new link ecu anygood? opinions

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Postby saft » Fri Jan 06, 2006 4:28 pm

Inane wrote:pffft they all suck.

show me one! who has an ecu capable of replacing the stock one in the Caldina GTT Tiptronic!

show me a caldina ecu running a 13b first 8O

or does it suck too :lol:
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Postby fivebob » Fri Jan 06, 2006 4:38 pm

saft wrote:
Inane wrote:pffft they all suck.

show me one! who has an ecu capable of replacing the stock one in the Caldina GTT Tiptronic!

show me a caldina ecu running a 13b first 8O

Irrelevant, it was never designed or marketed as a one size fits all ECU :roll:

or does it suck too :lol:

As a matter of fact, yes it does, as do most stock ECU's when it comes to modified engines.
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Postby EVLGTZ » Fri Jan 06, 2006 4:39 pm

pfffft tiptronic! :lol:
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Postby Inane » Fri Jan 06, 2006 4:43 pm

pfft. I reckon that it would be a great mod to modify the tiptronic transmission and programming to make the tiptronic change faster than humanly possible.
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Postby fivebob » Fri Jan 06, 2006 4:48 pm

Has anyone, apart from me, even bothered to download and try the new software?

Personally I don't care how capable the ECU is, if the software sucks (and IMHO this software suck big time), then the results will reflect this. Which, IMO, is the reason most self installs fail.

This new software is not intuitive, lacks adequate online help, has poor programming standards (if there are any standards at all), and whoever designed the "look & feel" of this software needs a lesson in screen and user interface design, along with a crash course in colour coordination. I mean, what's with all the "Karitane Yellow". Is the software that shitty that you have to camouflage it? For those that don't understand the reference, Google and find out why that colour is called "Karitane" yellow :lol:
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Postby fivebob » Fri Jan 06, 2006 4:51 pm

Inane wrote:pfft. I reckon that it would be a great mod to modify the tiptronic transmission and programming to make the tiptronic change faster than humanly possible.

Indeed it might be a good mod, but I think you will find that the mechanical side of the gear change is what's slowing it down, not the electronics :evil:
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Postby cr1mnl » Fri Jan 06, 2006 6:10 pm

karitane yellow looks like babyshit

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Postby fangsport » Fri Jan 06, 2006 7:05 pm

i reckon it's good having relays as the main electronics in a car, at least with carbs you can hear or see what wrong when they misbehave!! :wink:
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Postby fivebob » Fri Jan 06, 2006 8:08 pm

cr1mnl wrote:karitane yellow looks like babyshit

Which describes this software perfectly... Infantile crap :roll:

Not sure about the quality of the hardware, the software is enough to put me off.
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Postby Mr Revhead » Fri Jan 06, 2006 8:14 pm

fivebob are you referring to the new link? or links in general? or something else?
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Postby fivebob » Fri Jan 06, 2006 8:27 pm

Mr Revhead wrote:fivebob are you referring to the new link? or links in general? or something else?

The new PCLink V3.7 software, and I stress at this stage I'm just commenting on the quality of the user interface, not the hardware functionality of the new G2 ECU. Which, although it looks to be a good improvement on the old model, I don't see it as being "on par with a M400" as some have stated.
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Postby Mr Revhead » Fri Jan 06, 2006 8:31 pm

ah yep, just clearing that up.

yeha motec seem to be the topline for most ppl.... anythign above that is outta range of most :?

guess it comes back to the old $$ vs goals
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Postby wde_bdy » Fri Jan 06, 2006 9:11 pm

Mr Revhead wrote:guess it comes back to the old $$ vs goals

And most people not wanting to pay to reach their goals.
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Postby saft » Fri Jan 06, 2006 9:48 pm

fivebob wrote:Irrelevant, it was never designed or marketed as a one size fits all ECU :roll:

As a matter of fact, yes it does, as do most stock ECU's when it comes to modified engines.

I was trying to point out exactly that...
most ecu's suck at things they arent designed for...

in saying that, motec all the way

unless you're competing with me, then i say go for a link :wink: :lol:
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Postby RedMist » Fri Jan 06, 2006 10:42 pm

TRD Man wrote:As I've stated before, if they're good enough for Possum Bourne, they're good enough for me.

Actually Possum ran Motec in at least his hillclimb cars, I suspect his rally cars were also Motec driven.

Link are very good simplistic ECU's. I've had no reliablity issues with my LEM3 LEM4 and LEM5. I'll soon be switching to the G2 or 8860 simply because I want fuel decel cut (always pissed me off in the LEM), an IAT, and the additional inputs for use in signal conditioning for data logging.

The G2 looks to be a good step in creating a device that has more adaptable features, and many mid end ECU features as standard. Personally I like it.

However ECU's are user and application specific. You need to decide what features you need and select an ECU from a list of your minimum requirements. Do note that unless you are very familiar with ECU's you should pick on one that is well supported in New Zealand. The 8860 isn't.
Last edited by RedMist on Fri Jan 06, 2006 10:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby fangsport » Fri Jan 06, 2006 10:51 pm

RedMist wrote:
TRD Man wrote:As I've stated before, if they're good enough for Possum Bourne, they're good enough for me.

Actually Possum ran Motec in at least his hillclimb cars, I suspect his rally cars were also Motec driven.

the WRC hillclimb car is far more sophisticated than the groupA legacy/imprezas that would have had the early Possumlink in them. groupA cars don't have active diffs, semi-auto paddleshift sequential boxes and all the other ECU driven extras that a WRC-spec car does.
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Postby sergei » Fri Jan 06, 2006 11:21 pm

In my opinion, all aftermarket ECUs are overrated pricewise! Judging by amount of hardware, engineering, software, cost to develop and cost to build, they should be much cheaper then they are (same goes for most performance parts - boost controllers, blow-off valves, etc all made in taiwan or china by people who are getting paid $5 a day)...

Compare top Motec (hardware/software wise) to say Nvidia GForce, I would bet the transistor count and develop cost is about 100x fold in Nvidia! (don't say they are different things, they are quet close to the general architecture and technologically wise - both desinged to input process and output data, both have DACs etc.. some of Nvidia would also have ADCs.. anyway I'm just being blunt here).
And don't say that Nvidia/ATI card is esential part of the computer, and aftermarket ECU is not for car, you can happily run your computer with 4Mb PCI card if you are not planning to use it for 3d gaming, same goes for aftermarket ECU, factory unit does the job..

Hey compare regular PC to Motec, I don't even want to estimate...
In fact most moder washing mashines and microwaves run about the same hardware and firmware as car ECUs..

What is the CPU in top Motec? some 32Mhz (probalby 20yo Motorolla chip) you can buy these under $10... even I'll give credit it is 32bit, but still 20yo technology, and also they have 4Mb (!) of onboard memory, cellphones these days have more... Ofcourse I understand that it does not need more, and it does pretty good job but I don't understad where the hell price comes from (they don't guaranty that the engine will not fail, do they?).

My sugestion would be donating to Megasquirt comunity by actually buying unit and using it as far as I understand these people by far more reasonoble than any aftermarket ECU company...
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Postby saft » Fri Jan 06, 2006 11:27 pm

why does it cost?

you pay for the development

why does it cost so much more than other devices?

economies of scale
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Postby sergei » Fri Jan 06, 2006 11:35 pm

I agree there is the cost of development, but my point is that you can buy $300 dollar device wich has more hardware, build cost and development cost then a $3000 dollar ECU.
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Postby saft » Fri Jan 06, 2006 11:38 pm

if motec turned out ecu's at the rate nvidia turns out GPU's motec could afford to sell them cheaper...

its a limited market
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