bus owned

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Postby Luke - BZG » Wed Apr 05, 2006 12:44 am

ke70dx wrote:I saw it all happen!!! Are you sure you're ok? It was a real hard hit as i jumped off my feet and you wern't stoped on a median strip , well it was but not really. Half you car was on the bus lane. Sorry to be a Cu*t but id say you were in the wrong. The exact spot this happened at was outside the old government buildings just infron of where the bus goes to the terminus in front of the traffic island in the middle. Quite an eventful morning.

Yea im ok, just a bit of a bang and cut to the head. The front right was on the bus lane, which is what I told the police, they didnt think it was my fault. But we'll see what they say if I hear anything more :?
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Postby BlakJak » Thu Apr 06, 2006 11:24 am

Parking so that you obstruct a bus lane is a bit shady to start with, but if you were still in the car then its a bit like simply stopping on yellow lines... not allowed to park but a legit reason for stopping might be OK.

However bus lanes are not like railway lines, insofar as the bus still needs to take reasonable measures not to hit things!!

-.-. --.-
BlakJak - 2001 Toyota Gaia (yeah i'm all domesticated now)
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Postby Luke - BZG » Thu Apr 06, 2006 7:07 pm

BlakJak wrote:Parking so that you obstruct a bus lane is a bit shady to start with, but if you were still in the car then its a bit like simply stopping on yellow lines... not allowed to park but a legit reason for stopping might be OK.

However bus lanes are not like railway lines, insofar as the bus still needs to take reasonable measures not to hit things!!


My thoughts exactly
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