I need some help ID'n some parts on my 3S-GTE to see if I need to ether block up the hoses, or find out what needs to connect to them
The first pic below shows a hose that has been broken off at the timing belt end of the manafold.
Here there a several parts that are missing conecetions.
The one from the Rocker cover obviously needs to go the the manafold somewhere, where shal I connect this?
The ones from the throtle body (the pipe winds from one to the other and has sereral other connections comming from it as well), shall I just block them off, or should something else be connected there?
Which one of the Manafold ones are connected to the Turbo presure sensor and MAP sensor?
These pipes are just hanging there at the moment, I know someting was connected up at some stage, as they both have broken connectors on them. What went here?
Any help would be appriciated