How to rebuild sidedraft delortoes?

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How to rebuild sidedraft delortoes?

Postby TygerTung » Wed Mar 23, 2005 9:46 pm

Yeah! I got me some twin 40mm sidedraft delortoes!!!!

They came with rebuild kits, so I'll rebuild them, and they'll be like brand new carbs, does anyone have some instructions on how to rebuild them?

They are jetted for a 1600 aparently, will I need to rejet them for my 1500 5K, or will they be alright as is?

Also how do I go about balancing them?

I'll have to tap a hole in the manifold for the brake booster eh?


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Postby rwd_mayhem » Wed Mar 23, 2005 10:21 pm

minta! dellortos will b fun.

u should talk to phat5k - he knows his shit - ... hp?id=1362
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Postby Virtual Genocide » Wed Mar 23, 2005 10:49 pm

Brake boosters are over-rated :lol:

But the manifold should have a part for a screw in fitting of some sort,
I can send you a pic if you not sure.

Yes they will need re-jetting

Good luck, if you've got the right mods those carbs will really make the engine come alive :D

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Re: How to rebuild sidedraft delortoes?

Postby solberg Fan » Sat Mar 26, 2005 2:23 pm

TygerTung wrote:Yeah! I got me some twin 40mm sidedraft delortoes!!!!

They came with rebuild kits, so I'll rebuild them, and they'll be like brand new carbs, does anyone have some instructions on how to rebuild them?

They are jetted for a 1600 aparently, will I need to rejet them for my 1500 5K, or will they be alright as is?

Also how do I go about balancing them?

I'll have to tap a hole in the manifold for the brake booster eh?



Click on the tuning manuals section. Have no idea on the price, but im keen on the second book.
Your carbs are the DHLA type? Im having problems with mine at the moment so if you buy the book, do you want to photo copy it for me?? haha :lol:
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Postby kingcorolla » Sun Mar 27, 2005 2:49 am

I rigged up a syncroniser for balancing twin carbs, when i had my dellortos. Ill post a pic tomorrow for you.
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Postby 85AW20v » Sun Mar 27, 2005 4:17 am

You can also balance them with a vacuum gauge or even get them pretty close with just a piece of plastic tube - one end in your ear and the other just inside the throat of the carb. The one that is a louder hiss/sucking noise will be the one with the butterflies open more.
See ya

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