found out i wont be able to run the fxgt gauges as the wiring is to hard to swap around.so with the fxg gauge suround where the stero goes ill put some 2inch gauges along there and mount the stero where the din box is
i had a spare ajustible steering coloum at work so im going to swap that over.only problem with that is the links from the coloum to the steering rack are differnt,will have to find the right ones.also have a spare steering RACK with powersteering so ill swap them around if it will work.
sourced some carpet for it and that should be ariving this week.blue top cams arived today,still waiting for the guy to make contact that i bought the drive shafts of.
as you can see the dash is in and surounding trims.but nothing is bloted in yet.
thats should be enough for today

have a look at the pics i updated