i just bought monroe's last weekend, installed them myself this sunday and found that i needed new bumpstops, mine are r00ted. found out that repco's and supercheap didnt have it, and claimed that new bumpstops came with the KYB's, but evidently not with the Monroe's.
a shocks a shocks a shock. but when its a KYB you get a bumpstop with your shock.
i guess.
LUMIN8 {lu•mi•nate}
v. intr. To light up, become lighted; to glow _____________________________________
What the FLICK is up with the lack of seatbelts people!
Remember this: If you DON'T love your kids, DON'T buckle them in.
v. intr. To light up, become lighted; to glow _____________________________________
What the FLICK is up with the lack of seatbelts people!
Remember this: If you DON'T love your kids, DON'T buckle them in.
Bumpstops dont cum with kyb shocks at all . The main difference between kyb and munroe is that kyb is made in asia so suits all the japanese cars and is mainly made for japanese cars whereas the munroes are more suited to the holdens , fords etc as thtats wot they are made to suit .
Find someone who can get you a good deal at repco. Got a rear set of Monroe GT gas shocks for $89. They were for an ae86 and I needed them about 80mm shorter than standard, found the right length and they were listed for a bedford van
lol as usual sounds like someone at repco's / super cheap auto's is fulla shit.
where do these companies find these banana $&#$% monkeys?
LUMIN8 {lu•mi•nate}
v. intr. To light up, become lighted; to glow _____________________________________
What the FLICK is up with the lack of seatbelts people!
Remember this: If you DON'T love your kids, DON'T buckle them in.
i personally got my job off the website . i aint been to the zoo in a long time . Also u might be able to anwer where the monkey donkey dumbarse customers come from .
if you aint got them yet, just go to any suspension shop, they have bumpstops on shelf, usually for a pretty good price and with several different lengths available.
i am very happy with my kybs.
monroes for the rear of my car are going to cost me $99 for the pair, where as kybs will cost me about $170, so i figure the kybs will be better.
Flyboy wrote:Munroes are a little bit more reliable than KYB's... KYB's can sometimes break... requiring replacement...
wtf how can u make a statement like that ? Either it was a manufactured fault in which u take it bak to them and they will replace it or it happened cause u drive like a monkey quite possibly