Geeday guys,
Im just after some ideas for a 80's/90's car which is easily modded, and possibly either turbo or an easy conversion to turbo.
Something like cressida, skyline..
Id prefer a big luxury sedan.
Moderator: The Mod Squad
geishaboy wrote:I want a number plate with "geisha" on it
But I should probably get a car first
supraman_nz wrote:you could get a MKIV supra !!
Its no sedan but damn roomy for the people in the front , not so roomy in the back thou. . .
geishaboy wrote:I want a number plate with "geisha" on it
But I should probably get a car first
DXIN wrote:Geeday guys,
Im just after some ideas for a 80's/90's car which is easily modded, and possibly either turbo or an easy conversion to turbo.
Something like cressida, skyline..
Id prefer a big luxury sedan.
geishaboy wrote:I want a number plate with "geisha" on it
But I should probably get a car first
Low_Aa63 wrote:cefiros are a bit starved for room though
RS13 wrote:Low_Aa63 wrote:cefiros are a bit starved for room though
I don't see why'd you choose a rusty old R31, when for a few more bucks you could get a Cef, Laurel or GTSt..
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