4age 20v cold air box picture

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4age 20v cold air box picture

Postby agrath » Tue Feb 22, 2005 8:53 pm

Hi all,
Anyone got a pod filter mounted in a 4age 20v with the battery still in the bonnet and a cold air box (preferably still using the factory air intake)

Mine's currently floating in the engine bay and I don't really want to move the battery to the boot. Coming up for a warrant in 2 months and my battery is currently not secured in a way that i'll get a warrant for, so i really need to do something about it.

I'd love a few pictures of what other people have done. I can clone other peoples work but not really design my own :P
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Re: 4age 20v cold air box picture

Postby Sav » Tue Feb 22, 2005 9:02 pm

agrath wrote:I'd love a few pictures of what other people have done. I can clone other peoples work but not really design my own :P

Well said i must say.
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Postby agrath » Tue Feb 22, 2005 9:49 pm

I just noticed

Not really appropriate but wanting a similar thing... except remember the silvertop is afm!
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Postby lotstodo » Tue Feb 22, 2005 10:38 pm

Heres what i did in my ae101 silver top. A thick stainless steel box welded together and coated in heat proofing spray. 3" Alloy Pipes plumed to it from inside front grill. Also seals from the bonnet but you cant see that here. Might look a bit messy as i havent got round to putting wrap over the pipes or cleaning it after i made it. I used one of those "cyclone" K&Ns as they are smaller and apparantley work better with smaller engines (i only said apparatley - repco guy told me this, dont know if i believe him or not) Anyway it worked out great as the batt stayed in the origanal spot. And i even tested the temps out. Up to 30deg cooler inside the box.

You lot will prob laugh at my efforts but it seems to work sweet for me.




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Postby lotstodo » Tue Feb 22, 2005 10:46 pm

Actually it was a whole lot of effort for nothing, well nothing noticeable.
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Postby agrath » Wed Feb 23, 2005 7:21 am

thanks for your pictures -- anyone else?
if you have a cold air box, which is sealed and fed from the factory intake, effectively the amount of air available to the engine is the same as it was before, right?
The filter might be more efficent and allow a greater pressure or flow to get to the NA engine, but if you cover it in a box, it can only suck air as fast as it can get up the pipe into the airbox right?
I guess its a tradeoff between floating pod and hot air being sucked in and a closed pod with limited air intake.

More pics anyone!?
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Postby agrath » Sat Feb 26, 2005 1:10 pm

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Postby CozmoNz » Sat Feb 26, 2005 3:54 pm

got a vac guage?

if you do, give her a run @ full throttle in a high gear so you can see it for long enough, if she goes to 0 then tapers back vac... so say it shoots up to 0.. then comes back to 3vac, or ANYTHING below 0 (at full throttle) you have a restrictive intake (the more vac the more restrictive).

thats when you think about replacing your intake system...

if it shoots ot 0 and sits there... nothing wrong with your system, no restriction... its getting all the air it needs / wants.

at wot there shouldnt be vacume... pressure should be equal in your intake box, plenium (if you wanna call it that) and ouside pressure.... if your engine is still needing to *suck* the air (remember a throttle body being a massive restriction.. obviously to control the engine rpm :P), but if you have a restriction you can be rid of. do so.
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Postby agrath » Sat Feb 26, 2005 10:49 pm

well i think the pod filter (aside from sounding good) may have made a small diff but either way, its just something you do
the whole thing with the cold air was cause when im sitting in traffic the pod filters sucking hot air from engine bay, not really a problem when im moving
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