bad20v wrote:TRDWGN wrote:Rear shocks are a sealed unit so usually the whole unit is replaced, however it is possible to gut the existing shock and throw an insert in which is what they would have done here.... It is not easy to buy bolt in rear performance shocks for the corollas so a bit of mix and match has to happen for best results

Hmmm.... thats a bit of B.S! The rear shocks are a sealed unit but performance upgrades for them are readily available from many well known manufacturers e.g. KYB, TOKICO, MONROE etc. You can even buy aftermarket coilovers that bolt straight in. The front however are usually rebuilt using strut inserts, by undoing the top nut around the shaft, taking out the insides, draining and cleaning the oil out and replacing with a new strut. You could even put a strut insert in with adjustable damping. I used to rebuilt these things on a daily basis and I wish all shocks were as easy to replace/rebuild as corolla ones.
Mate you've done a bit of everything aye!!! You have listed common replacement items which yes are available as a sealed strut replacement, now go and try to buy a replacement Bilstein or Koni rear complete strut for a AE82
My reference is regarding performance shocks...
Also you would be doing really well to be able to buy a set of coilovers for an AE82 these days!!
I should add that Autolign could not offer a complete bilstein strut for my AE111 carib so it was necessary to gut a standard shock body, weld in a fitting to seat a gland nut and put an insert in, so don't tell me it is B.S my car is living proof!!