Elections - which will you vote for..

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Parties Running for Government

NZ First
Maori Party
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United Future NZ
Destiny NZ (Destiny Church)
Total votes : 106

Postby Spannergal » Sat Aug 13, 2005 10:20 pm

I said other.
I'm voting Libertarianz (http://www.libertarianz.org.nz)

Other than saying that I'm sick of being told what best for me by the government, I won't be drawn into discussion why I've chosen to vote this way.
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Postby AE85coupe » Thu Aug 18, 2005 11:13 pm

i'm gonna take labour for sure.. interest free student loans, if your a student you must be retarded not to vote for them

and anyone who says that students just won't pay it back, forget that students are forced to pay it back as part of you taxes, you have to tell the ird if you have a loan so they can take some out for it

they won't send our army off to any stupid war that has nothing to do with us, they will keep us nuclear free, and i can't imagine any of the other leaders as prime minister, they all seem so weak and pathetic compared to helen clark

oh and finally they are more likely than national to relax marijuana laws, which is great in my books, less tax payer money wasted on criminal convictions and more instant fines.
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Postby CozmoNz » Thu Aug 18, 2005 11:23 pm

AE85coupe wrote:I can't imagine any of the other leaders as prime minister, they all seem so weak and pathetic compared to helen clark

yeh, shes so manly >.>

couldnt agree more... very man like... to much shit has occured with helen in goverment, time for a change i say! hey, if don buggers it up, bring the she man back.
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Postby strap-on » Fri Aug 19, 2005 12:35 am

my mate had the best idea, get a hot chick to run, imagine how many votes she would get.

richie your my mate, but all that weed has affected your memory, labour promised to scrap interest on student loans close to the last election, and never delivered, i cant beileve people are falling for it this time.

(im not picking on you richie but you raised some points is all)

if people join the army thats their choice, its liek when jim anderton copped some flak for sending in the sas to afghanistan, honestly the people that join sas are the most warry ramo people you can find.

but yeah im going ACT, mainly because they are the party that seems to be more about government responsibility than "vote buying" as both national and labour do.

We have to think of this country as a community and alot of things that the major party's promise arnt the best for the whole community, they are the best for their targeted voters,

in essence its the ant and grasshoper story, in an effort to make itself felt, the governtment shoots itself in the foot.

thats just the way i see it anyway.
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Postby AE85coupe » Fri Aug 19, 2005 11:27 am

actually Labour bought in interest free student loans while you are still studying, they are now extending that to interest free loans overall

and realistically if they get into government, and don't deliver on that, there would be full scale student protests, so i seriously seriously doubt they won't deliver

Vote buying which everyone moans about is what a democracy is all about, partys do what the majority want to get votes, its just how it is supposed to work.

fair enough its your choice to go into the army, but when you are sent to a war that is wrong and has nothing to do with NewZealand, then thats stupid

everyone keeps saying too much shit has gone down with Labour in government, can someone please enlighten me on what this terrible shit is?

i will say the ncea thing was a stuff up, but as far as governments go they have done fairly well

i will admit that i wouldn't be voting for labour if they hadn't sprung the interest free loans, as i will be saving about $4000 in interest and girlfirend will save $22000 in interest

but i certainly wouldn't vote for National
United future is a joke, way way to conservative
Greens want everyone to ride round on bikes
NZ First is led by Winston Peters that speaks for itself
Maori Party is bit of a joke too
ACT and progressive party are unlikely to get into parliment so i wouldn't waste my vote on either of them, but i don't mind ACT
Destiny Church now thats a really really good joke

oh and the likelyhood is so so small that marijuana could have $&#$% with my brain, its almost impossible, there is also no proof whatsoever that marijuana affects long term memory
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Postby strap-on » Fri Aug 19, 2005 12:53 pm

i agree with you on the most part about the other partys and the weed thing was a joke :P

i was just saying is all
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Postby AE85coupe » Fri Aug 19, 2005 1:07 pm

i know man i got the joke i'm just being a smartass

i love weed, i admit it, i also love burnouts, but i $&#$% hate peter dunne and gt wings hahaha
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Postby DJ » Fri Aug 19, 2005 2:19 pm

Labour here atm :|
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Postby Adamal » Fri Aug 19, 2005 2:28 pm

Are you actually old enough to vote?
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Postby AE85coupe » Fri Aug 19, 2005 2:35 pm

DJ is 19 so he is old enough to vote

hmm looks like labour has announced tax cuts like national is constantly going on about

http://www.stuff.co.nz/stuff/0,2106,338 ... 95,00.html

Labour is looking better and better, i hope people will think very hard about how they vote
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Postby DJ » Fri Aug 19, 2005 2:55 pm

Adamal wrote:Are you actually old enough to vote?

Hey, fu*k you!

Not sure I registed tho *shrugs* :lol:
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Postby HELBND » Fri Aug 19, 2005 3:00 pm

interesting reading from NZH

Baxter wrote:
1) Who abolished NZ's apprenticeship system?

National. Although neither are they looking to change the status quo. In fact I believe National has pledged for a faster and less complicated system in place.

Now how about we look at NCEA? Which government decided to completely throw away the old system of school cert and bursary and replace it with a system that no teachers understood and no students appreciated within less than 2 years?

Baxter wrote:

2) Who wants to abolish time-an-a-half on public holidays?

Now this I don't agree with.

Baxter wrote:

3) Who voted for the 'Boy Racer' bill?

National. But answer this, who INITIATED the Boy Racer Bill???

Baxter wrote:

4) Who froze NZ's minimum wage?

And how long ago was this?? Has National stated that they will be freezing the minimum wage again in their latest campaign. Also don't bet on Labour not freezing the minimum wage if we have another oil crisis seen in the 80s. Wage freeze is predominantly used to stop spiraling inflation. Anyone with some sense of macro economics knows this. The Reserve Bank Act specifically states that inflation must be between 0-3% .... Now I wonder which Government during their term adjusted this inflationary threshold because they had trouble meeting it????

Baxter wrote:

5) Who wants to bring in laws to make it easier to sack workers with no reason?

Now employment law and employment relations has always been a two sided argument. Often this argument rests on which side of the work force you are on? The employee or employer side. If you were an employer I am sure you'd like to be able to fire someone immediately and without recourse if you found them stealing from your till, or if they are sexually harrassing an employee within your firm, or is threatening violence against yourself as the employer and possibly your family. Now you may say that all the above are grounds for justified immediate dismissal under the current system - I'd say to you have a look through the employment law reports, because it'd tell you otherwise.

The reality is the new employment relations act did little to change how an employee can be fired ... it actually added more grounds for dismissal and changed the procedure that an employer must go through. The only benefit that the employment relations act bought was revival of collective bargaining and a return of unionism which isn't a bad thing in certain industry.

Further more how many small businesses turning over less than $50K per year can afford being sued for no reason by a part time employee simply because she didn't like the way the employer spoke to her ...

However arguments like the above are hard to comprehend for non-employers.

Employment law is about balance ... balance of the rights and obligations of the employee and the employer ... I honestly don't believe that either Labour or National has it right. They are both too one sided in either of their policies.

Baxter wrote:

6) Who cut thousands of workers wages & conditions with the Employment Contracts Act?


Now let me ask, under which government did we have more union led strikes? Under which government did we have more employment contract disputes? Under which government do we now have the ability to sue for "stress" at work for which a definition wasn't properly given and the courts are at a loss to define what is work related stress? Also under which government do employers have more red tapes to work with, have more paper work to fill out over health and safety, but is left with little practical time to actually implement proper health and safety in work places??

Baxter wrote:

7) Who wants to suck George Bush's c^%$k?


Yet which Prime Minister was all too happy to shake G Bush's hand at various international summits? And which government is avidly pushing for free trade deals with the US and China? And keeps telling it's citizens that it's the best thing for the economy of this country when we come to realise which government did we have when we see products which were once "Made in NZ" replaced with "Made in China" or "Made in Mexico"??

Also which government foreign minister was all too happy to see US rekindle it's military exercise with the NZ troops recently??

Honestly I don't think, with the exception of the Greens of course, that there's a political party in NZ that can do without kissing ass to the US.

Baxter wrote:

8 ) Who voted against parental leave?


Baxter wrote:

9) Who has the coolest ad for the 2005 election campaign?

Why National of course. And whilst you may think that everyone else in this forum votes on the basis of one silly advertising, you would seriously be underestimating the intelligence of everyone on these forums. You argue that you don't vote on single issue, yet we are fed single issue politics by all the parties. Your quiz reflects the narrow band of issues surrounding the country as a whole at the moment. Single issue politics is also what gets votes. Political parties know that. Hence why whenever we see a boy racer or wanna be boy racer wraps himself around a power pole, we see political parties (no matter which one) come out and say we will pass this and that law when we get elected. It's election time, live with it.

Further, so what if Joe Blogs votes for NZ First because he doesn't like Asians in this country? It's called democracy. If you don't like the system, move elsewhere.

Baxter wrote:

10) Who (luckly) hasn't a hope of being elected governent any time soon?

Who knows?? If you are soo certain that Labour will win, why don't you put all your available cash with the Aussie beting agency then? Put your money where your mouth is. Hey you could be rich after the election - last time I heard it was paying $1: $1.47

Now a few more things .. food for thought for the uninformed voters that you believe exists on nzhondas forum.

- Under which government have we seen more tax on petrol (note raised twice) resulting in higher petrol prices in addition to rising crude oil prices?

- Under which government did we get 18 year olds drinking themselves silly and killing themselves in motor vehicles or their own vomit?

- Under which government did we get more legislations passed than any other government in the past to the extent that it's citizens havel little to no knowledge about what's going on?

- Under which government did we see your average hard working New Zealander incapable of fulfilling their dream of owning their own home and 1/4 acre section?

- Under which government did we have the increased development contribution levies by ten fold for infrustructure building and development?

- Under which government did we have "real" inflation go beyong 3% per annum?

- Which government paid millions of tax payer dollar into an airline that should have gone bust and be taken under statutory management or sold off??

- under which government did we see more serious and violent crimes being committed?

- under which government did we see the police force reduce in significant numbers?

Also if you are such a believer of the NZ democratic system and think Labour actually listens to its voters think again with this comment - which government was it that ignored the overwhelming majority citizens' referendum on harsher penalties for criminal??

I could go on, but I'll leave this topic with two final saying ... one from a western view and anothe from an eastern view on politics ...

The western one:

Politics is dirty ...

The Eastern one:

All parties are rotten apples, you just have to pick the least rotten one to eat ....

Thanks for reading.
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Postby bogjob_kp60 » Fri Aug 19, 2005 9:43 pm

Im still at high school and I actually think NCEA is pritty good. It has a few downsides such as tourism students getting 5 credits for pretending to welcome a guest and getting 6 credits for pluging in a computer. But its is still quite difficult to pas level 3 NCEA. Its also good for people like me who arnt as good at writing essays but good at doing things hands on like reports and pluging in and turning on a computer :D
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Postby strap-on » Mon Aug 22, 2005 8:41 am

at least with national you know what their polices are, labours are too subject to change depending on what will get them the votes
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Postby AE85coupe » Mon Aug 22, 2005 10:00 am

man, changing policies is the whole point of democracy, a party should do what the people want as they are going to represent the people

every year peoples needs change so policies need to be changed too
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Postby strap-on » Mon Aug 22, 2005 10:45 am

not as much as labours (and nationals to a apoint) change, honestly how many times has national come out with something that gets public support so helen copies the idea, polices shouldnt changet ehy should be claer cut, as it shouldnt matter who stays in parliment its the policies which they present which matter, parys which change their policys based on public opinion are just looking to stay in power, how is that democratic?

labour and national are just as bad as each other, the only good point of national is that they dont try to to appeal to selfish individuals with thier policies and have a bit more of a sense of improving the country,

i care about my country not myself, hence why im voting ACT i may not get tax cuts or extra holidays, but at least i know that they country will be a better place.
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Postby AE85coupe » Mon Aug 22, 2005 11:00 am

i used to be national through and through, so was my family heh, but i will definately turn to the dark side with Labour, there tax cuts benefit familys who need the cut, and not the rich like national, Labour is by no means perfect at all (just like any government labour or not) but it seems alot better than any other party, so they get my vote.

what has helen copied from national?

fair enough voting act, anything is better than winston or united future haha
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Postby DeeCee » Mon Aug 22, 2005 12:23 pm

the problem i still find with Labour is that the campaign promises they make are made for 5-6 years in the future.. ie you have to wait for 5-6 years for a change to be implemented.. keeping them in power for up to 2 terms longer.

Just because National implemented a lot of ideas for the country under different management, who is to say that they have been failures all the time? If National had been in power to make the ideas work instead of Labour, would we see different results? i think so..

Labour screwed up, not National..

And i abhore Labour turning the country into a welfare state.. "we'll do your thinking so you can watch TV or be a idiot"
IF an employee is underperforming consistantly i want to be able to fire their ass.. not have to retrain them to be a more confused monkey than before
Labour want to think of the families even though there are less younger couples having children now.. not to mention the fact that if a couple earns over 60k they get moved up to the next tax bracket making their earnings look like someone on 35k a year..

Haha - employment contracts act.. well, considering that a high number of people are actually able to demand contract rights and employers meet them because there is a lcak of skilled labour in the work force (see welfare state beef) then i think that one worked out quite well.. $&#$% the unions..

As to Baxters comments from NZH - what a load of twaddle.. lets see.. so you come up with an idea and then someone else screws up when trying to implement it.. hmm.. maybe we should "retrain" them so that they can do the job better next time??

To me its all politic slander.. i know who i'm voting for when i made this poll and its only to push Labour out because they have been in power for too long.. its definetly time for a change!! They been in for too long, made too many cockups and need a shift.. even if we move to a political party that cocks up.. we still need to see a difference in the position of power.
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Postby pervert » Mon Aug 22, 2005 12:56 pm

AE85coupe wrote:oh and the likelyhood is so so small that marijuana could have $&#$% with my brain, its almost impossible, there is also no proof whatsoever that marijuana affects long term memory

Give yourself another 3-4 years then you might change your opinions... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

As for the country going downhill since Labour has been in, the list is an arm length and some long, I'm not into political debating though...but I probably should mention the Police 'quota' system, not to mention law change after law change in regards anything to do with vehicles and the driving of vehicles...oh, and then there's the fact that is it now near-on impossible to fire an employee... :lol:
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Postby strap-on » Mon Aug 22, 2005 1:08 pm

not to mention that the skyhawks are 500 meters away from me rotting in a hanger because helen was one of the hippies protesting when they wer bought into the country.

nationals new tax policy is ass tho, they are spending money just to get in
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