NAC insurance - soarer

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Postby BlakJak » Thu Jan 05, 2006 9:10 am

Thats an unneccessary comment, gtrfungi...

Adydas: she was talking about her boyfriends car being insured under her name with him as the main driver. In that circumstance the 'may' comment wouldnt be relevant.

The risk with this is that should he have a prang in the car, its YOUR no-claims that will get pinged.
So in effect the insurance company is reducing the cost because YOU are the one taking the risk.

I still think its dodgy; you shouldn't own a car which you can't afford to run/own.
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Postby UZZ30 » Thu Jan 05, 2006 9:19 am

omg... I just did another online quote for a soarer worth 5k with all the correct details but said i have not had previous insurance and the premium is around 1k but the excesses are $1,000 (damage) $1,200 (3rd Party) and $1,000 theft excess!

$600 lower? hmmm somethings not right.

1k premium + 1k excess is pretty cheap for a v8....
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Postby Silent Knight » Thu Jan 05, 2006 9:21 am

Ring them again and then get another quote for the same year Soarer etc but just instead of saying V8 tell them it's a TT. 8O
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Postby BlakJak » Thu Jan 05, 2006 9:24 am

Take online quotes with a grain of salt. Verbal ones will always be more reliable.
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Postby UZZ30 » Thu Jan 05, 2006 9:27 am

BlakJak wrote:Take online quotes with a grain of salt. Verbal ones will always be more reliable.

Yep im really thinking these quotes are rubbish.... Ill give them a call. Hopefully its correct.. :P
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Postby 0TNIC » Thu Jan 05, 2006 9:36 am

he can afford to own and run it but a saving of $60-80 a month works out to be a fair bit.

if you could save an extra $1,000 a year on something like that im sure you would.

Do you and your partner have insurance together or do you do it seperate? its cheaper and easier in my view. its one bill compared with 2-4 when you have contents insurance too
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Postby BlakJak » Thu Jan 05, 2006 10:07 am

My partner doesn't have a drivers license, and doesn't own a car.
I don't find my car insurance is particularly unaffordable.

Could be associated with being 25 and having a car that you'd struggle to define as 'performance'. But at least I know that the rate i'm paying is MY rate, noone elses, and noone else will get penalised if I have to make a claim.
-.-. --.-
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Postby TRDWGN » Fri Jan 06, 2006 6:53 pm

You can only insure something you have a financial interest in, assuming your BF's car is registered in his name and not the both of you then you really have no insurable interest in that vehicle, a real easy fact for a insurer to prove and use as reason for declinature, it is a technical detail that would most likely only come out in the wash when an investigator was checking a claim and not before, worth the risk to save a few dollars? not in my book 8) but that is just my personal opinion so don't let that influence you too much!

I think a few of the more sensible members have hit it on the head, drive a car that you can afford to insure and build up your own insurance record....
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Postby 0TNIC » Fri Jan 06, 2006 7:27 pm

i have checked this and it does not matter if the car is in mine or his. the call is recorded so we can always go back in a claim and i can say well they told me so. i have gone over every detail i can think of while talking to them and each question i have i just ring and ask.

anyways this topic is prolly long by finished, ill leave it at that
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Postby Si » Sat Jan 07, 2006 4:10 am

also not that if you do get insurance under your parents / partners,
insurance companys do not like to credit a no claims bonus or previous insurance.

dont get stung with X car under mums name, go buy your own super modified XYZ and find they wont touch you because you have no insurance history.

My supra is with NAC, full premium is approx 1600$ pa, less my no claims etc its 980ish per year, 1k excess x2. im 20 and have had my full for just over 2 years now.
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