Just had the final verdict come in ... 75% compression in one cylinder, almost no compression in another cylinder, turbo's missing a big ol' chunk of something (msg relayed to me via flatmate who went to see the mechanic about his own car at the same time)
Guess I'm looking around $2500 for a full rebuild, not sure about prices for a 2nd hand 3SGTE + gearbox (my gbox is crappy already, might as well swap it out at the same time). Anyone bought one recently? Any idea of prices?
Is it worth getting the rebuild done or am I better off just getting a new engine / gbox, and take the risk that the new engine has issues too?
Sitting in the back of my mind is the possibility of flicking the car and cutting my losses Not sure what the rest is worth (lots of bolt on parts installed), so thats only a back up plan for now.