docco monday night on water fuel

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docco monday night on water fuel

Postby Ae92typeX » Tue Oct 18, 2005 8:05 am

Anyone see the docco monday night on the guy who is claiming to have made a bike run on water for fuel? I caught about 2/3rds of it. Not really sure on my opinion yet- they cant test the fuel untill he gets his patient which can take a year to be granted.
basically it looked like he was making hydrogen in his little conversion box and somehow keeping it stored in h20.
Had an inspector come look at it and say it had no hidden fuel, also the reporter smelling the liquid said it was odorless.
however, also did an emissions test and got high readings of co2, suggesting some type of conventional fuel, although he said it was from the oil he lubes the engine with mixing with the water on combustion. Talked to a renge of scientists who were dubious about it.
will be interesting to see if anything becomes of it anyway!
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Postby EVL GSXR » Tue Oct 18, 2005 8:25 am

Yeah seen most of it..
If it what he say's then he's going to be one very rich man..

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Postby Ae92typeX » Tue Oct 18, 2005 8:29 am

sure will be...very rich
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Postby Mad Murphy » Tue Oct 18, 2005 8:33 am

I remember reading in National Geographic a few months ago that it takes massive ammounts of energy to produce hydrogen therefore it's more polluting to produce the energy to make the hydrogen than it is to just use conventional fuel.
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Postby Malcolm » Tue Oct 18, 2005 10:20 am

as that emissions specialist from auckland uni said...
you can't get more energy out of a system than you put into it
water doesn't have much stored energy (afaik), so you have to put large amounts of energy into electrolysis to extract hydrogen from it (and as I byproduct I guess you would get oxygen gas too).
My bet is that his little secret box has an alcohol based fuel in it or something, although I cannot begin to speculate as to what it may actually be because I don't know sh*t about chemistry.
I don't believe him for a second, to paraphrase the moron
"because I don't have any formal training in chemistry, I start something knowing it's not going to work, that's where my advantage over someone who is trained in chemistry is, they wouldn't try things because in theory it wouldn't work" or words to that effect

to get the same levels of carbon in his exhausts as would be present running on normal fuel, he would have to be burning about the same amount (afaik), so he would have to be burning about the same amount of oil as a normal car does petrol, which is quite a bit.
Also his suggestion that it would be more environmentally safe is a bit ridiculous when it's pumping out more CO than a diesel.
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Postby Santa'sBoostinSleigh » Tue Oct 18, 2005 11:16 am

old schooler aka Paul did some H2 + O work in his 20v Levin, but i think he gave up or got bored.

pretty much included an additional alternator, a fuel conversion cell (electrolysis) and some tubing.
from memory it made the car smoother running, but i didnt get to see much of it running
he only used the ass dyno and the 50km in 2nd --> 100km/h speed sign test (as in sit in 2nd at exactly 50, when he got to the 100k sign, floor it and see how fast he could get up to at the next road sign (very technical))

thats what happen when youve got a low-zero budget and guesswork!
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Postby pervert » Tue Oct 18, 2005 11:22 am

Bah, him and his bike will mysteriously dissapear long before his patent gets approved... :lol:
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Postby dragonx » Tue Oct 18, 2005 11:43 am

not b4 he gets people to buy shares in his company, so they are share in the pot @ teh end of the rainbow.

hes no idiot, he cant turn h20 into fuel, but he sure can turn h20 into cash ....
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Postby Kermit12a » Tue Oct 18, 2005 11:46 am

I with Pervert, It has been done before. Just nothing comes with it as the car or oil companys by the patent then the person dissapears.

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Oh well. Some time they will have to let there hold of the worlds balls and let us try and blow our selves up. :twisted:
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Postby trueno » Tue Oct 18, 2005 11:57 am

If it's so simple though.. how is he going to make any money from it?
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Re: docco monday night on water fuel

Postby Punter » Tue Oct 18, 2005 12:08 pm

Ae92typeX wrote:got high readings of co2, suggesting some type of conventional fuel

Yea i'm no expert but theres no carbon in water, so where did it come from??

Ae92typeX wrote:although he said it was from the oil he lubes the engine with mixing with the water on combustion.!

He also said that he had not modified the motor at all (only a small change to the carb) so the oil shouldn't touch the water/fuel.

and again i'm no expert but oil and water don't mix :D
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Postby Malcolm » Tue Oct 18, 2005 12:12 pm

trueno wrote:If it's so simple though.. how is he going to make any money from it?

that's actually exactly right

if it was as simple as he claimed, anyone could do it. Provided you don't do it for money/commercially you'd probably be fairly safe, and if enough people did it he would have great difficulty protecting his patent.

Kinda like people who have patented things like "inhaling air, extracting oxygen from it and absorbing into the bloody stream, then exhaling carbon dioxide" (ie breathing) and similar thing
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Postby dragonx » Tue Oct 18, 2005 12:30 pm

i should be doing study, but i spose this is a from of study :roll:

its the 20th century version of turning lead into gold

as has been stated, but ill put it again

so the first law of thermodynamices states that "the total energy of the universe is constant", or more usefully that energy in all its froms cannot be created or destroyed, though the various forms and interconvertable, aka light energy can be converted into chemical energy (plants) , heat energy can be converted into mechanical energy (burning of H split from h20)

now energy is required to split h20,

so energy required to split h20 has to less that the energy produced by burning the h20, aka excess energy produced.

theres no secret to splitting h20, but simply, its neither cheap, nor small.
i didnt c the program, but since its on a bike i assume its small....

i think we can say that he is not using any biological catalysts for his reactions, numerous researchers are exploring the use of enzymes known as hydrogenases as a mechanism for producing molecular hydrogen from microorganisms (i.e., bio-hydrogen).
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Postby fivebob » Tue Oct 18, 2005 12:38 pm

Kermit12a wrote:I with Pervert, It has been done before. Just nothing comes with it as the car or oil companys by the patent then the person dissapears.

Yep, gotta watch out for those black helicopters, they'll get you everytime :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Postby fivebob » Tue Oct 18, 2005 12:39 pm

dragonx wrote:now energy is required to split h20,

so energy required to split h20 has to less that the energy produced by burning the h20, aka excess energy produced.

Yes, but the theory here is that it requires less energy to separate a fool and his money, which afterall is the main aim of the exercise :roll:
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Postby Lloyd » Tue Oct 18, 2005 8:38 pm

Pisseasy to split water into H2 and O. Producing usable quantities of it is a completely different matter all together. Anyone who has seen it being produced the easy way with power probes into a bucket of water will know how slow its made that way.

The quantities required to run a vehicle would be massive (in comparison) and would therefore require a fairly massive power supply which you would either get from batteries (and may as well go for an electric car that way as it would be more efficient) or by using, say, a petrol/diesel generator which sort of defeats the purpose doesn't it? :lol:

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Postby cheese » Tue Oct 18, 2005 9:08 pm

EVL GSXR wrote:Yeah seen most of it..
If it what he say's then he's going to be one very rich man..

yep, when the oil companies pay him out millions to not go ahead with the idea...or assinate him.

you hear about this shit but never seem to again. like the dude last year in SA who made his bike run purely on magnets
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Postby Audi » Tue Oct 18, 2005 10:57 pm

Ha I love the whole, yeah theres this guy who made a car that runs on water but the car companies covered it up thing. Been going round for ages. Total BS. Inventing stuff? Possible. Defying the laws of physics? Not.
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Postby fivebob » Wed Oct 19, 2005 5:21 am

cheese wrote:
EVL GSXR wrote:Yeah seen most of it..
If it what he say's then he's going to be one very rich man..

yep, when the oil companies pay him out millions to not go ahead with the idea...or assinate him.

you hear about this sh*t but never seem to again. like the dude last year in SA who made his bike run purely on magnets

If you'd just take off your foil hat, quit reading about the man on the grassy knoll, and stop looking over your shoulder for the black helicopters, you might come to realise that there is one thing in common with all these "inventions" that mysteriously "disappear". They all break some common laws of physics/thermodynamics, usually the one about conservation of energy/matter.


May I suggest you spend some time in the Museum of Unworkable Devices, you'll probably find most of the inventions that have been mislaid there :wink:
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Postby malc » Thu Oct 20, 2005 12:07 am

There is a lot we still do not know about physics and the world universe in general.
If so called inventions were to break the perceived laws of physics/thermodynamics, is this to say that the invention was wrong or our take on the law was not quite correct?
Indeed there are a lot of preposterous inventions out there, but people have been coming up with alternate ways of powering engines since engines have been around, some with much success others with not so much. The garrett carburetor is worth a look for powering a car with water/hydrogen, invented in the 1930s, was witnessed by many working successfully, The bourke engine developed in the 50s I think, also an interesting alternative engine, the idea is so simple and really only has 2 moving parts, whilst it runs on normal fuel, the consumption is minimal.
There are many others out there.
The oil industry can only lose out if alternate fuels are made mainstream, why would they want to lose money? They are having the time of their life at the moment, charging a premium for oil and scaring the general public into believing that oil resources are running out quickly (which I also think is a total scam, and that oil is replenished naturally in the earths cycles).
They have a strangle hold and would not enjoy that being threatened.
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