Excess fuel consumption

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Excess fuel consumption

Postby Virtual Genocide » Sat Apr 09, 2005 7:08 pm

Ive been noticing my fuel consumption getting worse and worse over the last few weeks. At first i just thought it my have been a combination of the colder weather and my sidedraft dellortos, cam, etc etc. But my current 0.5 tank of gas has lasted me 60kms 8O this can't be right, its only a 1300cc and i haven't been revving it much or accelerating hard (because i thought it was the cold weather etc).
Today i had a look under my car, followed all the fuel lines couldn't see any obvious leaks, felt around the top of the tank where both lines enter, nothing. It has a new fuel filter and rubber hoses, but the lines will be 20odd years old.

Is there somthing im missing or should i put up with 120km out of 30ltrs

Thanks in advance

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Postby sergei » Sat Apr 09, 2005 7:49 pm

maybe gauge is faulty? 20yo?
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Postby Caveman » Sat Apr 09, 2005 8:08 pm

Do an air:fuel test. That will rule out if the engine is running (very) rich.

Then redo all the seals around the feed/return/breather into the tank. Then look at the fuel pump on the engine.
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Postby Defective » Sat Apr 09, 2005 8:17 pm

1998 wrote:Do an air:fuel test. That will rule out if the engine is running (very) rich.

Then redo all the seals around the feed/return/breather into the tank. Then look at the fuel pump on the engine.

or do you have dodgy neighbours that are helping themselves to your gas....
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Postby edwagon » Sat Apr 09, 2005 8:37 pm

LOL, i fixed an excessive fuel consumption problem by fitting a locking petrol cap once, damn hoodrats :evil:

Check your plugs or even how sooty the back of the car is getting (near exhaust pipe), if it doesn't seem to be running rich and performance hasn't changed, it has to be either leaking, evaporating, your fuel gauge is misreading or someones milking your tank
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Postby EVL20V » Sat Apr 09, 2005 8:45 pm

mayb u thought u put $30 in but instead put $3 in? and also have a dodgy gauge :lol:
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Postby Defective » Sat Apr 09, 2005 8:47 pm

86rolla wrote:mayb u thought u put $30 in but instead put $3 in? and also have a dodgy gauge :lol:

plus. $30 only gets ya 20 litres (roughly) so it wont last as long as it used too
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Postby Adamal » Sat Apr 09, 2005 9:34 pm

How is the engine feeling to you? Not performing as it normally does? Could be the carbs need a good clean?
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Postby matt dunn » Sat Apr 09, 2005 9:36 pm

Welcome to the world of owning a car with sidedraughts. LOL

Seroiusly though,

Presuming it's a 4K as you say 1300cc,

The fuel pump has a small vent hole on the underside of it to allow the air in and out as the diaphram moves. Ifr the diaphram leaks it will squirt a small amount of fuel out this hole each time the diaphram moves.
Hold you hand near it while the car is running and you may feel or see it.
I have struck this once or twice.

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Postby Virtual Genocide » Sun Apr 10, 2005 1:07 pm

Thanks all, for your info.

The car has been recently tuned so yes the carbs are clean, the mixture is fine and it running better than ever :D

Yeah i always expected the sidedrafts to be quite thirsty, the fuel pump is fairly new but i'll check this vent hole, hopefully its that.

I might try and find one of these locking fuel caps, it could very well be people syphoning the fuel out.

Thanks again.
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