Blinder laser jammer

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Postby pidge » Wed Nov 30, 2005 6:46 am

BlakJak wrote:I guess my last post wasnt clear enough in the 'I realise the differences' side of things.

Whoops! I didn't read your response thoroughly - I got a bit hot under the collar at the "smartarse" comment :oops: :lol:

BlakJak wrote:Good spotting re the legally defined edge of the 'radio waves' though.

I decided I'd better just have a quick dig around and sort that out exactly the scope of the legislation so that we'd stop arguing that particular point in ignorance. It's handy that all the legislation is online :D

PS I'm a RSM license holder too - just an Amateur Radio License though.
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Postby BigDon » Sun Dec 04, 2005 8:28 pm

Have started a group buy thread, prices are up.

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1995 AE111 BZ-G: Stereo and daily driver (SOLD)
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Postby CEvans » Mon Dec 05, 2005 7:08 am

beeker wrote:
method wrote:They are illegal too.

I also know someone with one, its on his 911 turbo, works well. Safest thing is to just not speed :wink:

Wrong, no one has been prosecuted yet.

I have run the Blinder M10, and then M20 for over 5 years now on 4x different cars. They work VERY well, assuming they are setup correctly (the key).

They only work on Laser guns. You cannot defeat radar, but car detect it with a good radar detector.

yes they are illegal just because no one has been prosecuted doesnt make it not illegal it just means that the police either dont know the guy has it or its too much of a hassle either way the first person to get done will get f@#$ked over and i cant stand rich ponsies speeding around as they are the ones who cause the major crashes. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby tuckame » Tue Dec 06, 2005 7:42 am

CEvans wrote:
beeker wrote:
method wrote:They are illegal too.

I also know someone with one, its on his 911 turbo, works well. Safest thing is to just not speed :wink:

Wrong, no one has been prosecuted yet.

I have run the Blinder M10, and then M20 for over 5 years now on 4x different cars. They work VERY well, assuming they are setup correctly (the key).

They only work on Laser guns. You cannot defeat radar, but car detect it with a good radar detector.

yes they are illegal just because no one has been prosecuted doesnt make it not illegal it just means that the police either dont know the guy has it or its too much of a hassle either way the first person to get done will get f@#$ked over and i cant stand rich ponsies speeding around as they are the ones who cause the major crashes. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Where did you get your information from - how can the likes of radar direct sell them if they are illegal?? Can you show me a link on LTSA for example
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Postby beeker » Tue Dec 06, 2005 5:34 pm

tuckame wrote:
CEvans wrote:
beeker wrote:
method wrote:They are illegal too.

I also know someone with one, its on his 911 turbo, works well. Safest thing is to just not speed :wink:

Wrong, no one has been prosecuted yet.

I have run the Blinder M10, and then M20 for over 5 years now on 4x different cars. They work VERY well, assuming they are setup correctly (the key).

They only work on Laser guns. You cannot defeat radar, but car detect it with a good radar detector.

yes they are illegal just because no one has been prosecuted doesnt make it not illegal it just means that the police either dont know the guy has it or its too much of a hassle either way the first person to get done will get f@#$ked over and i cant stand rich ponsies speeding around as they are the ones who cause the major crashes. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Where did you get your information from - how can the likes of radar direct sell them if they are illegal?? Can you show me a link on LTSA for example

He is technically right and wrong at the same time. Just because there hasn't been a precedent set (prosecution), doesn't mean its illegal, but then again doesn't mean that its legal either. If you really want an answer, you can put a request to the high court for a ruling on the matter, but somehow I don't think that'll happen in a hurry.

Reality is, there appears to be no clear law that bans it. Therefore the police will need a very clear cut case to be successful. If your a silly fool who intentionally flouts the law and drives like an idiot, you'll get nailed one way or another (and probably deserves it). If you drive safely, and simply don't like the idea of revenue collecting, you'll 99.99% be ok with them unless you are very unlucky or there is a precent case held and they get declared illegal. Personally I think the chance of getting a speeding ticket is 1000x the risk of get nailed for using one. As said prior, they have been used in NZ for over 6 years. No one has been prosecuted yet to my knowledge. I will say though, that they are so good, and getting so popular, that maybe the govt might look at regulating this. If they do, you can bet they'll ban radar detectors at the same time.
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Postby vhpacer » Tue Jan 17, 2006 4:16 pm

Sorry to bring up such an old thread but... :oops:

can anyone tell me, do you need 2 transceivers at the front for the most effect? Because the jammers only comes with two transceivers . Do those cars on page 1 have transceivers at the back aswell, or arent they worth having at the back?

Cheers for any help :D
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Postby beeker » Tue Jan 17, 2006 7:07 pm

vhpacer wrote:Sorry to bring up such an old thread but... :oops:

can anyone tell me, do you need 2 transceivers at the front for the most effect? Because the jammers only comes with two transceivers . Do those cars on page 1 have transceivers at the back aswell, or arent they worth having at the back?

Cheers for any help :D

The Blinder M20 had 2x tranceivers, and you need to mount them together to be effective. If you want rear protection, you get another pair or get the M40 bundle.

95% of traps are from the front, but there is growing use of rear traps. I can only assume this the to catch those who hide behind jammers, and because most have front protection only.
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Postby vhpacer » Tue Jan 17, 2006 9:00 pm

Great thanks

But how/why would you get lasered from behind? By the time you've passed it would'nt they have zapped you already? I've also got a V1 radar. I dunno its like $500 for 2 more transceivers :?: :roll:

Its not like there going to use laser from in the car.
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Postby beeker » Tue Jan 17, 2006 9:08 pm

vhpacer wrote:Great thanks

But how/why would you get lasered from behind? By the time you've passed it would'nt they have zapped you already? I've also got a V1 radar. I dunno its like $500 for 2 more transceivers :?: :roll:

Its not like there going to use laser from in the car.

They sit on onramps and shoot you as you go/gone past. They catch-up as needed. Not really gentlemanly, but very effective.
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Postby vhpacer » Tue Jan 17, 2006 9:22 pm

beeker wrote:
vhpacer wrote:Great thanks

But how/why would you get lasered from behind? By the time you've passed it would'nt they have zapped you already? I've also got a V1 radar. I dunno its like $500 for 2 more transceivers :?: :roll:

Its not like there going to use laser from in the car.

They sit on onramps and shoot you as you go/gone past. They catch-up as needed. Not really gentlemanly, but very effective.

That solves that then :D

Thought I was missing something, theres no onramps down this neck of the woods :D
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