Caldina GTT Manual conversion

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Caldina GTT Manual conversion

Postby Stikki » Mon Feb 21, 2005 2:56 pm

hey everyone im pretty knew here i have a 97 caldina gtt ands its tiptronic and im wondering how much i'd be looking at if he as to get it converted to manual i've had enough of the auto and will lose a fair bit of money if i try selling and getting a manual but if converting is gonna be too expensive i'll probably do that,

neways i know its kind of an out there question coz there are so many factors to bring into it but if some nice people could give me an idea of what parts are needed and wheres a good place to get it done that would be much appreciated
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Postby Mr Revhead » Mon Feb 21, 2005 3:02 pm

to be honest it prob would be cheaper to just sell and buy a manual....
i belevie the electrics are reasonanbly complicated on these, and different enough between the manaul and auto to cause plenty of headaches...
there is a member who knows a bit about the sparky side of these... im sure he'll add his advice when he sees this thread
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Postby Dr-X » Mon Feb 21, 2005 3:34 pm

You would definately be better off selling and buying a manual. Why would you lose big money doing this? They should be similarly priced, for every manual buyer there's a couple of auto buyers - you were one.

I'll never understand people who buy an auto car which is abundantly available in maual (if you look hard enough) when they wanted a manual in the first place. The mind boggles.
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Postby Inane » Mon Feb 21, 2005 4:06 pm

Hey Stikki-

have you driven a Manual GTT Caldina????

if not, I would take one for a drive before you start getting "sick" of the tiptronic.....

if you real problem is with the TRC/VSC then install a switch :twisted:
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Postby 99gtt » Mon Feb 21, 2005 8:25 pm

I test drove 6 Caldina's before i finally bought my current one. Two of which were tiptronic and i must say although you can choose when 2 change gears you still have to wait for the auto response and the initial take off is piss poor.once you drive a manual you will definatly hate the auto. you can not launch an automatic and before you say yes you can ,price up the cost of a new auto box when you rev up in nuetral and slam it into drive.
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Postby Lloyd » Mon Feb 21, 2005 8:29 pm

Heh, cause thats how you launch in an auto...
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Postby Dr-X » Mon Feb 21, 2005 9:29 pm

99gtt, you have no idea. Only a complete meat axe would launch like that. The piss poor launching can be solved VERY simply. Do a search for VSV.
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Postby Stikki » Tue Feb 22, 2005 11:25 am

well the car was bought as a company car and then they decided to sell it so i took it off thier hands for a discounted rate, im not gonna lose big money but what i spent on the springs and mags and a few other bits isn't really gonna add much to the value of a car, but thank-you all for your input im gonna try go to a car yard and drive a manual one today, when i bought the car i bought it coz it looks cool and drives smooth and only really got into cars after i had owned it for a while and realised its not worthwhile doing any mods to an auto but yeah whats a gtt lowered 35mms on shadow chrome 17's with a custon towbar and 130,000kms on the clock worth lol
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Postby Inane » Tue Feb 22, 2005 11:34 am

Dr-X wrote:99gtt, you have no idea. Only a complete meat axe would launch like that. The piss poor launching can be solved VERY simply. Do a search for VSV.

For once I agree with Dr-X :)

make that a search for VSC

The auto box in the GTT has been known to happily hold 450 W HP

I own the Tip tronic GTT, and USED to want to get a Manual one,

after driving the Manual one, which disappointed me a lot, Im totally satisfied with MY tiptronic.

I dont know what tiptronics others have driven, but My gearbox certainly changes much faster than all but the very fastest drivers (as in drivers changing gear)
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Postby Dr-X » Tue Feb 22, 2005 11:51 am

Stikki - You could always take the springs and mags off, and put them on the new Caldina. But if it were me, I would keep the auto.
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Postby Stikki » Tue Feb 22, 2005 3:05 pm

yeah i'll just drive a manual and if im not overly excited i'll stick with the auto, but i can't see that happening as for mags and springs i would have to get some replacement wheels as i sold mine to get the springs lol and got the springs done at a mag shop and should of but didn't get the factory springs back off them lol :oops: but i will have a shop around and see what happens, cheers guys
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Postby HZRDIZ » Tue Feb 22, 2005 5:17 pm

Keep the auto if you do alot of driving round town. While my cars been in getting fixed ive been driving an auto the last couple of days and i tell you driving the auto in auckland traffic has been great.
Tip tronic is alright - it gives you both options just without a clutch - if youre not going to be racing it down the strip dont bother. Save yourself the hassle
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