Insurance for a GTZ?

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Insurance for a GTZ?

Postby DB4G63 » Sun Jan 08, 2006 2:35 am

Ok I imagine this has probibly come up before....

But if I buy a GTZ, with that lovely supercharger....
when i ring up for insurance and they ask...

is it Turbo charged?

Do I answer 'No', pay the going insurance for a trueno or levin and hope I never crash to find out the real answer...

Or Do I answer 'Yes' and shoot myself in the foot....

Or answer 'Maybe' and spend the next ten minutes trying to explain its 'LIKE' a turbo (to the often female insurance call centre person) but its just not as efficient, and it works differently....but essentially produces the same net result. (aka:boost)

any ideas, solutions, comments....

I swear ill hit a new BMW 5 series the moment I drive an un-insured car....
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Postby Alex B » Sun Jan 08, 2006 3:02 am

Well with option A, why bother even having insurance....Insurance companies are not to be screwed with if you want paid out.
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Postby KinLoud » Sun Jan 08, 2006 8:39 am

Used to own a AE101 GTZ.
I told them that it was supercharged. I said "it's like a turbo". They didn't care at all (AMI).
It didn't make a difference to how much I paid (however this is probably because I am an older than the average toyspeed member!)

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Postby Ae92typeX » Sun Jan 08, 2006 9:08 am

Yeah, it comes under the same category with most companies- its just far less common, so people as is it turbo. If you must be particular when they ask the question does it have a turbo, say its supercharged. You wont be the first person to ring through and say this, and just because it 'may' be a female on the other end it dosent mean they have no idea what you are talking about- its their job, youre just being judgemental.
As pyro_sniper2002 says, if you go with option a, you may as well not have insurance. Also, like KinLoud suggests, age plays a factor. Some people under 20 may have problems with many insurance companies and gtz''s. Just my opinion.
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Postby mr30%jr » Sun Jan 08, 2006 7:09 pm

i just dont bother....

17 year old


never happen
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Postby BZG Wagon » Sun Jan 08, 2006 8:12 pm

There is this thing with Insurance Companies; Acting with the unmost good faith, and absolute disclosure. If you crash your car and the car assessor notices the supercharger etc etc, you WILL NOT GET PAID OUT NO MATTER HOW WELL YOU ARGUE. Even you say "they never asked...", they still do not have to pay out. Even if the accident isnt your fault, or its not due to you having a supercharger, they can still get out of it.

You have to make sure they note the supercharger.
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Postby Lloyd » Sun Jan 08, 2006 9:58 pm

If you tell them its a GTZ then its obvious its supercharged...

Anyways, just tell them its supercharged and if they dont get it then say its like a turbo but not the same thing. Be honest with insurance companies or you might not end up too happy after an incident
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Postby mr30%jr » Sun Jan 08, 2006 10:43 pm

im pretty sure car insures arnt dumb....
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Postby DB4G63 » Mon Jan 09, 2006 9:03 am

When I rung up the quote I said it was a
"Toyota Trueno GTZ"
Turbocharged?? well no its supercharged.

The person I talked to ( AMI is very good customer service wise )
sounds like they are tickying or crossing boxes, perhaps filling in a form, perhaps there just isnt a box for supercharged....

Anyways, just tell them its supercharged and if they dont get it then say its like a turbo but not the same thing. Be honest with insurance companies or you might not end up too happy after an incident

Yeah this is my concern, I want ACTUAL insurance not just to "think" I have insurance until something goes wrong.
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Postby JT » Mon Jan 09, 2006 1:51 pm

DB4G63 wrote:The person I talked to ( AMI is very good customer service wise )
sounds like they are tickying or crossing boxes, perhaps filling in a form, perhaps there just isnt a box for supercharged....

Last time I got a quote from AMI (in person) I was asked if the vehicle was turbo charged or supercharged.

Just because you got one person on the end of the phone who was easy to deal with, doesn't make them very good at customer service. You find out how good they really are when you have to make a claim.
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Postby rollas22 » Mon Jan 09, 2006 2:57 pm

Hey bud go with this insurance company (Phone 0800 849 445) They are a really good bunch!
I had my AE101 Levin 4age turbo insured with them, everything was covered (full insurance for a 21yr old), turbo engine, bodykit, sounds, mags, lowering the full works.
I even had 1 claim and the guy came and looked at it, everything was sweet.
BUT u have to state what is done to your car, cause in the event of a crash and they find that u have a turbo or supercharger in your case that you havn't mentioned or lied about kiss goodbye to insurance...
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Postby Timmy » Thu Jan 12, 2006 8:15 pm

Ive got a levin GTZ as well and I had the same problem with AMI, as soon as I told them it was supercharged they wouldnt do it until I was 25. So I asked aroun, and "nzcelica" told me to try "national auto club" 0800 501 508
they were fine with it (having supercharger makes premiums go up of course) overall I was rapt that i could get insurance even though it was quite expensive for 3rd party insurance (not bad for full though) oh and by the way the other good thing is that you fill in the form yourself so you know that what goes on it is correct because over the phone u never know what they think that you said
anyway just some more random advice for you[/img]
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Postby rallyrulz » Fri Jan 13, 2006 2:05 pm

I insured my GTZ and I am also with AMI. Funny thing is insurance was cheaper for a GTZ than a 20V. Asked them why and I think its less stolen and probably not crashed as much. I would presume this is because they are more rare, or perhaps GTZ owners know how to drive :) The GTZ is only about $20/yr more exp than my old diesel 2L station wagon, thats with 3rd party at around $120/$140 per yr with a 60% no claims bonus.
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Postby DB4G63 » Sun Jan 15, 2006 9:20 pm

Fantastic guys thanks for the replies!!!

Went up Friday the 13th to Chch, picked my '93 GTZ up Saturday morning. Shes very pretty and goes very well. (just cant resist giving her a go)

AMI were VERY helpful. I rung up said it was a 'SUPERCHARGED GTZ'
AMI lady said it was all good as long as WOF/REGO eyc... and not a modifcation, but from the factory.

Paying 50ish dollars a month for full insurance, glass buy out, the works...

Great!, finally a toyota!! Loving it to pieces.
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Postby Timmy » Sun Jan 15, 2006 9:36 pm

awsum, good to here another person is liking their gtz :D
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