my 3A shat...wheres my 4AGE??

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my 3A shat...wheres my 4AGE??

Postby deinmuter » Tue Apr 05, 2005 10:22 pm

Hey all

Im just waiting to get a 4AGE into my AE85 but at the moment the piece of krap 3A in there just wont start.
It turns over bu just wont fire. checked the plugs, distributor leads etc...
im looking for the loom so i can get it tested..anyone know where that is??? IVE LOOKED EVERYWHERE

Any other sugestions to what may be wrong with the 3A will be much appreciated.

It turns over, radio, lights, all elecs work just wont fire up!

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Postby solberg Fan » Wed Apr 06, 2005 12:44 am

How long since youve had it going? and is it getting fuel? You said you checked the leads, plugs etc, but is it geting a spark?
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Postby deinmuter » Wed Apr 06, 2005 11:15 am

It was running fine for weeks up until it didnt start one morning last week.
Its just turning over, no spark.
Spark plugs look ok, i thought id test the coil but as stoopid as i may sound, i cant find the bloody coil!

any idas?

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Postby CozmoNz » Wed Apr 06, 2005 12:25 pm

deinmuter wrote:It was running fine for weeks up until it didnt start one morning last week.
Its just turning over, no spark.
Spark plugs look ok, i thought id test the coil but as stoopid as i may sound, i cant find the bloody coil!

any idas?


theres 5 leads on a dizzy cap.

4 goto the 4 spark plugs, one goes back to the coil...

follow each spark plug lead from the dizzy, if 4 of them goto the plugs, follow the last one then >.>

dont be too embarased, everyones gotta learn sometime right?
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Postby Caveman » Wed Apr 06, 2005 10:00 pm

Check leads. Dirty but effective way is just to earth them by putting them about 10mm away from the body. If you have a spark there its your plugs.

If you have no spark from the leads (dizzy to plug) check the one going from the coil into the distributor. If that fires you have worn distributor or rotor or both. If you have no spark on this wire you have a broken coil or ingnitor.

I recommend using a timing light to check for a current through the leads but earthing them by putting them 10mm away from any metal part will work with risk of damage.
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Postby Stealer Of Souls » Thu Apr 07, 2005 10:12 am

3As have their coil lead integrated into the cap... so no lead to the coil... I'm 90% sure... it's been a while since my paper weight was removed from my car...
Just do as previously mentioned to check for spark. Hold end of lead near an earth, crank the car and look/listen for spark.
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Postby DVLRCR » Fri Apr 08, 2005 10:47 am

also, even if the leads fire, the spark might not be strong enough... i had a 4k and all the plugs fired when i attached them to the leads but when in the block 2 didnt fire :? the way we fixed this is by resetting all the gaps for the plugs, points etc and tightened all the connections of the leads to and from the dizzy to the plugs and the coil... and then it ran fine :o
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Postby AE85.6 » Sat Apr 09, 2005 2:43 pm

i have an AE85 at the mo with same prob, however mine has a 4age in it already, no spark coming from the coil, but power going into it, checked coil and ignitor and both were fine put new dizzy cap on and rotor plugs are newish also even tried swapping the whole distributor incase the sensor in that was faulty still nothing only thing i havnt tried is swapping the computer possibly that could be it, earth to car is fine and checking the engine for fault codes comes up with nothing wrong ??? anyone think of anything im missing ?
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