Letter from a cop

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Postby AJz » Sat Dec 24, 2005 11:49 am

Mr Revhead wrote:do the crime do the time :P

you havnt actually said your innocent

hehe this is true
I had vtax :(
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Postby B1NZ » Sat Dec 24, 2005 12:48 pm

I'm no lawyer but..............................

For a start they arent even sure of the time, they said "at about 12:10pm"

They want you to tell them the driver and if there were passengers which they obviously cant have been sure of! :roll:

Just make up some b/s story about how you were playing a game of social rugby or something, and you had the belt around you but under your right arm because you had a sore shoulder or something, and/or ask for photographic evidence of you not wearing it.

Someone down here got done for b/s made up, went to court and it got thrown out, the courts are starting to realise that cops are just revenue gathers and dont have time for piddly little cases like this!
They are really starting to piss me off!!
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Postby Al » Sat Dec 24, 2005 1:04 pm

I got a letter worded in the same fashion when a red light camera got me at like 5am :oops:

I filled in the form and got a $120 ticket. No biggy, there wasn't any demerits. You failed to wear your seatbelt, they arent gonna throw the book at you, rather you will just get a ticket in the mail.
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Postby Adydas » Sat Dec 24, 2005 1:43 pm

man, i didnt think RED LIGHT cameras still operated anymore?

Thats kinda sad " please insert your own head into this noose so we can hang you by simply filling out this form "
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Postby Muzzie » Sat Dec 24, 2005 3:36 pm

Adydas wrote:man, i didnt think RED LIGHT cameras still operated anymore?

Thats kinda sad " please insert your own head into this noose so we can hang you by simply filling out this form "

They just put in a brand new one at the intersection of Beach road and elliot st in Papakura.
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Postby AJz » Sat Dec 24, 2005 6:54 pm

just go into the station and sort it out, if you did something wrong, then you will have to pay for it.

Same with speeding, people complain about needing the best radar there is cos they get too many tickets, how bout slow down, then it will cost you (hmmm let me calculate.........FREE) sorry. sort drifting off topic but u get the point
I had vtax :(
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Postby BlakJak » Sat Dec 24, 2005 7:32 pm

Adydas wrote:and IF it went to court youd lose, its like 40/60 in favour of what the cop says as he has taken the Oath saying what ever he witnesses is all true etc etc.

Maybe this is a reason why the cops should get access to email :P

Most cops have routine access to email already. Thus the cops email addy having been provided.

And they must be fairly sure of what they saw in order to write this; likewise the piece of legislation quoted does indeed state that youre required to advise them who was driving.

Thus I agree with other posts - do the crime, do the time. Next time wear your blimming seatbelt!!
-.-. --.-
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Postby cr1mnl » Sat Dec 24, 2005 8:08 pm

BlakJak wrote:Most cops have routine access to email already. Thus the cops email addy having been provided.

How else do you think they send all the porn to each other :!:

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Postby Punter » Sun Dec 25, 2005 1:25 am

Muzzie wrote:
Adydas wrote:man, i didnt think RED LIGHT cameras still operated anymore?

They just put in a brand new one at the intersection of Beach road and elliot st in Papakura.

Nah that cameras only there to moniter traffic flows.
(Useful aye :roll: )
apparently it fogs up in the rain so bad you can't see anything anyway.
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Postby Muzzie » Sun Dec 25, 2005 11:14 am

Punter wrote:
Muzzie wrote:
Adydas wrote:man, i didnt think RED LIGHT cameras still operated anymore?

They just put in a brand new one at the intersection of Beach road and elliot st in Papakura.

Nah that cameras only there to moniter traffic flows.
(Useful aye :roll: )
apparently it fogs up in the rain so bad you can't see anything anyway.

Someone will sparay paint the front black anyways :lol: :lol:

it's South Aucks after all.
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Postby tatsumaki » Mon Dec 26, 2005 3:20 pm

Fred wrote:so he thought u were a 17 year old kid so thought it would be keen to write you up for that kind of speeding? just for the hek of it and made it up

or did he realise u werent a 17 year old kid so thought would drop the charges cause its only fair to sting young ones with speeding =)

haha some of the young ones deserve it but its a lil harsh how cops can be biased towards age and stereotype them, i this modern time of political corectnes would it not be fair to take the cops to court for sterotyping someone on their age? and issuing them with unecessry tikets

I think it's called "fishing" there Fred :roll:

I just kindly pointed out if he intended taking it to court then i'd happily see him there.

They had no evidence that it was actually me nor did the officer know exactly the speed I was doing. He actually asked me how fast I was going !.

I naturally replied "you're alleging I was doing a certain speed in 50km area and now you're asking me how fast I thought I was going ??!".

Realising he had no evidence his Sergeant attempted to get me to admit to a certain speed "and you'll just be given a ticket and demerits".

So I suggested they either tell me they had evidence it was me and the speed I was going, give me a court date or I would kindly be on my way.

They chose the later ... with a "you'll be let off with a warning this time". :roll:

I must admit in all fairness to the Police, this happened at a time when Boy Racers in Wellington on Friday / Saturday nights were getting way out of hand and there was another car that looked like mine which used to love doing static burnouts along Cambridge Terrace with some evil keneval bike racer.

Case of mistaken identity probably.

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Postby flygt4 » Tue Dec 27, 2005 8:56 am

seriously , a seatbelt fine is sweet F all. take it like a man :wink:

ps an officer word is not the be all and end all in couret , it just depends on what judge you get.
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Postby Inane » Sun Jan 01, 2006 7:48 am

Mr Revhead wrote:do the crime do the time :P

you havnt actually said your innocent

Im with rev head on this one. if you werent actually wearing your seatbelt then
a. wtf not?? you got a death wish
b. take it like a man.

however if you _were_ wearing your seatbelt, then fight them like a man.
take it to the highest level, go see your local MP, write letters to every politician you can think of, hunger strike. etc.
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Postby DR » Sun Jan 08, 2006 1:11 pm

$&#$%, he hasn't posted in a while maybe he's been locked up and is now bubbas bitch 8O
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Postby zylex » Tue Jan 10, 2006 6:12 pm

Those letters they send you saying a member of the public saw you doing something are hilarious. The worst bit is you can't argue them either. I got one once, saying I supposedly was driving down the road with no hands on the wheel and no seatbelt on while putting on my coat or something absolutely rediculous, i thought it was a crackup - and if i was doing that (highly unlikely) i'd love to know how they could see it - the tint on my work car is pretty dark.
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Postby matt dunn » Tue Jan 10, 2006 10:58 pm

I got pulled over once for not wearing my seatbelt,
when I was actually wearing it !! 8O

It it wasn't for my girlfriend at the time in the passengers seat swearing that I was i believe I would have got a ticket for it.

They are not always right,
but it is hard to prove they are wrong.

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