most of the work i did was to get the flow to come down over the valve rather than accross the top of it this involed changing the very shallow rad that was over the valve to deeper shape
i believe that this increases tumble
air just skimming the top of the valve and heading over to the ex side of the bore IMO cant be good for swirl or tumble and its still a very focused flow
whereas making the vavle disperce the flow into the clyinder sould give a more disrupted and even cylander fill
the sides where just cleaning off the flashing and yes a little bit or boundry layer work
the exhaust guides hung down quite low and i felt they added a large restriction to the exhaust flow thought the outer port is bigger than any other 4age the attuall valve pocket is smaller
i just tried to open that to be equivalen
unfortunatly the gude had to saying that there very long internally
i aiming to get 250+ kw out of this head so every little bit counts
i dont wanna just do it with massive amounts of boost
this is just my way of doing the head
and been the fact there is no real testing around with blactop heads and flow im just having a play