car: celica gt4 st185 1990
ok got bov installed a while back...........not 2 much dramas apart from the odd pop out zorst at gear change etc..........noticed idle went 800-1000 to 400-1000 etc so looked at bov and it was opening and closing at made it run rich/lean/shagd? i just ignored it and drove fine like that for 2 weeks, then one day drive of with nearly full throttle... jerks, turns lights/stereo off and pops out exhaust........sometimes jumps it outta gear - basically turns car off for 1 sec then turns it on again and im like WTF!........noticed this in 1st sometimes 2nd on above average acceleration i pulled BOV apart and put washers(supplied with BOV) in there 2 tighten made idle etc better but spring still moves 5mm at idle.......... the more i put washers in2 tighten it the less noise i get - pointless hahaha. wots the deal here?