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Postby fivebob » Wed Jan 11, 2006 11:35 am

EVL GSXR wrote:I think the Viper would stick to the road at 100kph don't you??
Well that's the speed limit so why would you be going any faster

I can think of plenty of roads where you cannot exceed the speed limit, even in a Ferrari, I think that would give any Viper owner plenty of opportunity for catching a fleeting glimpse of the Ferraris rear :twisted:
Viper = Skid's :D
Bike = Wheelies/Skid's :D

Wheelies = illegal
By your logic you won't be doing either of those, so your point is???
And because the Viper look's SIK :lol:

In your opinion maybe, they just look like another attempt at tapping into American bad taste to me.

Anyway this thread is about the new Ferrari model, not the 15 year old Viper design, please try and stay on topic , or the thread may be locked :lol: :P
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Postby EVL GSXR » Wed Jan 11, 2006 11:48 am

fivebob wrote:Skids=illegal
Wheelies = illegal
By your logic you won't be doing either of those, so your point is???

I do Wheelies/Skid's but in a controlled environment (Burn Out Comp's, Bike Rally's, Drag's, Track Day's etc) so I can do both and still be legal does that answer your above statement??
And yes I understand every body has there own opinion I was just voicing my own along with afew other's..

Also have you driven either?? If not how can you compare the two are you going off the fact that it's a Ferrari so it has to be so superior to everything else??

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Postby fivebob » Wed Jan 11, 2006 12:20 pm

EVL GSXR wrote:I do Wheelies/Skid's but in a controlled environment (Burn Out Comp's, Bike Rally's, Drag's, Track Day's etc) so I can do both and still be legal does that answer your above statement??

Queue Tui's ad :lol: :lol:

Anyway by your logic the 100km/h point in your last post is irrevelevant and the Ferrari has even more opportunities to prove it's superiority. Though if you look at the results of the recent FIA GT series, The Viper can't even compete with a 550, so I don't see it improving it's performance against a 599, unless Ferrari make a dog, but seeing as this is a Evolution not a Revolution I don't see that happening.

Also have you driven either?? If not how can you compare the two are you going off the fact that it's a Ferrari so it has to be so superior to everything else??

I've driven a couple of Vipers, and I've also driven a 550 Ferrari (bit hard to find a 599 to drive) and been driven in a track prepared 550. There is no comparison in the braking/handling, the Viper is a tank :P

Anyone who has ever looked closely at a Ferrari would laugh at the idea that a Ferrari would have to be superior because it's a Ferrari, though at least they can be assured that the Ferrari will handle like a sports car should.
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Postby Inane » Wed Jan 11, 2006 12:33 pm

for character give me a Callaway Sledgehammer corvette. if i was to buy a yank tank super car thats what i would get.

for straight out performance and handling, give me a moller skycar :P

seriously though, I dont think I would buy a ferrari unless I could afford to
A) modify the ECU to be tuned well with positive atmospheric pressure.
B) provide positive atmospheric pressure.

and I would only want one seat. mounted in the middle of the car. like a mclaren.
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Postby EVL GSXR » Wed Jan 11, 2006 1:35 pm

fivebob wrote:
EVL GSXR wrote:I do Wheelies/Skid's but in a controlled environment (Burn Out Comp's, Bike Rally's, Drag's, Track Day's etc) so I can do both and still be legal does that answer your above statement??

Queue Tui's ad :lol: :lol:

What's not to believe at least on a track day you know you have a free license to speed and there won't be anything coming the other way :wink: .. Same goes for Dragging etc..
There are to many fool's in car's to go doing anything stupid on the road!! You couldn't go through a day with out coming close to some tool taking you out :roll: ..
I stick to my choice and that's the Viper as I said each to there own I'm sure with the 1.7 or so million you save you could have it handling better anyway..

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Postby fivebob » Wed Jan 11, 2006 1:53 pm

EVL GSXR wrote:What's not to believe at least on a track day you know you have a free license to speed and there won't be anything coming the other way :wink: .. Same goes for Dragging etc..
There are to many fool's in car's to go doing anything stupid on the road!! You couldn't go through a day with out coming close to some tool taking you out :roll: ..

True but that's never stopped the majority of bike riders (myself included) that have a urge to open the throttle. In fact some use it as an incentive to go faster, some twisted logic about less time exposed to danger.

If that were truely the case then you wouldn't have a bike for road use, makes very little sense, apart from on the motorway in rush hour there's little advantage and a lot of disadvantages to motorbike ownership. Come to think of it, that's why I started racing bikes and bought my first MR2, too many morons in tin boxes :evil:
I stick to my choice and that's the Viper as I said each to there own I'm sure with the 1.7 or so million you save you could have it handling better anyway..

Where do you get the $1.7m from? This is only an update to the 575, not a limited production model like the Enzo. Likely to retail at around $US200-250k, and like all front engined Ferraris will probably depreciate very fast, and will, no doubt, be available secondhand for a lot less. Of course the NZ price may be a bit higher, being RHD and therefore a more limited market, but comparisons as to price are better made using the USD as you can't get a Viper in RHD anyway.
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Postby RomanV » Wed Jan 11, 2006 1:58 pm

fivebob wrote: front engined Ferraris

:? :? :? :? :? :?
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Postby Mr Revhead » Wed Jan 11, 2006 2:00 pm

yeah notice ferrari havnt built a good lookign front engine car since... since..... um yeah :?
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Postby EVL GSXR » Wed Jan 11, 2006 2:03 pm

fivebob wrote:If that were truely the case then you wouldn't have a bike for road use, makes very little sense, apart from on the motorway in rush hour there's little advantage and a lot of disadvantages to motorbike ownership. Come to think of it, that's why I started racing bikes and bought my first MR2, too many morons in tin boxes :evil:

Nothing beat's going for a nice skid on a hot as day down the bay's that is the main reason for buying another road bike.. Suck's driving when the weather is mint heap's better on a bike :D ..

Where do you get the $1.7m from? This is only an update to the 575, not a limited production model like the Enzo. Likely to retail at around $US200-250k, and like all front engined Ferraris will probably depreciate very fast, and will, no doubt, be available secondhand for a lot less. Of course the NZ price may be a bit higher, being RHD and therefore a more limited market, but comparisons as to price are better made using the USD as you can't get a Viper in RHD anyway.

Sorry my bad was thinking of what Cozmo posted on the first page still the difference you could spend getting the Viper to handle extremly well..
I'm not into these Super Car's as they call them but that is just me :wink: .. If you want something fast go get a GSXR1000 K4 or Busa and slap a Turbo on it now you'll have plenty of speed and would still handle resoniably well considering the power output.. Not sure how long you'd live for though :lol:

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Postby fivebob » Wed Jan 11, 2006 2:11 pm

EVL GSXR wrote:I'm not into these Super Car's as they call them but that is just me

The 599 is not a supercar, well not at least i n the definition that is applied by most Ferraristi, that moniker is reserved for the likes of the 288GTO, F40, F50 and the Enzo. This is just another run of the mill Ferrari production car :twisted:
If you want something fast go get a GSXR1000 K4 or Busa and slap a Turbo on it now you'll have plenty of speed and would still handle resoniably well considering the power output.. Not sure how long you'd live for though :lol:

Turbo bikes, no thanks I've owned one before :twisted:

Turbos and large capacity road bikes don't mix very well at all, and the constant mesh gearboxes don't like that much torque. Besides which most modern 1 Litre+ superbikes make more that enough power already to scare the average rider 8O
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Postby Inane » Wed Jan 11, 2006 2:19 pm

EVL GSXR wrote:
fivebob wrote:If that were truely the case then you wouldn't have a bike for road use, makes very little sense, apart from on the motorway in rush hour there's little advantage and a lot of disadvantages to motorbike ownership. Come to think of it, that's why I started racing bikes and bought my first MR2, too many morons in tin boxes :evil:

Nothing beat's going for a nice skid on a hot as day down the bay's that is the main reason for buying another road bike.. Suck's driving when the weather is mint heap's better on a bike :D ..

Where do you get the $1.7m from? This is only an update to the 575, not a limited production model like the Enzo. Likely to retail at around $US200-250k, and like all front engined Ferraris will probably depreciate very fast, and will, no doubt, be available secondhand for a lot less. Of course the NZ price may be a bit higher, being RHD and therefore a more limited market, but comparisons as to price are better made using the USD as you can't get a Viper in RHD anyway.

Sorry my bad was thinking of what Cozmo posted on the first page still the difference you could spend getting the Viper to handle extremly well..
I'm not into these Super Car's as they call them but that is just me :wink: .. If you want something fast go get a GSXR1000 K4 or Busa and slap a Turbo on it now you'll have plenty of speed and would still handle resoniably well considering the power output.. Not sure how long you'd live for though :lol:

turbo 'busas are awesome. Terrible around corners.
but hell nobody has officially hit red line in 5th or 6th yet... have they???
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Postby EVL GSXR » Wed Jan 11, 2006 2:20 pm

fivebob wrote:Turbos and large capacity road bikes don't mix very well at all, and the constant mesh gearboxes don't like that much torque. Besides which most modern 1 Litre+ superbikes make more that enough power already to scare the average rider 8O

Ha ha ha what did you have??
Was looking at a K2 GSXR1000 on Trade Me 210hp at the back wheel :D
Would be kool just to pass a Boy Racer with a big whack off valve going off :lol: .. And yes that's true mate's K4 GSXR1000 got something like 178hp standard (Flywheel Hp) which is more then enough power 8O ..

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Postby Mr Revhead » Wed Jan 11, 2006 2:26 pm

This is just another run of the mill Ferrari production car

:? thats not something you hear every day
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Postby Inane » Wed Jan 11, 2006 2:29 pm

EVL GSXR wrote:
fivebob wrote:Turbos and large capacity road bikes don't mix very well at all, and the constant mesh gearboxes don't like that much torque. Besides which most modern 1 Litre+ superbikes make more that enough power already to scare the average rider 8O

Ha ha ha what did you have??
Was looking at a K2 GSXR1000 on Trade Me 210hp at the back wheel :D
Would be kool just to pass a Boy Racer with a big whack off valve going off :lol: .. And yes that's true mate's K4 GSXR1000 got something like 178hp standard (Flywheel Hp) which is more then enough power 8O ..

considering a stock busa should do a 9 sec. quarter.....
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Postby EVL GSXR » Wed Jan 11, 2006 2:33 pm

Inane wrote:
EVL GSXR wrote:
fivebob wrote:Turbos and large capacity road bikes don't mix very well at all, and the constant mesh gearboxes don't like that much torque. Besides which most modern 1 Litre+ superbikes make more that enough power already to scare the average rider 8O

Ha ha ha what did you have??
Was looking at a K2 GSXR1000 on Trade Me 210hp at the back wheel :D
Would be kool just to pass a Boy Racer with a big whack off valve going off :lol: .. And yes that's true mate's K4 GSXR1000 got something like 178hp standard (Flywheel Hp) which is more then enough power 8O ..

considering a stock busa should do a 9 sec. quarter.....

Yeah they good Bike's but handling wise not the best more of a sporty tourer.. And yes they can do a 9 second 1/4 standard but with the right rider :wink: ..

What would one of these Red Machine's do Standard in a 1/4??

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Postby fivebob » Wed Jan 11, 2006 2:50 pm

EVL GSXR wrote:Ha ha ha what did you have??

Nothing of much note, it was 25 years ago and was based on a Yamaha XS1100. Until it ruined the suspension by running over the gearbox internals it was quite intimidating to ride. That said, most NA bikes these days would have more HP (though probably a lot less torque) and I wouldn't even contemplate turboing one. FWIW I had more fun riding 250cc & Junior Proddie bikes than I ever had in Open Production classes.
EVL GSXR wrote:What would one of these Red Machine's do Standard in a 1/4??

Not sure, but I'd guess mid 11s, probably too heavy to match the Enzo's high 10s. However Ferraris don't tend to congregate around the 1/4 mile strip, so a more useful comparison point would be it's time around Nordschlieffe, something I'm sure were find out not long after it's released.
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Postby EVL GSXR » Wed Jan 11, 2006 2:55 pm

Inane wrote:turbo 'busas are awesome. Terrible around corners.
but hell nobody has officially hit red line in 5th or 6th yet... have they???

Yeah I have quite afew Vid Clip's of Turbo Busa's and other Turbo'ed 600/750's.. Most of the Busa Vid's the front wheel is every where and the speedo goes up as quick as the rev counter if not faster 8O ..

10/11's not bad but would expect bit more from a few hundred thou :D

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Postby Inane » Wed Jan 11, 2006 3:07 pm

EVL GSXR wrote:
Inane wrote:turbo 'busas are awesome. Terrible around corners.
but hell nobody has officially hit red line in 5th or 6th yet... have they???

Yeah I have quite afew Vid Clip's of Turbo Busa's and other Turbo'ed 600/750's.. Most of the Busa Vid's the front wheel is every where and the speedo goes up as quick as the rev counter if not faster 8O ..

10/11's not bad but would expect bit more from a few hundred thou :D

heh afaik you arent much outta second gear after 400m in a ferrari are you?
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Postby fivebob » Wed Jan 11, 2006 3:11 pm

Inane wrote:
EVL GSXR wrote:
Inane wrote:turbo 'busas are awesome. Terrible around corners.
but hell nobody has officially hit red line in 5th or 6th yet... have they???

Yeah I have quite afew Vid Clip's of Turbo Busa's and other Turbo'ed 600/750's.. Most of the Busa Vid's the front wheel is every where and the speedo goes up as quick as the rev counter if not faster 8O ..

10/11's not bad but would expect bit more from a few hundred thou :D

heh afaik you arent much outta second gear after 400m in a ferrari are you?

Probably not.

It's amazing how many Ferrari owners couldn't care less about 1/4 miles times, and equally amazing how many Viper, or for that matter any so called performace yank tank, owners do.

Moral of the story is that if you think 1/4 mile times are important, you aren't a candidate for Ferrari ownership.
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Postby RomanV » Wed Jan 11, 2006 3:19 pm

Yeah, a dodge viper doesnt really interest me much at all.
I kind of like the shape, and the fact that it has such an obscenely large engine, but thats about it.

But on the same note, for the kind of driving I do most of the time, I dont think I would really enjoy any car over the 1.5 tonne mark much at all, regardless of what it was.

Not to mention a 1700? 1800kg viper? :?

disregarding price, and resale value etc, Id take a free lotus elise (or similar) over a free viper (or similar) any day.

Yeah sure, the viper is a nice car, but its hardly suited to NZ roads, is it?

On an american highway that is straight for the next 10 bazillion miles, then yeah sure, I dont doubt that the viper is a fun car, and an elise wouldnt be an appropriate choice.

But we dont have roads like that here in NZ, and the roads we do have are much better suited to something a little more nimble.

Although I cant speak for those of us who are stuck in aussie. :P
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