bluetop ignitor wiring #2

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bluetop ignitor wiring #2

Postby l1ttle_d3vil » Mon Mar 28, 2005 2:40 am

okay, this is how my loom is currently wired up.

the only plug i have got on my loom for the ignitor is the green 2-pin plug - however my actual ignitor has a green 4-pin plug. (could possibly be that i have a different ignitor as i got it separately off an ae82 and haven't got any idea what my engine/loom is originally out of)

i have got a second cut-up loom which has the green 4-pin plug on it.

now what im wondering is can i cut this 4-pin plug off this other loom and connect it up to my loom so i can use the ae82 ignitor. im not too sure if this will work as the power wires on the other loom are wired slightly different than mine:

for instance the black wire going to the yellow plug in the diagram above goes straight from the green 4-pin ignitor plug to the yellow plug on the other loom. and i understand this is a power wire right?
as you can see on my loom it runs off the injector trigger signal to the yellow plug and is in no way connected to the ignitor
so should i still treat this as the power wire on my loom and power it up anyway? if that is the case, it seems to me that there would be 2 power wires running to the injectors. is this how it should be or do i forget about that one altogether?

then can i get rid of the two-pin plug on my loom altogether and get the 4-pin plug off the other loom and connect the ECU wires up to the corresponding wires on the plug then run the power wire to any other power source?

any advice would be much appreciated. hope this all makes sense im tiirrreed.

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Postby kingcorolla » Mon Mar 28, 2005 3:43 am

man this wiring is giving you death!

ok, sounds like you have a fwd igniter, and a rwd loom. The two pin plug on your loom is only ign signal wires. You should have two extra single pin plugs on your loom in the same location.

Do you have these? they are both green.
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Postby l1ttle_d3vil » Mon Mar 28, 2005 2:32 pm

yea, everything else is sweet - just that i got no spark! once i got this sussed then it should all be go.

im pretty sure I've got a RWD loom, and yes the ignitor is off a FWD (ae82). i didn't realise there was a difference with them, but obviously they are somehow compatible?

not sure about the 1-pin plugs, i'll go have a look at the loom shortly to check if ive got these pins. what are they for/where should they go to?
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Postby suberimakuri » Mon Mar 28, 2005 5:28 pm

i think off memory, the ignitor that has 3 green plugs (early bluetop), one wire is power, and one wire is tacho, and the 2pin green plug is your IGt IGf

However, in the 4 pin green plug ignitor, these all run in the one plug.

So, with some spade terminals you should be able to suss it.
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Postby l1ttle_d3vil » Mon Mar 28, 2005 5:52 pm

oh yea i also forgot to mention that i don't have the fusebox or whatever it is to plug the big yellow plug into so i will need to power up the appropriate wires on that plug some other way.

just had a look at my loom and ive only got the green 2-pin plug for the IGt and IGf and two yellow 1-pin plugs. these both end up going to O2 sensor pin on the ECU (with other wires splicing off to the brown earth wire etc). no 1-pin green plugs at all.

from what Karl says, it sounds that my loom is off an early bluetop model then - except i dont have the other two plugs for power and tacho.
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Postby suberimakuri » Mon Mar 28, 2005 5:54 pm

ok, what other wires do you have around the coil then?

Power is sometimes a fat red wire, and tacho is normally a skinny black wire with red dot.
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Postby l1ttle_d3vil » Tue Mar 29, 2005 8:33 pm


here is a diagram of all 6 plugs on the end of my loom. pretty much self-explanatory (i think/hope! :roll: )

The numbers "#10/18" means the wire goes to the 10th pin on the 18 pin plug etc etc, i have also numbered the pins on the ECU with the corresponding colours. i have also numbered the plugs for easier referral on the net rather than just the "yellow 4 pin plug"... :roll:

#1 plug - Two pin plug which is unused at the moment.

#2 plug - Four pin plug which is unused at the moment

#3 plug - Two pin plug for the ignitor signals, unused at the moment because my ignitor plug doesn't fit.

#4 plug - One pin plug which is unused at the moment. (the sensor on my extractors is broke so need to get another one then it'll be sweet)

#5 plug - One pin plug which is unused at the moment.

#6 plug - Four pin plug which goes to the distributor.

Now i had a thought, #2 plug is unused and im pretty sure the wires don't go to anything that i need (does anyone know what the 11th pin is for (red/white wire)? The pin-pattern of this plug is the exact same as my ignitor plug. Will it work if i do the following:

Cut the ignitor signal wires off the 3rd plug and connect them up to the 2nd plug (seeing as its used for nothing). Im guessing the black/yellow wire is a power feed (as it goes to the TVIS relay aswell) so I can run that to a power source. Don't know if I need a 4th wire for anything, can I just tape one up? Then plug this 2nd plug into my ignitor. Voila!?

Can anyone see any faults in this? As ive said before, im not an auto electrician so there might be some glaring problem with this that i can't see! I know there isn't much harm in trying, but i'd rather get a more experienced opinion than just guess myself!
cheers guys.
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Postby ee904age » Tue Mar 29, 2005 9:37 pm

Holy S**T this thing is giving me a migrane!!!!

Still thinking bout it dude, dont get my car back till Thurs so Ill wait till then to see if a few theorys I have will work or not.
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Postby Jebus » Tue Mar 29, 2005 10:52 pm

Mines had all the same issues as yours (Red top Vs KE30) but theyre all slowly getting sorted by a Pro auto sparky, I gave up :D
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Postby suberimakuri » Tue Mar 29, 2005 11:46 pm

plug #2 is air conditioning, and the red/white should be ign+.

Coil will drain 5 amps or so, so make sure it's plenty beefy, very easy to get spark breakdown and a miss if you don't power it enough.

if you do what you've suggested, the only thing you won't have is tacho for your dash. Which i think would be the 4th wire that you hadn't planned to use.
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Postby l1ttle_d3vil » Wed Mar 30, 2005 6:36 pm

do i need the brown earth wire? #9/10 on the 2nd plug. or can i use that wire for whatever i need?
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Postby suberimakuri » Wed Mar 30, 2005 6:51 pm

no need
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Postby l1ttle_d3vil » Wed Mar 30, 2005 8:05 pm

got it connected up like ive said in my post before but no spark. any other ideas? i havent got the 3rd plug for the ECU connected or anything. is there anything i need on that plug to get spark? as far as i know its just ECU power on that plug but ive got power running to the ECU through #10/10 (white wire, ECU power is shared with the injectors).
is the power wire on the 3rd ECU plug from a different source or something, is it likely that i need both of those power wires to the ECU?
i havent got the injectors hooked up (shouldnt need to should i?). ive got the brown earth wires (from #9/10) earthed to the manifold. also got the distributor plugged in.

anything im missing??????????? other than spark! :x

edit - just put a multimeter on the ignitor plugs and ive got voltage running through the power wire, but theres nothing on either of the ignition signal wires. do i need voltage on these wires for there to be spark? or should there be spark with just the power wire connected?
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Postby suberimakuri » Wed Mar 30, 2005 8:34 pm

i thought you were going to put the wires for plug 3 onto the corresponding pins of plug 2?

ie: use plug 2 because it connects to your ignitor, but use the appropriate wires off the rest of your loom.
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Postby l1ttle_d3vil » Wed Mar 30, 2005 9:23 pm

thats what i have done (connected the signal wires off plug 3 to the appropriate pins on plug 2). then ive run the black/yellow wire to a power source.
just clicked before that i hadnt hooked up any of the +/- wires off my old coil up to the new coil, in the process of doing that now and ill see if that works. not sure if it would make any difference or not?
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Postby suberimakuri » Wed Mar 30, 2005 9:28 pm

tacho and power for coil by the sounds of it.
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Postby matt dunn » Wed Mar 30, 2005 9:53 pm

l1ttle_d3vil wrote: i havent got the 3rd plug for the ECU connected or anything. is there anything i need on that plug to get spark? as far as i know its just ECU power?

If you dont have power on there the internal circuits of the ecu will not operate properly. You need to power up the ecu through those pins to make it run.
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Postby l1ttle_d3vil » Wed Mar 30, 2005 11:16 pm

Karl_Skewes wrote:tacho and power for coil by the sounds of it.

whats this referring to? :? im tired... 8O

matt dunn, that could be part/all of the problem. not much point in going any further until ive wired those pins up then so i'll get that sorted first before i rip my hair out trying other things!
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Postby kingcorolla » Thu Mar 31, 2005 12:38 am

that 3rd plug on the ecu needs 12v (15a fused) to the Batt terminal, which is the permanent power, and also needs the 2 outputs from the efi man relay. You need those.

i think the fuel pump curcuit may be wired to that plug also, through the pump relay iirc.
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Postby suberimakuri » Thu Mar 31, 2005 8:54 am

heh.. looks like there's been some confusion now between the plug#3 that was listed (ignitor plug), and plug 3 on the ecu.
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