toyota lsd compatability

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toyota lsd compatability

Postby vvega » Mon May 30, 2005 3:06 pm

for those with thses cars a lsd can often be difficulte to find
most people do not realise that many toyota parts are interchangable
for instance
the 3sgte gearvbox's mr2 wise have the same internals as there 4agze counterparts
the only real diifereance is the front plate containing the bellhousing

this makes it posible to build a 4agze 4wdbox useing parts from the gt4 boxes az well

i post this as it has been asked many times and has a little bit of intrest behind it
these are the relevant trd lsd part numbers to show the compatability with diffs

AE92 (Supercharger) 87.5-91.6 4A-GZE 41301-SW202

AW11 (Supercharger) 86.8-89.9 4A-GZE 41301-SW202

AE101 (Supercharger) 91.6- 4A-GZE 41301-SW211

SW20 (Turbo) 89.10-92.12 3S-GTE 41301-SW202
92.1- 3S-GTE 41301-SW211

from my dealings with these gearboxs i have found the internals i.e gear clusters and so forth to be the same as well

this information is sorced from the trd support site and im sure that mr revhead will also be able to support thses details with refeance to his nz listings for trd parts (you know the little folder im talking bout warrick)

and dispute with thses part numbers sould be adreesed to trd/toyota themselves as they are the ones that have designed and built the parts and i cannot be heald responsible for there lack of knowage on there own parts

hope this helps some of the mk1 mr2 people to find a lsd or the aw11 lads as well


Postby Mr Revhead » Mon May 30, 2005 3:32 pm

vvegas correct, both on the LSD and the hubs etc.
not suprising really as they are virtually the same box....
just remember there are a few changes in them as time went on, so do ya research first!

maybe a way to change ratios around a bit too?

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Postby Mr Revhead » Mon May 30, 2005 3:36 pm

oh, and theres more......

heres the link to the page.....
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Postby vvega » Tue May 31, 2005 1:48 am

yeah ratio wise i can see no reason why you could not use the close ratio box out of the 185 rc in a sw20 !!!!!


Postby Malcolm » Tue May 31, 2005 5:17 pm

fwiw dismantling 2 RC boxes showed them to have the same ratios as a 165. maybe the gt4 rally box, the e152 or whatever it was, that's the close ratio one...
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Postby vvega » Wed Jun 01, 2005 1:49 am

i cant remeber if it was in the final drive or not
ask tim what his car will do in each gear :D


Postby fivebob » Wed Jun 01, 2005 2:16 am

Model-----------1st----2nd---- 3rd----4th--- 5th ----- Final Drive
SW20 -------- 3.230, 1.913, 1.258, 0.918, 0.731 - 4.285
ST185 -------- 3.384, 1.913, 1.333, 0.972, 0.731 - 4.285
ST185 RALLY- 3.230, 2.142, 1.518, 1.258, 0.731 - 4.285
ST185 RC -----3.583, 2.045, 1.333, 0.972, 0.731 - 3.933
ST205--------- 3.384, 1.913, 1.258, 0.918, 0.731 - 4.285
ST215W------- 3.384, 1.913, 1.333, 0.972, 0.731 - 4.285
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Postby vvega » Wed Jun 01, 2005 2:59 am

thanks five bob great info as always :D

Postby Malcolm » Wed Jun 01, 2005 4:09 pm

and he's st165 ratios (E50F1 and E50F2)
1st 3.583 - 2nd 2.045 - 3rd 1.333 - 4th 0.972 - 5th 0.731 - reverse 3.583 - final drive 4.285
same ratios as the E151F ST185 RC box, but the shorter final drive found in all other gt4 boxes. I'm not sure why Toyota went to the taller final drive on the RC's, but a lot of RC owners complain about slower acceleration due to the taller gearing, and many swap the final drives for the shorter 4.3 ratio.
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Postby Mr Revhead » Wed Jun 01, 2005 4:20 pm

it was more than likely to give them another ration to choose from.
being group a some things were tightly contorlled... its possible they were only allowed to run factory diff ratios, and found the stock one too short at times?
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Postby Malcolm » Wed Jun 01, 2005 6:26 pm

nah they ran complete x-trac 6 speeds IIRC. The stock gearing can get a st185 to 200km/h in 4th...can't be bothered to work it out but probably about 250km/h+ in 5th (if you had the power), which is certainly much higher than rally speeds
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Postby Mr Revhead » Wed Jun 01, 2005 6:29 pm

yeah but thats the gearbox..... close ratio gearbox with tall diff maybe?
im only guessing there, but im sure theres a logical explanation!
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Postby Malcolm » Wed Jun 01, 2005 7:20 pm

by diff you're talking about the thing in the back? AFAIK they never changed the rear diff ratio on the WRC cars, as doing so would also require them to change the front diff ratio, which is inside the gearbox and I don't think it's all that easy to change. My understanding of the operation may be slightly off, but I believe if you change the rear one it will cause mayhem. Also the final drive is integral in the transaxle, I believe the entire box was replaced, complete with transfer case etc
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Postby Malcolm » Wed Jun 01, 2005 7:22 pm

wait, i think I remember the reason now!
In 0-100 tests st165's and st185's both have a gear change to 3rd at around 90-95km/h, slowing the overall time, whereas the RC can do it in 2nd, giving a much better 0-100. Makes accelerating from around 110km/h in 5th almost impossible though
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