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fivebob wrote:Mr Revhead wrote:fivebob are you referring to the new link? or links in general? or something else?
The new PCLink V3.7 software, and I stress at this stage I'm just commenting on the quality of the user interface, not the hardware functionality of the new G2 ECU. Which, although it looks to be a good improvement on the old model, I don't see it as being "on par with a M400" as some have stated.
JustinSpiderholden wrote:yes i would agree with the fact that the computer is only as good as the person who tunes it but after speqaking to gizzmo when i was investageing ecu options i was told by them to stay away from link as theya re very seasonal and do not hold tune well where as wiuth a microtech i could get a much more reliable tune
atmosports wrote:Possum originally ran possumlink plugins on the gorupN cars basically up until the new MY2000 model came out with variable cam timing(early spec) Link didn't at this time do it & most other system where the same the only system apart from factory subaru that could control the cam timing properly was motec, hence the reason they went with motec. Motec still is the only system at a reasonable price that can control the subaru cams properly. The WRC car(goldrush car) originally run a Pectel however once the modification became greater no one here had the software/cable/dongle etc to access the pectel & the cost of getting Prodrive here to sort it out was prohibitive so it was fitted with what was one of the very first Linkplus ecu, the year it won the Goldrush it ran a Linkplus(I should know as I know the person who built the motor & tuned it)
Tukumi wrote:The main thing that I would say is be very carefull who you get to tune the ecu as it is alot more complex making it not so easy for the backyard mechanic to toy with.
Some trigger patterns support digital triggering so that the actual trigger pattern may be selected (via the Triggering Mode) and processed by the Link ECU.
Other trigger patterns must be decoded by an internally fitted sub-board. In these cases the triggering will need to be specified when the ECU is ordered so that the correct sub-board can be fitted. This sub-board converts the actual trigger pattern into a basic pattern with one trigger event for each TDC (1Trig/TDC).
At the end of the day all ecu's have there strong points, I guess im quite loyal to Link as my Business "NZEFI" is the biggest Link dealer in NZ
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