4AGZE-ing a FX GT

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4AGZE-ing a FX GT

Postby HZRDIZ » Tue Mar 08, 2005 5:08 pm

In my thoughts today and my thirst for boost I had a mass brain wave.
'Why not just turbo my little car and have something a tad little unique?'
Which makes me wonder - how much generally for a reasonable 4AGZE engine and turbo kit?
Would it be easier to buy a written off 4AGZE and just swap everything over?
What would be a rough estimate? I wouldve thought around the $5000 mark but i could be a little on the light side there.

Any input would be great.

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Postby Distrb » Tue Mar 08, 2005 5:10 pm

why not spend that money replacing internals and turboing the existing silvertop?

would that not work out cheaper in the long run?
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Postby HZRDIZ » Tue Mar 08, 2005 5:11 pm

Possibly. I guess once you did all that it wouldnt matter that the engine was over 200KMs old
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Postby Dodgy Guy » Tue Mar 08, 2005 6:11 pm

MR revhead might be able to enlighten you on what is needed to be done to turbo a silvertop - although ive heard mixed results about how reliable a turbo silver top is....
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Postby Lloyd » Tue Mar 08, 2005 7:16 pm

Depends how much boost you're wanting to run. If the Silvertop ECU allows for some positive manifold pressure then you could stick with stock internals and just run low boost with timing knocked back a few degrees. (I know they're AFM but not too sure how you'd go with extra pressure being forced down its throat).

If you're wanting to go a bit furthur then you could replace the existing engine with a GZE and associated computer (or find a high comp redtop and throw some GZE psitons at it).

Or if you're wanting higher boost and keeping the 20V head then get some GZE pistons and fit them to your current setup in place of the originals and get an aftermarket ECU and you'll be away.

Note: To turbo mine I think I ended up spending $3000 which was trying to do it on the cheap side of things without playing with internals and starting with a GTZ in the first place.
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Postby Mr Revhead » Tue Mar 08, 2005 8:02 pm

rebuild the 20v with ze pistons.... $600ish for rings and pistons, add another $500-600 for rest of the bits needed to rebuild. and you have what is basiclly a new 20v engine ready for boost, and youv still spent less than buying a 2nd hand 4agze with unknown history.

i reckon it can be done cheaper and with better results than using a 4agze.... only thing is the ecu.. if you can wire it ya self and get a deal.. then itll be ok, if you have to pay full retail for ecu and installation then that can add a bit... but to be honest to get the best results from either you need a link (or similar) which ever one you choose
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Postby GTCRSHR » Wed Mar 09, 2005 9:15 am

4A-GTE is the next step on my car when the time is right
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