Suggested Oil For Sw20 Turbo, Is this right?

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Suggested Oil For Sw20 Turbo, Is this right?

Postby CozmoNz » Thu Apr 14, 2005 3:47 pm

Went into cookies, order a few bits and peices (cookies being our toyota dealership), anyway, the topic lead to *what oil you think*, anyway the suggestion he gave me, as he walked out to the stand, and grabbed from the highest postition avilable.

Penrite Fully Senthetic 5w-60.

now um.. it suggests 10w-30 for an mr2 turbo... but i dont know, is penrite any different in their grades etc by any chance?

i did a search on the net through their website for a Mitsi evo ralliart (the highest performance turbo car that i could quickly think of), and it came up with 10w-50 oil. So... id imagine a 3sgte and a 4g63t would have roughly the same need/s for oil. ... x=234&y=17 (evo link)

anyway, the reatil on this is $98.90 or something for 5 litres, and they can do it for $77. is it worth it? ive arleady got a filter ordered (paying for the lot tomoz), and a few other bits and bobs, should i chuck this on too?

Wanting to use only the best in the mr2, ive got a habbit of spending alot more than i need to ($1000 tires etc), but id rather get better than required than shitter :).

So.. anyone had experiences with this oil, or is the toyota chap talking from his rear quarters?
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Postby Lloyd » Thu Apr 14, 2005 6:51 pm

There is no advantage going for a synthetic oil, and thinner doesn't always mean better. Just find a reasonable 10W30 or 10W40, probably in a 4L pack. Wouldn't be paying over $40 if I was you.
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Postby Adamal » Thu Apr 14, 2005 6:53 pm

Cook Howlison?

Hmm... I'd say it would probably be a really really good oil. I've become a fan of Pennzoil 5w-50 fully synthetic. You can pick some of that up from Repco for $66 for 5 litres.
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Postby TrouserFxGt » Thu Apr 14, 2005 6:53 pm

5-50 mobil 1 is cheap at repco atm if your after a good fully synthetic.

Won't make any difference to the penrite stuff but will be more cost effective if, like most people, you think changing oil at 5000 k's is neccessary.
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Postby Al » Thu Apr 14, 2005 7:18 pm

Sounds like the parts dude wants to move some old stock :wink: Thats gonna be $100 every 5000kms, for oil and a genuine filter...

A hot viscosity of 60 sounds rather thick too 8O

I just use el cheapo Pennzoil 10w30 semi syn, have done since I bought the car in February of 2003. Cant be too bad, my 3sgte is one of the few that hasnt blown up on this board :lol:
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Postby Adamal » Thu Apr 14, 2005 7:21 pm

Al, you forgot to add the word 'yet' at the end of that last sentance ;)
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Postby Al » Thu Apr 14, 2005 7:23 pm

Adamal wrote:Al, you forgot to add the word 'yet' at the end of that last sentance ;)
*touch wood* :wink:
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Postby MrBob » Fri Apr 15, 2005 11:56 am

I run either castrol 10/60 or penzoil 10/50..always full synth. Im not keen on going below a cold weight of 5 or a hot weight of 40..

new engines done about 20thou ks on it.. seems fine, dosent use any noticable amount in 5000ks.

remember, alot of these thinner weight specifications (5/30) etc, are for usa / european markets where the climate gets a hell of alot colder.
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Postby Twolitre » Sat Apr 16, 2005 12:54 am

I moved this because it's a technically oriented question, anyway I'd reccomend Penrite semi synthetic 10w-50 available from supercheap, comes in a 5l pack which is handy for top ups and is probably your best bang for buck oil, but if you don't have one in dunedin than any decent semi synthetic oil will do fine, just don't go fully synthetic on a 15year old turbo engine.
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Postby sergei » Sat Apr 16, 2005 1:07 am

castrol 10w60, best of 2 worlds not very thin and fully synthetic, high flash point temperature, very good oil
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