Help! Gearbox trouble

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Help! Gearbox trouble

Postby HELBND » Thu Mar 24, 2005 9:21 am

a few weeks ago i replaced my clutch-this was all good car drove fine. Soon after, i noticed a whining noise in 4th... shortly after that, my car would take the car out of 4th by itself. I know of no other way to put this-while in 4th driving along, the gearstick would move itself out of gear without my foot going anywhere near the clutch pedal. Strangely, it would move itself back in if i put in the clutch-all the while, making no strange or grinding sounds at all

Now last week it got worse... I used to be able to keep it in 4th just by resting my arm on the gearknob, the light pressure was enough to keep it in gear. Now the car literally kicks itself out of 4th, hard enough for me to not be able to hold it in and its happening more frequently-a lot more. I am now shifting straight from 3rd to 5th as 4th gear is no longer an option. Unfortunately, 3rd has started whining too. Im also slipping out of gear. Accelerating in any gear, and all of a sudden, power drops and revs go up-not good (especially as i hav a steep driveway).

I have also noticed that the gearstick moves in 3rd-when i accelerate, it moves slightly to the rear of the car. Come off the accelerator and it moves back towards the front-It has done this since as long as i can remember.

Also-it seems to help if i try and push the clutch through the firewall and ram it into gear. However i release the clutch doesnt seem to make too much difference to slipping. Could be coincidence

Sorry about the long post but ive tried to put as much detail in as possible. So HELP! What is wrong with my car???
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Postby Rick » Thu Mar 24, 2005 3:56 pm

What is the make and model of ya car?, type of engine?, gearbox number??
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Postby yobbosayo » Fri Mar 25, 2005 4:22 pm

If yours is a front drive car i think the gearstick moving could be because the engine mounts are tired. Mine does the same thing, I think because the rubber doughnuts that sit in the engine mount and absorb the shocks are hell perished and tired.
As for jumping out of gear I think it must be something to do with your synchos, but as for why it's getting worse so quickly I've no idea. Have you checked the oil in your 'box?
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Postby Dr-X » Fri Mar 25, 2005 5:47 pm

Sounds like you've either not bolted up engine mounts properly, or you've not bolted up your gearbox properly - or possible tired old mounts.
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Postby sergei » Sat Mar 26, 2005 12:03 am

Possibly Synchros are rooted, clutch is rooted too.
Need New Clutch and Gearbox.
If engine mounts were the problem, the gearbox would not whine.
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Postby Dr-X » Sat Mar 26, 2005 12:05 pm

sergei wrote:Possibly Synchros are rooted, clutch is rooted too.
Need New Clutch and Gearbox.

Mate, if you have no idea, just dont comment. You're telling this guy to get a new clutch (if you read, he just got a new clutch), and a new gearbox, for a problem that didn't exist prior to getting the new clutch :roll:

sergei wrote:If engine mounts were the problem, the gearbox would not whine.

Again, you have no idea. If the mounts are worn, or not bolted up properly, it puts stress on the selectors and synchros. Next time you're driving along in 4th, pull the gear level hard towards you. You'll probably notice it start whining. This is what's happening.

Dont tell someone to go out and spend big money on a simple problem, just because you dont know what you're talking about.
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Postby sergei » Sat Mar 26, 2005 12:09 pm

you are a bit aggressive aye
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Postby sergei » Sat Mar 26, 2005 12:11 pm

as I said "Possibly"
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Postby ee904age » Sat Mar 26, 2005 12:59 pm

sergei wrote:Need New Clutch and Gearbox.
If engine mounts were the problem, the gearbox would not whine.

No, you are telling him to get a new clutch and gearbox.
I suggest you go and read the 7 Rules of the Toyspeed (especially the one about blatant mileading info) before you even think about posting again.

People come on these forums for useful info and tips, not to get told what to do by someone who probably knows less that them.
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Postby CozmoNz » Sat Mar 26, 2005 3:11 pm

Dr-X wrote:
sergei wrote:If engine mounts were the problem, the gearbox would not whine.

Again, you have no idea. If the mounts are worn, or not bolted up properly, it puts stress on the selectors and synchros. Next time you're driving along in 4th, pull the gear level hard towards you. You'll probably notice it start whining. This is what's happening.

Dont tell someone to go out and spend big money on a simple problem, just because you dont know what you're talking about.


thats all that causes the whine? hmm..... you sure? no other reasons?
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Postby FLAWLES » Sat Mar 26, 2005 3:20 pm

What type of car man?

dr-x is write, it might be worn mounts, under heavy accl, the engine and g-box will twist, pulling the linkages thus pooping out of gear

but as for no 4th gear???????????????? what type of clutch u running and have you been doing stupid things with it
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Postby sergei » Sat Mar 26, 2005 4:31 pm

ok, guys, I've been on this board almost since it started, and never seen so much aggressive reaction, as you quoted me saying, dont forget to mention that I said "Possibly" in beginning of sentence, anyways, I'm not gonna prove my knowledge or anything here, but pple are pple and give some room for mistakes, like you guys never been wrong in anything???
Please stop attacking my post and give a good answer to original question.

HELBND please post, when you find out what exactly is broken on your car.

Thank You guys for your warm support.
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Postby HELBND » Tue Mar 29, 2005 11:07 am

Ok have found out what the problem is-big thanks to Marky from the msport forums for explaining what was wrong. The main seal on my gearbox is gone (the big puddle was a dead giveaway :-?) This has caused the gearbox to over heat and as a result, some bearings have said goodbye.
This has caused various components to rub on the actual case of the box-hence the whining sound. Also i'd say that 4th gear is totally rooted due to heat and i will need a new gearbox. Clutch apparently is slipping due to gearbox oil getting onto the clutch plate.
This description is a bit generic as i havent actually pulled the box off yet but Markys explanation makes sense and all evidence ive found points to the same thing. Big thanks again to everyone who contributed with various bits of advice... and if anyone has a 4g15 5spd gearbox for a 91 CB lancer... Im currently looking for one :cry:
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