The immobilzer that is too effective!

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The immobilzer that is too effective!

Postby Adamal » Wed Mar 30, 2005 8:40 pm

Recently, I've had some trouble where I'll be driving along and all of the sudden, my immobilzer kicks in and the alarm starts going bananas.
Its like the engine still goes, I put my foot down and it has that 'wants to go' feeling, but like its slowly being limited.
As soon as I disable my alarm with the remote, everything kicks back into life again.

Any ideas as to what the hell is happening as its starting to get annoying.
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Postby 3T-Rona » Wed Mar 30, 2005 8:51 pm

sounds like ur ACC wire from the alarm has either not been connected or has a fault/short sumwhere, the ACC wire is the one that goes to the ignition so the alarm knows when the car is turned on so it doesnt auto-arm while the ignitions on, so by the sounds of things ur alarm is auto-arming while driving and ur immobilizer limits fuel or sumthing, giving u the dead-ness.
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Postby Adamal » Wed Mar 30, 2005 9:10 pm

I see... I'll have a check round and see what I can find.

Cheers man! :D
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Postby Keeweelogger » Wed Mar 30, 2005 9:35 pm

As far as I know you don't hook the sense up to Acc. It goes to the on position on your ignition. As when you crank the engine the power to accessories is cut. I learnt this the hard way, I hooked my ignition sense to the air con, which was live when on but is dead while engine is cranking.
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Postby JT » Wed Mar 30, 2005 9:38 pm

Who installed the alarm and what model is it?

How you have the immoblisers installed will determine if they are the cause or not. If you have the fuel pump as one of them, it shouldn't take very long for the car to die, rather than just lose power.
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Postby simonlenihan » Wed Mar 30, 2005 10:11 pm

Sounds like a really bad alarm or installation, take it back to where it was installed and make them fix it!
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Postby Just_Juzz » Thu Mar 31, 2005 9:27 am

When my alarm got installed, my partners dad had pulled the wiring a little to tight, and it was pulling the cable out. So the alarm woul kick in when I bumped the cover.
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Postby 3T-Rona » Thu Mar 31, 2005 8:26 pm

Keeweelogger wrote:As far as I know you don't hook the sense up to Acc. It goes to the on position on your ignition. As when you crank the engine the power to accessories is cut. I learnt this the hard way, I hooked my ignition sense to the air con, which was live when on but is dead while engine is cranking.

Sum are referred to as the 'acc' wire and sum r referred to as the sense wire, mu undien alarm was referred to as 'acc' so thats were i installed it, the AVS and also sum mongoose alarms ive installed at work were referred to as Sense wires, either way they do the same thing as the time delay while starting should only be a few seconds so it wont self arm in the time between. i'd take it back to the installer and get them to fix it.
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Postby simonlenihan » Thu Mar 31, 2005 8:46 pm

3T-Rona wrote:
Keeweelogger wrote:As far as I know you don't hook the sense up to Acc. It goes to the on position on your ignition. As when you crank the engine the power to accessories is cut. I learnt this the hard way, I hooked my ignition sense to the air con, which was live when on but is dead while engine is cranking.

Sum are referred to as the 'acc' wire and sum r referred to as the sense wire, mu undien alarm was referred to as 'acc' so thats were i installed it, the AVS and also sum mongoose alarms ive installed at work were referred to as Sense wires, either way they do the same thing as the time delay while starting should only be a few seconds so it wont self arm in the time between. i'd take it back to the installer and get them to fix it.
and if they dnt, smash them :lol:

This is incorrect, you MUST connect it to the IGN wire, as this is what powers the immobilisers if they are on board. Even if it is refered to as the ACC wire, always connect it to the IGN wire.

Uniden call it the IGN wire, as do Mongoose, Dynatron, Meridian and most others.

AVS call it ACC but it should still be connected to the IGN wire.....
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Postby Stealer Of Souls » Fri Apr 01, 2005 9:16 am

simonlenihan wrote:This is incorrect, you MUST connect it to the IGN wire, as this is what powers the immobilisers if they are on board. Even if it is refered to as the ACC wire, always connect it to the IGN wire.

Uniden call it the IGN wire, as do Mongoose, Dynatron, Meridian and most others.

AVS call it ACC but it should still be connected to the IGN wire.....

It doesn't matter. You should connect it to and ignition based wire all the time. But even if you hook it to an accesory line it just means the car will start properly then cut out as the key is return to the "on" position and the ACC wire comes live again...

A lot of immobilisers nowadays are ground (activated) through the alarm and gain their power feed from the circuit they are cutting out. Therefore it doesn't matter where the sense/acc wire is, as long as power is trying to be sent to the circuit to be cut the immobiliser is on. That's how mine are arranged...
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