Which party do you support?

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Which party you support?

NZ First
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Which party do you support?

Postby MrOizo » Sun May 19, 2002 1:27 pm

Well elections are coming up ... who you supporting?
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Postby ST185 » Sun May 19, 2002 3:55 pm

Voted Labour Last time, but this time im thinking ACT as they want to drop the Tax rate , at that would be allllllllllll good for me...
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oh ok then

Postby MrOizo » Sun May 19, 2002 4:37 pm

Well can people make this a serious poll, and if you wanna like ST185 put down ... why you are voting for them
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i vote....

Postby Low_Angel » Sun May 19, 2002 5:25 pm

I vote for us to take over Parlament so we get the changes we want to see!
open speed limits on certain roads, Drags open on Fri & Sat night fully legalised etc etc........

:lol: come on support Toyspeed for Election!!!!
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Postby MrOizo » Sun May 19, 2002 5:34 pm

well i recently attended the labour party conference in wellington.

The youth in labour oppose the whole thing. and the MP's are in a similar state of mind

will be good to see the whole thing..

I also got a copy of the new law if anyone wants to have a look.. well not new law yet :/
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Postby ST185 » Mon May 20, 2002 12:47 pm

They are all useless, i dont know why i bother voting.
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Postby Silvertop » Mon May 20, 2002 2:56 pm

I'm not usually one to get serious about voting, usually vote for National as thats the way the voting goes where I come from.

I think i'll go for labour this time, but all it would take to sway my vote to another party is one point that I happen to agree with.

Low_Angel wrote:I vote for us to take over Parlament so we get the changes we want to see!
open speed limits on certain roads, Drags open on Fri & Sat night fully legalised etc etc........

:lol: come on support Toyspeed for Election!!!!

Pity no-one would take us seriously :cry:
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Postby ST185 » Mon May 20, 2002 9:43 pm

I agree with you there Silvertop, not much would sway my vote..
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Postby RedGoesFaster » Wed May 22, 2002 8:42 pm

i'll prolly vote greenies, more as a sort of statement, that no one else there is workin in my best interests so i may as well help out my mates who smoke pot... im not very politically informed however so my opinion means not a whole bunch....
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Postby dragonx » Sat May 25, 2002 1:30 am

to be honest i voted act, stone me now if u must but hear me out.

quite franky they all suck, i used to vote legalise as my no vote, but i figured they will legalise one day weither i vote for them or not, so act has my no vote now, all the rest just want to tax me. dont get me wrong act r a bunch of wanks as well.

I FEEL POWERLESS lets storm Parlament before its to late, :( and i have to drive an echo 8O :( :x
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Postby YaAqoB » Sat May 25, 2002 3:36 am

I can't stand the Green Party or that Dick Head thats runs it. I'll vote for the party that has the harsest way for criminals and that isn't to scared to do something with pricks like this guy from Otara who shot the Bank and Pizza guy.
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Postby Stupra » Sat May 25, 2002 7:34 pm

probably vote national becuse there more like us in a way, working class people with familys and stuff, thats what most nzers are like, work most of there life bring up family etc and they think a bit more realistic, i dont think helen clark has worked a day in her life the country is kinda dictated by a text book i think, the teachers and nurses are still underpaid and there striking still, our tax is higher yet more people are on the dole and theres 400+ benefits u can apply for now so thats where the tax is going u can earn more on the dole than working in some cases these days and the roads still suck and theres no airforce anymore and i havnt seen the money go anywhere useful so national has my vote,

iaverage tax rate harsher penaltys for crims etc, i reckon that we need better cops like have guns maybe and less tolerance for crims, theres not enough cops solving crimes and people get away with stuff to easily and the cops cant do shit so give them more power in other areas other than boyracers which is pointless anyway, hopefully improve the roads and driver training "speed kills campaign" is just a cover up to shut the public up and have them belive that speed is the real cause for the high road death toll but really the real story is theres no money to fix or upgrade the roads or teach people how 2 drive in this country and most cars on the road are complete shit boxes that are unsafe and dodgy as hell, less imigrants maybe, get skilled ones in that can speak english at least not 50,000 per year from aisa that are mostly useless that end up in auckland and just put more strain on the country and clog up our schools hospitals and roads, less pointless benefits for people they should make beneficarys work doing community service sometimes or something that way they would be contributing in some way at least, hopefully do something about the education system, people drop out of school very early and we have very high pregnancy rate in this country and people dont have very good english skills at all ive noticed lots of people are ignorant and rude especially drivers in auck most of them have no courtesy and hopefully fix the student loan thing aswell less interest, the people who study and get loans should be looked after more since there the ones contributing the most in this country and working hard not the people on the dole who get a state house and all sorts of benefits.

the greens are just a bunch or bush monkeys who want the country to be back in the stone age there anti technology anti cars etc, act is to small to make a difference some of there ideas are good but they wouldnt work for most people in nz.
its never possible to have everything go your way once your in power, resources and money are so tight and people get upset very easy in this country so its hard to make big changes without conflict or upsetting people, but hopefully things will get better in the future, our wage rate and our dollar is very low so those should be important things to focus on aswell so thats what i think about it all.

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Postby toylet gt » Sun May 26, 2002 4:12 pm

i would vote for the greens if i was old enough to (onlyn 16/17 in june) -i have never smoked dope ever in my life so dont think typical stoner voting for a party who wants to legalise dope it is only because they are the single party who opposed the totally unfair "down with boy racers bill"" .p.s could the person with a copy of the bill please send it to me e-mail cantyfanjp@hotmail.com.
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Postby Wildcard » Sun May 26, 2002 4:45 pm

After reading this thread, I'm going to vote for whichever party pushes teaching good grammar and spelling :P
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Postby Toymota2 » Sun May 26, 2002 5:03 pm

yea if i was old enuff 2 vote id vote 4 da greens coz they r da only group dat makes any sense even if they r pot heads :twisted:
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Postby Chelles » Wed May 29, 2002 11:37 am

I'm sure not in for a tax reduction. If they reduce taxes where is the money gonna come form to pay all the 'BILLS'.

Just a thought on ST185's comments
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Postby MrOizo » Wed May 29, 2002 8:39 pm

from boy(and girl)racers?
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Increased Spending...

Postby ST185 » Fri May 31, 2002 11:34 pm

What would you do if you had more spare money....spend it !! the lost money from personal tax would be made up with the extra GST the govt would get from the spending.
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Postby Macros » Fri Jun 07, 2002 12:25 pm

Well I hope that the Greens don't get enough votes to form a coalition with Labour. Labour and that damn Helen Clark will manage to turn this country to crap but the Greens are even worse. If they were in power we would all be sitting round in flax skirts smoking pot. Also its important to note that they werent opposing the "Anti Boy Racer Bill" but the idea of giving police more power.
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Postby BlakJak » Fri Jun 07, 2002 10:59 pm

Maybe im a cynic, but I dont know if I'll vote at all this year...
I dont think theres a single political party that I can support.. Labour have $&#$% us over as far as im concerned (im a military buff; look at our Airforce) but I didnt like National much either...

I voted Alliance last election and look where that got us.

Anyway - Blah. I might just do a random stab thing :)

BTW Agree with Ben - Stupra, learn to use Fullstops and Capital Letters and it will make your messages so much easier to read! (Id suffocate if i tried to read your message out loud lol)
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