Cops always right

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Postby Emperor » Tue Dec 06, 2005 8:59 pm

yeah lol
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Re: Cops always right

Postby deaf_rattle » Tue Dec 06, 2005 9:55 pm

Emperor wrote:
I believe my dad was only doing 90, he'd never take something to court if it wasn't worth it.

pyro_sniper2002 wrote:Who said they did :roll:

please read in future :roll:
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Postby Alex B » Tue Dec 06, 2005 10:20 pm

But nothing about that was said in court you dope, all he ment was that he truested what his dad said was true.

They had proof that a radar can be in accurate in the situations of fog etc as proof and it didnt hold up?? Have you got it, or fo you want double spacing and larger font??
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Postby Punter » Tue Dec 06, 2005 11:59 pm

DRFTIN wrote:
Emperor wrote:apparentally 110+ they pull you up, two people I know set their cruise control to 109. lol

what if their speedo is out by 2kph?

To pass a warrent your speedo has to be accurate to 10% (thats where the 110 limit came from)

Best to check how fast you are actually going with a had held GPS.
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Postby ollieboy » Wed Dec 07, 2005 1:30 am

Man sucks about the cops winning but its a usual story. I hang round in a law library :oops: (Hey I want to be a lawyer) and I have heard of stories where people have been rooted by the police etc all the time. The same thing happened to me, on my second speeding ticket I swore I was doing far less than the posted speed limit but was caught doing 114. I went and got the speedo tested and it was way off, I sent the evidence off and I got a letter sent back stating the fine would remain payable.

This is why I am not surprised that your father was not let off.

If you want a tip I know a few people have used a couple of times. Send in a receipt for a new speedo cable and say it broke and they revoke the ticket.

About the you are allowed to travel up to 110 thing, thats not true. You are only allowed to travel to 100 but police are allowed to use their discretion when they catch a speeding driver and most of the time let it slip. If you are travelling between 100-110 kph it would be a $80 instant fine I think, my dad got a ticket for it once and I think thats how much it was.
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Postby cheese » Wed Dec 07, 2005 8:28 am

86_rolla wrote:hmmm u acutally took it to court? its only like a $80 fine it would of cost you more in lawyers fee's? Ah well sh*t happens i guess Cops are the law even they can be bastards sometimes, they can enforce it pretty much anyway they please :?

i doubt emperors dad cares much about the court fees. would be the principal. personally i dont trust their speed cameras either. was doing bang on 60 and got done for 67. and the other week was doing 110 exactly and done for 114. used to have a gps/radar detector in my car which showed my true. 110 on my speedo = 105 on the gps. so yeh i reckon they put it up a few knotches.
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Postby GT4 20 » Wed Dec 07, 2005 8:34 am

CAMB01 wrote:i've got past a few cops with lasers doing over 100km/h.
never got pulled up.

Wow, You're a real hero aren't you? :roll:
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Postby Santa'sBoostinSleigh » Wed Dec 07, 2005 8:45 am

Punter wrote:
DRFTIN wrote:
Emperor wrote:apparentally 110+ they pull you up, two people I know set their cruise control to 109. lol

what if their speedo is out by 2kph?

To pass a warrent your speedo has to be accurate to 10% (thats where the 110 limit came from)
Best to check how fast you are actually going with a had held GPS.
but when you get a wof they dont get a gps unit and go for a drive, they just drive the car forward a bit and make sure it goes. they would probably pick it up if they were nana'ing along and the speedo said something like 100kph tho... probably being the key word
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Postby Leon » Wed Dec 07, 2005 9:31 am

snwtoy wrote:Surprised? No.

what he said
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Postby Punter » Wed Dec 07, 2005 9:59 am

Santa'sBoostinSleigh wrote:
Punter wrote:
DRFTIN wrote:
Emperor wrote:apparentally 110+ they pull you up, two people I know set their cruise control to 109. lol

what if their speedo is out by 2kph?

To pass a warrent your speedo has to be accurate to 10% (thats where the 110 limit came from)
Best to check how fast you are actually going with a had held GPS.
but when you get a wof they dont get a gps unit and go for a drive, they just drive the car forward a bit and make sure it goes. they would probably pick it up if they were nana'ing along and the speedo said something like 100kph tho... probably being the key word

Oh yea i know they can't check it, but thats just what the law states. Testing with a GPS is the best way to figure out for yourself how fast your actually going.

I read in the paper a while back, that some guy got a ticket and used his GPS unit as evidence of his actual speed and the let him off.
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Postby Muzzie » Wed Dec 07, 2005 10:01 am

Yeah, having a logging GPS (like myself) is the best way to PWN a cop :D
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Postby barryogen » Wed Dec 07, 2005 10:35 am

supraman_nz wrote:Isnt it if you go up to 110 the police wont ticket you and only if your over that they will pull you over so you arnt really entitled to do 110.
And also if he was doing 90 and got ticketed for 110 why the hell not go to court , its not only the money but thats what like 20 demerit points aswell?

it's a choice thing.

from 100.001-105, the officer may chose whether or not to pull you over, anything above 105 and it is no longer their choice, they must do it(something along the lines of "must do their duty to uphold the law").

It used to be 109 a few years(10-15) back from memory.
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Postby barryogen » Wed Dec 07, 2005 10:37 am

Punter wrote:
DRFTIN wrote:
Emperor wrote:apparentally 110+ they pull you up, two people I know set their cruise control to 109. lol

what if their speedo is out by 2kph?

To pass a warrent your speedo has to be accurate to 10% (thats where the 110 limit came from)

Best to check how fast you are actually going with a had held GPS.

consumer grade GPS isn't so hot either.
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Postby barryogen » Wed Dec 07, 2005 10:40 am

ollieboy wrote:The same thing happened to me, on my second speeding ticket I swore I was doing far less than the posted speed limit but was caught doing 114. I went and got the speedo tested and it was way off, I sent the evidence off and I got a letter sent back stating the fine would remain payable.

as it should have, your car was faulty.

I've had the reverse happen, when travelling up a hill(long line of traffic behind me passing trucks on a trip) I hit ~145(young and stupid at the time), then saw the cop with lazer... they pinged me doing 121, I happily accepted the ticket.
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Postby muff|n » Wed Dec 07, 2005 10:56 am

Sux.. Gutted to hear.

However, I have met a reasonable judge before.
A close frined had to go to court for a driving offence, 'Boy Racing', which was totally uncalled for (I was in the car).
I was so upset to see that the cop who 'witnessed' it all stood up in court and blatently lied. I lost all faith in the police force right then.
However, he was a bad lier and even contradicted himself, saying the car we were in was a different colour, a different make and that he was on the otherside of the road to that he was actually on.
We assume he had got this wrong because he had just forgotten, he had said he was out that night to catch 'boy racers' and that he hadn't filed the paperwork he was sopposed to do that night, until a week later. Hence why he couldn't remember anything. But to just make it up?!?!
Garr!! The frustration!!
But the judge saw that my friend was not a boy racer, in fact a professional person with a good maner, and so let him off.
Mind you, the lawyers fees involved were thousands..
So we won, but we lost.

And as for the police discretion, in the North Island it is 5kph, and in the south it it 10kph. However, there was talk of changing it down here to 5kph too.
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Postby Santa'sBoostinSleigh » Wed Dec 07, 2005 11:18 am

muff|n wrote:And as for the police discretion, in the North Island it is 5kph, and in the south it it 10kph. However, there was talk of changing it down here to 5kph too.
where did you get this BS from?!!?!
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Postby no_8wire » Wed Dec 07, 2005 11:28 am

werent they thinking of changing it to to 5km/hr tolerance but they left it at 10km/hr?
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Postby ollieboy » Wed Dec 07, 2005 12:24 pm

barryogen wrote:
ollieboy wrote:The same thing happened to me, on my second speeding ticket I swore I was doing far less than the posted speed limit but was caught doing 114. I went and got the speedo tested and it was way off, I sent the evidence off and I got a letter sent back stating the fine would remain payable.

as it should have, your car was faulty.

But therefore it was something out of my control. The policeman who gave me the ticket even said that if the speedo is faulty it is not my problem, I just have to go get it checked and proven faulty by a specific speedo tester. Their name is parrotts, they are contracted to check the police speedos and calibrate them thats why I had to go specifically to them. About ten different policemen I have spoken to have even said that the ticket should have been cancelled because it was caused by an incorrect speedo reading, something outside of my control. I did not know I was speeding, so legally they should have taken back the ticket.
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Postby Santa'sBoostinSleigh » Wed Dec 07, 2005 12:30 pm

ollieboy wrote:
barryogen wrote:
ollieboy wrote:The same thing happened to me, on my second speeding ticket I swore I was doing far less than the posted speed limit but was caught doing 114. I went and got the speedo tested and it was way off, I sent the evidence off and I got a letter sent back stating the fine would remain payable.

as it should have, your car was faulty.

But therefore it was something out of my control. The policeman who gave me the ticket even said that if the speedo is faulty it is not my problem, I just have to go get it checked and proven faulty by a specific speedo tester. Their name is parrotts, they are contracted to check the police speedos and calibrate them thats why I had to go specifically to them. About ten different policemen I have spoken to have even said that the ticket should have been cancelled because it was caused by an incorrect speedo reading, something outside of my control. I did not know I was speeding, so legally they should have taken back the ticket.
im afraid it doesnt work like that - 'technically' you were speeding, so 'technically' you are liable
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Postby ollieboy » Wed Dec 07, 2005 12:39 pm

Santa'sBoostinSleigh wrote:
ollieboy wrote:
barryogen wrote:
ollieboy wrote:The same thing happened to me, on my second speeding ticket I swore I was doing far less than the posted speed limit but was caught doing 114. I went and got the speedo tested and it was way off, I sent the evidence off and I got a letter sent back stating the fine would remain payable.

as it should have, your car was faulty.

But therefore it was something out of my control. The policeman who gave me the ticket even said that if the speedo is faulty it is not my problem, I just have to go get it checked and proven faulty by a specific speedo tester. Their name is parrotts, they are contracted to check the police speedos and calibrate them thats why I had to go specifically to them. About ten different policemen I have spoken to have even said that the ticket should have been cancelled because it was caused by an incorrect speedo reading, something outside of my control. I did not know I was speeding, so legally they should have taken back the ticket.
im afraid it doesnt work like that - 'technically' you were speeding, so 'technically' you are liable

Hey I've talked to a lawyer about it and as I said earlier hang out in law libraries. I know what I am talking about, I don't mean to sound up myself but I know for a fact that the ticket should have been taken back.

I can't find the act at the moment but I did have it written down somewhere.

It states something like this: When there is reasonable evidence to show that the questioned person was not aware of his actions being wrong then they are entitled to an exonaration.

That is the old law and has since being repealed but the new one is the same just written differently.
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