by atmosports » Wed Feb 23, 2005 5:17 pm
100thou shims, would be custom made, we make them all the time for other engines, any good machine shop & some reconditioners/camgrinders etc should be able to either make or supply something suitable. Don't use 2 shims above, yes they tip over & jam, seen broken cams,camcaps etc , I have even seem single shims tilt over in underbucket setups, very rare but can happen.
From memory Yamaha don't do thicker shims either, as I'm sure that we've been done this road before, but should be able to match them up, probably off another bike or maybe a car like 5v/cylinder Audi etc.
As for valves, there will be no specific off the shelf straight fit in a 20V job, but you can buy stainless blanks with the right head shape/size/angle etc & then face/grind to length & if necessary change the retainer grooves to suit or just change the retainers. It is not as expensive as it sounds. Don't build up the stems or bolt something on to them, it will fail end of story, just like welded up cams, the weld will crack off & destroy your motor, spend the $$ & do it properly, get a cam ground on a new blank, don't weld up an old one.