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Mk1 or Mk2 MR2

Total votes : 37


Postby BREGIZ » Sun Jun 30, 2002 6:52 pm

the never ending debate

so ppl.. what will it be?
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Postby MrOizo » Sun Jun 30, 2002 7:02 pm

Mk1 aka. AW11 all the way man!
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Postby RedGoesFaster » Mon Jul 01, 2002 8:14 pm

wot he ^ said
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Postby feedah » Mon Jul 01, 2002 9:23 pm

It's gotta be the AW11!!!! :D
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Postby BREGIZ » Wed Jul 03, 2002 12:10 am

hmm all the verbal coming from the aw11 owners yet the sw20 seems to be peeling u off.. kinda like it does on the road really eh? hehe..

good stuff.. keep the rivalry alive!
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Postby Jasper » Wed Jul 03, 2002 8:43 am

but the poll is even yet the sw20 owners won't show scared or somting???? :lol:
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Postby Nuty|Mike » Wed Jul 03, 2002 10:21 am

aw11 all da way and where oh where are those littlle sw20 owners :roll:
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Postby BlackMR2 » Wed Jul 03, 2002 2:06 pm

go the SW20 2.0 litres of naturally aspirated madness
as my demerit points will testify.

although, I must admit a soft spot for the SC aw11
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Postby BREGIZ » Wed Jul 03, 2002 4:44 pm

oh shit.. u lil blighters are snapping at out heels!!! come on sw20 owners/supporters.. come out of the woodwork.. probably not as many owners cos most toy speeders cant afford them. .. so

come 1 come all. EVERYBODY we want your opinion.....

if u hadn't guessed im rootin 4 the sw20..
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Postby KiwiMR2 » Wed Jul 03, 2002 4:57 pm

SW20 all the way, not even in the same catagory ;)

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Postby MrOizo » Wed Jul 03, 2002 6:06 pm

i think BREGIZ loigged in on other ppls comps to vote.. :)

by the look of things theres more AW11 'written support!

keep the votes coming! :)
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Postby Wildcard » Thu Jul 04, 2002 1:13 pm

Rather than just whomever owns XXX car, how about we have a
technical debate about which is best :P

I've driven : AW11 NA, SW20 Gen2 NA and my car.....
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Postby BREGIZ » Thu Jul 04, 2002 1:16 pm

off u go then.. start the debate..
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Postby Wildcard » Thu Jul 04, 2002 11:27 pm

Well...... since power pretty much goes to the SW20.....
lets talk handling.....

If your an *highly experienced* driver [I don't know ANYONE with an MR2 who makes this caragory], then the Gen2 suspension seems to be the best.... Gen 3 was toned down a bit to allow the average driver to hang it on the limits much more easily but the Gen2 was more the purists car.... That said, with my uprated [new] bilsteins, I'm amazed at the Gen 3 handling...but coming from a FWD background, thats hardly a surprise!

As for the general handling of the SW20, most track vids from Japan I've seen, the SW20 is always in the top 2-3!

AW11, I'm not really sure..... anyone got any real track comparisons of the two?
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Postby BlackMR2 » Fri Jul 05, 2002 8:09 am

i know what you mean about the gen 2, but I prefer it as even though
you end up having some white knuckled heart stopping moments
as you have to stay on the gas through a corner. knowing that buttoning off the gas is a one way ticket to the scenic route.
its alot of fun and more of a drivers car when you understand the weight balance and the implications and quirks of it all. and even better they are cheaper :D
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Postby ae85 wgtn » Fri Jul 05, 2002 12:16 pm

Since I haven't driven either and will never own either I'll keep it down to looks, and engine power ratings.
I'd never buy a non-turbo sw20 mr2 or a standard 16v aw11. I'd have the mr2 if it was 3sgte powered and 5 speed.
And I'd drive the aw11 if it had a 20v 4age in it but not s/c as I love engines that rev. The aw11 would only be a temporary measure for me as I don't really find their shape appealing.
20v ae85 :)
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Postby Nuty|Mike » Fri Jul 05, 2002 4:40 pm

having driven all three aw11 sw20 and the MRS id have to say for zippy fast driving aw11 is the car good handling but lackin in power would be the mrs but i just loved the way the sw20 pulled like a schoolboy when boost was wound up if you could combine all three youd make the perfect car .

Well thats my opinion any way :D
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I've owned....

Postby RedMist » Mon Jul 22, 2002 2:59 pm

I've owned three AW11's and currently have a SW20. Both models are totally different cars. The AW11 is probably the best cornering road car that I have ever been in (bar an Elise). The car caries speed through the corner well but it's turn in is unbelievable.
The SW20 is more of a tourer. It's an incredibly fast car that really doesn't seem fast. For top end and acceleration the AW11 would be left for dead, however my SW doesn't turn in anywhere near as quick as the three AW's I've owned. The SW also feels (although I haven't looked at the stats) as if it's got a more rear end bias.

On the limit, the SW20 will go from a mild understeer to a mild oversteer throughout a corner... and if pushed further the rear end tends to snap free and is very hard to predict when this will happen.

The AW11 on the limit is different. Turn-in is neutral and through the corner can be held in a mild four wheel drift with throttle. Push it harder and the back end comes around mildly and is easy for the armature to catch.

If I was to build a MR2 race car then the AW 11 would be it.... however I'd keep my SW20 for street!

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