streets. It employs people and makes profit and more money to be invested. It works for the US and Aussie and euro nations so why does our current government have to think differently?. The greens are anti business they would ban electricity if it wasnt invented yet. I wont vote act because they wont suit the majority of people, only business and working class people would benefit from it the mostand the bums would starve and die. My dad owns a carpentry business and if the greens were in power the taxes would be way to high for him to make profit or pay wages and they'd also ban logging or put taxes on trees which would put him out of business aswell.

Labour are a bunch of academics who cant handle work but sit and dictate us on what NZ should be doing. Like taxing the rich and working people more and giving it to the poor by giving higher paying and more benefits. If you give poor people more money they wont invest it and end up making money themselves, they will only get more and more greedy and start to complain and ask for more eventually. People would rather take the doll instead of work since you can earn around $400+ a week on it! in some cases these days.
With the teachers more than half of the time there in the classroom there just trying to control the kids and not getting time to teach them much. So we need more teachers and less kids per room. More schools and more teachers. There pay arguement will never end as teachers are getting more kids in there classrooms each year. So i dont blame them for complaining. There only getting around $8 per hour after tax and doing heaps of work after hours and putting up with misbehaving kids. There doing a parents job at the same time really.

Ill vote national i reckon. There in the middle of most issues have mid tax rate and stuff like that and good points on crime and important issues and will probably invest our tax more wisely. To much tax will make us poorer and the whole country poorer and most of the tax just gets invested into the doll and useless investments with labour in power. What are they going to do with the money from the airforce? it hasnt gone into the navy or the army has it. What are they gonna do with higher road taxes? the roads still suck and people still cant drive. They have invested into stupid signs like "dont be a domino" and speed kills ad campaigns and "30 minutes a day you gotta push play" there a waste of money those ads. I think they should Invest the money into better roads and driver training. More schools and better qualified teachers and more for the police so they can put it to use on catching real criminals not us boyracers. We should tax small business less so they can employ more staff and get taxes from them instead of the companys. The country would be a much better place then i bet to live and to work.
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Postby ST185 » Wed Jun 19, 2002 10:41 pm

Ok, who are the 8 people who voted for the greens...come on...own up..
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Postby LUMIN8 » Wed Jun 19, 2002 11:08 pm

more to the point who r the 8 ppl who voted labour? all helen and her minions are doing are opting to fight other ppls wars, and they're happy to waste money on an airline who's executives think ppl will be more willing to use them if they make their flights even more sh1t than they already are! not to mention welcoming any blood sucking somalian with their 16 children showering them with state houses and all the benefits in the book, but when it comes to letting in a few zimbabwian farmers who might actually add to our economy instead of draining it helen sings a different tune. if you vote labour, your not paying attention to the damage helen is doing. If you don't vote at all, you don't deserve an opinion. We need some changes, and the only good thing going for the greens is that relaxing leaf they smoke so much...

my 1 million cents worth!

P.S. STOP voting labour, this country won't last till the next election otherwise!
LUMIN8 {lu•mi•nate}

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Postby evlbob » Thu Jun 20, 2002 10:14 am

Labour is a socialist party, all they want to do is take money from those that have it and give it to those that site on the couch. Helen is a dictator, she is always there in the bakground pulling the strings. She has no kids and so doesn't understand the thinking of the average NZer.

Greens, while I agree with their stance on environmental issues I don't think restricting the country in research and development will help us to prosper.

National has some good policies but I don't think that they are on the right track for the best interest of the people

Act seems to be the only party promising what people want. Lower taxes, tougher sentences for crims, and to help out students. If you actually work the numbers you will find that two tax rates with different thresholds earns more than the current system. Once you take into account the fact that people have more disposable income which they are more likely to spend then the tax take is more.

Basically if you want the country to become richer then the first place to invest, I think, would be in students. Get student debt down so that they are have more disposable income to reinvest in the economy. At the same time the coutries debt needs to be looked at. The situation for NZ is only going to get worse, this is why our talented people are leaving in such large numbers, because of an aging population. Our generation, known as Y generation, is smaller than the X generation, our parents. Over the next twenty years, as they start to retire, the country is going to need more money to support pensions. So if debt was minimised now then we would be in a better position in the future to support the oldies.

Maybe if benefits and salaries for ministers were cut then the pay disputes from different industries may be settled.

At the end of the day each party has its pros and cons. Each group is trying to force their beliefs on others but if people were more tolerant of others and worked together for the greater good then NZ would be a much better place to live and work.

I think that I will be voting Act this run.


P.S. to those who aren't going to vote. I believe that you owe it to everyone else to vote, it is your duty as a NZer to do so. If you don't vote then don't complain when things don't work for you.
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Postby Stupra » Thu Jun 20, 2002 8:11 pm

i agree with you guys comments.
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Postby ST185 » Thu Jun 20, 2002 10:52 pm

And thats why im voting ACT.
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Postby Stupra » Thu Jun 20, 2002 11:04 pm

My old man used to be in the ACT party doing something, now hes moved to national as its bigger and he can have his voice heard a bit better. Still agree with ACT's polices they have the right ideas. But the more votes national get then the better becauase then labour will be out and ACT will be in with national having a say and things should work out alright.
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Postby Twolitre » Thu Jun 20, 2002 11:17 pm

I tend to agree with pretty much everything evlbob wrote, it all makes a lot of sense really, the countries economy will not be able to sustain itself once all the baby boomers have retired if the goverment continues to steal from the rich to give to the poor.
They spend more on the DPB than all of the armed forces........... Go figure :?
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Postby BlackMR2 » Fri Jun 21, 2002 1:46 pm

I'm going to go with national, as the lesser of all the various evils
mostly for selfish reasons, the better they make it for businesses, the more chance I might have of a pay rise.
But I do like anyone with a hard line on crime and welfare
free health and free education are sweet and beneficial to everyone
but being a couch potato should not be a professional sport.
work for the dole I say, god know's theres enough rubbish lying around
if nothing else.
or get a Job, I would rather work in a supermarket or at McD's than
get a handout.
and who know's GE could be the cure for cancer to answer the greenies.
anything that makes food bigger and tastier is cool by me.
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Postby Stupra » Mon Jun 24, 2002 5:51 pm

Nationals website if anyones interested, it has all their policies on education, defence, crime etc. www.national.org.nz
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Postby MrOizo » Mon Jun 24, 2002 9:49 pm

if all these parties are going to be cutting taxes... where else are they getting the money from?

prob more cops on the road revenue collecting? some thing to think about
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Postby Stupra » Tue Jun 25, 2002 7:43 pm

quite easy really, we managed 8 years with national before with lower taxes and things were sweet, labour hasnt made many mistakes much so there still quite popular but as far as i can see the taxes are higher now and nothing has changed? so i wont be voting for labour. If people get taxed less then there will be more money for everyone to spend and reinvest which makes the economy and businesses grow. As proved in the US and Aussy. The stronger the economy then the more we can earn and the more businesses there are then there are more jobs available and less bums on the doll and the place will be better overall. More money less crime etc. The goverment controls way to much already and everything that is government owned is inefficient because theres no competition. Why do you think privately owned hospitals and schools are so much better?. In the US there are way less available benefits and more private industry and it works! there the most powerfull nation. They have a higher rate of homeless people over there than nz but have the most succesful people in the world aswell and endless opportunitys.

If you dont work then u dont get anything. We are too soft in NZ. The US can have less tax and heaps better services like hospitals and schools etc. Since the taxes went up in NZ there has been heaps more differnet benefits available and a higher doll money rate. U can earn more on the doll these days than work in some cases. 1 third of the population is on some kind of benefit at the moment. Socialist partys like labour believe that if you tax the rich more and give it to the poor then those poor people will have more money to spend and can afford more stuff and get work. But it doesnt work that way. If you give poor people more money they get greedy, they dont want to work in the end and never give anything back to NZ they should be on the streets homeless otherwise find work, simple as that and not get paid to do nothing by us.

To have less taxes you need to have less benefits and more private industry. It takes time becuase where so far behind in NZ compared to the rest of the world but we can catch up still. Voting for the greens or labour which are the closest thing to communism then the longer we will staying behind the rest of world. The greens would ban electrcity if it was new and they cant turn back time GE and nuclear energy is here already. The weet bix they eat is GE and the cars they drive and appliances they use are made from nuclear energy arnt they. They are a pointless backwards one issue party NZ would be stuffed if they were in power.
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Postby RAZA » Mon Jul 08, 2002 7:25 pm

On reading the above I am wondering about ACT and where Richard Prebbles seemingly miraculous promises are going to be funded from.

If lowering the tax rate was going to increase the total tax take then I'm sure the others would have looked pretty hard at it.
I'm no huge labour fan but they would surely know that putting taxes up would cost them support so you'd think they would have dropped them if they thought they could.

If ACT is going to take less from income tax how are they going to sort out student debt as they claim?, will it come from healthcare, or roading, or something else?
Maybe they plan on disbanding the army and Navy as well as the airforce?
Maybe they will put up petrol tax to fill the gap left by lower income tax. Those who say that lowering tax will cause more spending are right, but surely handing out benefits also creates more spending?
I don't want to have my whole earnings taxed away but I dont want to get mugged by homeless people who live on the street cause they've got no benefit and cant get a job either.

Just my thoughts anyway :D
dont want to upset anyone, just really don't trust politicians.

PS. seems strange for a car club pole to have that many people voting for greens who seem dead keen on stopping us using cars wherever possible.
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Postby Stupra » Mon Jul 08, 2002 8:10 pm

RAZA wrote:PS. seems strange for a car club pole to have that many people voting for greens who seem dead keen on stopping us using cars wherever possible.

Crazy aye i read in autocar magazine the other day an article about what the politicians from the main partys policies were on roads and cars. The greens would like to add an extra dollar onto pertol tax which wont happen. And spend more money promoting bicycles and public transport. Fark that! and they have a anti motorway MP in there party.

Theres to many cars on the road now and they wont go away and people are so used to cars and wouldnt want to convert to public transport. So spending money on promoting it would never work. Since theres heaps of cars here and people will never ditch them, the only way the roads and drivers will get better is if you spend the money on more efficent highways and motorways. Better driver training like teaching people how to control cars in dangerous situations and make it heaps more advanced and stuff like that, instead of mind numbing driver training like they have now which just makes unconfident slow boring dangerous drivers. Handicapts could get a lisence in this country if they could remember how to indicate and turn the steering wheel. So better drivers and safer more efficient roads would be the only way to make things better on the road for everyone. You cant turn back time and take away the millions of cars and get people to start using stinky busses and riding bikes. Adding petrol tax shouldnt be the only way to pay for it. Petrol taxes are higher now with labour in power and the roads are still crap. So spending less on benefits and state owned rubbish will help for sure as theres millions of dollars going into the dole and crap goverment spending.

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Postby evlbob » Tue Jul 09, 2002 5:44 pm

Can't remember where I read it (either here or on nzmmc, sorry but thought the idea should be here) but somebody had a great concept

Put the tax you pay straight into a student loan. If half of my tax was put into my loan then it would be paid of a damn sight quicker. I am adiment that doing this would stem the brain drain.

The Greens need to rethink their approach to pollution. Putting up petrol tax isn't going to fix the problem because people will realise how much is being made and demand a tax cut to compensate. What needs to be done is to put more money into R&D to find a way to cut car emissions (without cutting power :twisted: )

The idea of cutting the personal tax rates and moving from the current three teir system to a two teir will work. If you got a tax cut what are you more likely to spend the extra $$ on, your car? gas for your car? The money lost from the direct tax take would be mostly gained back from the indirect tax take. To take it further, reducing the company tax rate will mean that companies cold pay employees more - more $$ means more spending. With a lower company tax rate than Australia we could lure some big business here, more jobs, more $$ more spending.

Unfortunately money doesn't grow on trees (I wish) so socialism can only work for a short while before people realise they are getting poorer. NZ is getting poorer and poorer all the time because of a crippling tax take. For NZ to get back to where it was about four years ago we need lower tax. Lower tax lifts our standard of living which in turn makes us a richer country.

Bring on the tax cuts I say....I need to do some engine work ;)

:shock: so that's how it works...

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Postby Stupra » Tue Jul 09, 2002 8:57 pm

damn right! so true
makes more sense when someone else explains it.
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Postby dragonx » Wed Jul 10, 2002 12:54 am

ok I have changed my mind I was going to vote act but now will be voting greens, but wait (b4 my account gets deleted :)) let me explain.

I was going to vote act for lower taxes and reduced social spending (read: morons breeding "DPB", My neighbours "dole")
but thought the country is not quite ready for my thinking, so this is what I have decided, if I vote greens, we may get more social policies in the short term, which is bound to piss a greater number of ppl off, thus in six years time they will all be ready to vote act !!! (2 elections time)

you may say that this makes little sense, but when you consider that a labour govt is heading that way anyway(breeding morons), which in turn will prolly take 15 years b4 they piss enough ppl off to get act type policy.

so I figure that while the pain over the next 6 years will be make me vomit every day, the thought of 15 years of labour policy makes me want to leap from the sky tower.

and well national ? are they really any different than labour.

and as a passig thought
The government announced today that it is changing it's emblem to a condom because it more clearly reflects the government's political stance. A condom stands up to inflation, halts production, destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of pricks, and gives you a sense of security while you're actually getting screwed.
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Postby Stupra » Wed Jul 10, 2002 8:28 pm

bugger that. dont vote greens there a bunch of nutters. the more popular they get the more people will start to think maybe they should vote for them. Its just the way most people think. They dont understand all the policies of each party and dont really care and end up voting for whoever seems to be popular at the time. Like the greens are now. there getting lots of attention so people think they should vote for them. So voting greens will only make things worse and eventually they will get more powerfull than ever.

National and labour are totally different. There polices on things only differ slightly from each other and neither party has all the best ideas to themselves but there main view is way different.
Labour is a socialist party who think there should be higher tax so theres more government spending and more state owned stuff and want everybody to be more equal so theres no real poor people or real rich people. Kinda like communism in a way. Its good for real poor people but not very kind on the people who do succeed in life and make decent money. More state owned stuff wont work if they keep bringing in unskilled immigrants. If they bring in Skilless immigrants who dont pay tax and just live off ours and also use state schools and hospitals. Then socialsim cant work in the long term. The country would get poorer and poorer and put way to much strain on our resources. And thats whats happening slowly right now. Sooner or later you will be seeing higher taxes for everything. Petrol and income taxes etc. And lots more small taxes on everything called levy's and lots of other things.

Nationals Main view is less tax and less state owned stuff and more privately owned stuff. So more jobs equals more employment and more tax for the government in that way instead. Which is way better. for people who succeed in life they should get rewarded and not taxed more. So people who will get taxed less will have more money to spend and can put it back into the government by way of GST instead. It works all around the world that way and those countrys can develop and grow. WIth labour in power the country will get poorer and poorer and people will continue to get fed up and cruise off overseas.
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Postby Wildcard » Wed Jul 10, 2002 8:43 pm

Did anyone else watch the interview with Helen Clarke on TV3 tonight at 7:00? It was an interview recorded last night that they only played today - re the GE debate. John Campbell had Helen over a barrell, was very interesting to watch! Possibly he was being a bit harsh on her, but still, made for good televsion :o

Reminded me of that famous interview where Muldoon [sp] walked out because ther interviewer pissed him off, and then that poor guy was subsequently banned from parliment etc..... lets hope that doesn't happen here :roll: Not that I remember that, a bit before my time, but I remember reading about it years later...
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