Fault Codes
Fault Codes are displayed as flashes of the Check Engine Lamp.
Each Code consists of 0.3 Second flashes separated by a 0.7 Second Pause.
There is a 3 Second Pause between Codes.
If more than One Code is in memory, they will be displayed in Ascending Order.
The Codes will be repeated.
Fault Code Erasure
Switch Ignition OFF
Remove the Stop Fuse in the Driver’s Side Kickpanel for 10 Seconds.
Fault Code Extraction
Ensure that the:
Battery is fully charged.
Throttle valve is Fully Closed (Idle Points Closed).
Transmission in Neutral or Park.
All Accessories OFF.
Bridge the Two Terminals on the Round Diagnostic Connector or
Bridge Terminal T to E1 on the Cluster Type Diagnostic Connector.
Switch Ignition ON.
Read Codes as Flashes of the Check Engine Lamp.
Fault Code Table
Code # Circuit and Status
2 Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) Sensor
Open or Short Circuit in MAP Sensor, Circuit, or ECM.
3 Ignition Signal
No Signal from Igniter 4 times in succession.
4 Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor
Open or Short Circuit in ECT Sensor, Circuit, or ECM.
6 Engine Speed Signal
No NE / G Signal to ECM within several seconds of Engine Being Cranked
Or after Engine Speed reaches 1000 RPM
7 Throttle Position Sensor (TPS)
Open or Short Circuit in TPS, Circuit, or ECM.
8 Intake Air Temperature (IAT) Sensor
Open or Short Circuit in IAT Sensor, Circuit, or ECM.
9 Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS)
Open or Short Circuit in VSS, Circuit, or ECM.
10 Starter Signal
No Starter Signal to ECM when Engine Running >800 RPM
(This Code will be recorded if the Vehicle is Push Started)
11 Switch Input Signal
Air Conditioner Switch ON or Idle points in Throttle Position Sensor Open.
(Code not registered in Memory)