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Postby BenC » Sun Sep 18, 2005 2:54 am

JT, got linked to this forum (plz don't rip me for being new like I know I will be :lol: ) and noticed your post and slinky's reply... unlike him I am a Labour Supporter :D , even got family in the party.. but I'm not gonna try to make you change your opinion on Helen or whatever it is you hate ( election is already over anyway so who cares :lol: ) BUT I do want to point out your ignorance and unjustified remarks back at slinky after he made perfectly valid and correct points.

First of all it is clear to me that your stuanch anti-labour and nothing wrong with that... half the country is... but as slinky said, you gave very uneducated reasons.

you've just made a 'one covers all statement' and said I'm wrong

Actually he gave a pretty exact answer to all your statements bar 1 or 2.

As slinky said, the first three issues were conscience votes so and Don Brash even voted for prostitution. You may of wanted to talk about the seabed and foreshore legislation which is a different story, but since you didn't say it I'll assume that isn't a reason you dislike Labour.

As slinky said Helen is married and has been for many years, you may of noticed her family by her side a lot of the time during the campagin and on election night her parents/sister(I think) were with her throughout. She may not have kids but a lot of people don't and I'll assume that you don't either? Don Brash on the other hand had a lot of marriage issues at one stage, but we aren't on that are we...

Dismal Budget? I agree that it wasn't their BEST budget for an election year... bribing people with a few tax cuts could of helped.

As slinky said, the Greens were not in coalition with Labour so saying they were in bed with them is proving your ignorance 2 fold.

George Hawkins has just been a scapegoat for National to attack as he could be considered an 'easy target'. He has done a lot more good as police minister than has done bad. I'm not gonna assume that your attacking him because he has a disability, but ill ask, are you?

John Tamihere. Guess I can't comment since the election has only just happened (John = gone so hopefully we'll find out what your talking about soon) But John is a great guy (met him a few times) and has done a lot of good things not only for Maori but for his electorate.

Georgina Beyer. Well I wont say much since I dont support the decision she made a long time ago(prolly shudnt say that since it goes against my whole arugement :lol:) But...blah blah ... she hasnt exactly done much wrong besides what she 'is' has she ? (I'm allowed to hold predjudice on things like that :P)

Won't comment on NCEA, slinky summes it up .. Nationals idea.. Labour tried to make it work... it was doomed to fail, and to an extent it did... but atleast Labour has put an effort in to fix up some things about it.

Interest Free Loans. Theres always going to be people signing up for loans to do what you said... (namely sign up to get a benifit without working) ... but that will happen with interest and without. Erasing interest will benifit the future of New Zealand a lot more than it will hurt it... if you didn't realise, the educated people in the world are usually the ones to advance society(pretty generalised statement I realise... but slinky gave a pretty good summary) and the educated people atm are leaving the country in droves. Sure it won't show immediate benefits to the average joe who doesn't HAVE a loan, but for those people who see further than their next pay check it will eventually help.

However, I fear National could make just as many mistakes so I will probably vote for a minor party which I hope will keep either of the two from causing too much damage.

National has made 'mistakes' just like Labour has, just like everyone else has this election campagin... but the "mistakes' you believe Labour made and listed above this comment are completely ignorant and badly educated mistakes that would be more suited to be called 'my uneducated ignorant reasons why I will not vote for labour'

alowing funding for hip hop tours than sh*t

That is an example of a mistake Labour made IMO, now if you had said something like that you wouldn't of had someone like slinky trying to explain why your view was misinformed.

Anyway... I didn't really want to attack you, just try to defend a friend who did nothing wrong besides give you a DETAILED REPLY AND EXPLANATION TO NEARLY EVERY POINT YOU MADE... But the fact that you went and said that he didnt back it up and he just made a 'one covers all statement' is really $&#$% pathetic considering he DID backup his responses with quite a few FACTS unlike your original ignorant views which contained views based on predjudice.

Flame me all you like... I don't care... but I ask you to do one thing: Next time someone gives you some information that discredits your view, you don't just go pass it off as a 'your wrong' post and actually take some time to take in the facts given to you and respond to them with a answer that does more than just reinforce the message that you are an idiot.
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Postby GGnz » Sun Sep 18, 2005 11:42 am

Well looking like Labours in for another 3 years fellas. We all could be riding our tricycles soon if Greens have it their way... :cry:
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Postby Bling » Sun Sep 18, 2005 1:13 pm

build a bridge and get over it BenC :roll:

who really cares whos right and wrong, by posting such a post, you just look to be after an argument :?

back on topic :P

sucks they look to be staying in government :cry:
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Postby Malcolm » Sun Sep 18, 2005 1:42 pm

i must say, too many people have closed minds about politics, they blindly follow one person based on a couple of things they've heard on TV.
I actually didn't vote for either Labour or National, I had originally intended to vote National, because I believe in the fundamentals of a center-right government, but the unfortunate thing about this election is that it's been less about the social and economic policies of the parties, and more about who's going to give you the most money.
At the end of the day, I think lower taxes are good, I think there's too much wastage in a lot of government funded sectors (ie health care), and that smarter funding could achieve the same results with less spending.
However, the National tax cut policy was a clear case of electioneering, designed to maximise votes vs. money spent.
Similar deal with Labour's student loans policy, I'm a student and if they end up forming the government I will definitely take advantage of it, but it's not targeted enough to have proper benefits. A more intelligent way to cut student debt, without wasting the cost on idiots who repeat every paper twice, don't show up to classes, and generally don't give a sh*t, would be to for instance say that:
Every paper that you pass, the government will pay for HALF of it, ie half the size of the loan for that paper
BUT only if you remain in NZ for atleast 10 years after doing so.

This way, if you complete a say a $40,000 degree (and borrow the whole lot) and pass every paper first time, you will only have to repay $20,000.
Any papers which you have to repeat due to failing, you still have to pay for in their entirety. Don't wipe the interest on the loan however, as this is simply a fact of borrowing money, and a fundamental thing that is required to make the loan repaid quickly.

Also income splitting for couples/families is definitely a very sensible way to support families where one parent stays home to look after the child.

So, I voted United Future, because I think they have a very common sense approach to politics, and although they obviously weren't going to be a majority party, I think they need to be part of the government, to keep the major parties honest and reduce extreme policies.
But whether or not they end up in that position looks a bit doubtful now I guess :)
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Postby JT » Sun Sep 18, 2005 1:49 pm

BenC wrote:....

Read the whole thread before you go making more assumptions like slinky. It was he who came out and said I was wrong after my reply to his....


You've just repeated the same old rubbish he said and wrapped it up in pretty colourful paper. You haven't given me any good reasons to take back one comment I made in my original post.

Unlike people who support a party no matter what, Im a swing voter not anti-labour and I research things. Just keep on listening to your family and the media reports that suit you.
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Postby JT » Sun Sep 18, 2005 2:10 pm

Just so you can't go and say I didn't respond to the points you made:

No, I was not having a go at george hawkins because of a disabillity.

Helen doesn't believe in marriage, quote:

"That's the only reason I married the man I had been living with for 5 years. I was really tired of being extended on the personal front as well as on political issues"

"When I married a lot of the personal criticism stopped. But I felt really compromised. I think legal marriage is unnecessary and I would not have formalised the relationship except for going into Parliament. I have always railed against it privately..."

taken from http://flatrock.org.nz/topics/wellingto ... _prime.htm which lists the exert from an interview with Helen Clark for a book called 'Head and Shoulders: Successful New Zealand Women Talk to Virginia Meyers'

Labour has been in bed with the greens and will most likely need to if they want to form a government again AND Together 90% of Labour AND Green party memebers voted for civil unions and prostitution while Labour was in government. Please tell me how this isn't a reason for the responsibilty to lie with them?

NCEA: "Nationals idea.. Labour tried to make it work" and Labour failed. Can't blame National for coming up with an idea if they had no control over the implementation.

blah blah blah, so before you go calling me an idiot, ignorant and predjudice make sure you look in the mirror. Take down those labour posters in your room first tho eh :wink:
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