Penrite Fully Senthetic 5w-60.
now um.. it suggests 10w-30 for an mr2 turbo... but i dont know, is penrite any different in their grades etc by any chance?
i did a search on the net through their website for a Mitsi evo ralliart (the highest performance turbo car that i could quickly think of), and it came up with 10w-50 oil. So... id imagine a 3sgte and a 4g63t would have roughly the same need/s for oil. ... x=234&y=17 (evo link)
anyway, the reatil on this is $98.90 or something for 5 litres, and they can do it for $77. is it worth it? ive arleady got a filter ordered (paying for the lot tomoz), and a few other bits and bobs, should i chuck this on too?
Wanting to use only the best in the mr2, ive got a habbit of spending alot more than i need to ($1000 tires etc), but id rather get better than required than shitter

So.. anyone had experiences with this oil, or is the toyota chap talking from his rear quarters?