by KinLoud » Fri Apr 07, 2006 10:02 pm
The intention (like past Toyspeed Queens Birthday weekends) is to have fri night, saturday, sunday and monday in the Taupo area. These weekends are a real hoot!
Often it's gokarts etc. on saturday, cruise on sunday (maybe up mount ruapehu to look at the snow) and then trackday on the monday.
I have got the whole long weekend off from work and I intend to have a fun time like always!
021 408 863
I used to think that the orange and green tictacs gave you special powers. The orange ones would make you stronger and the green ones would make you faster. So i used to eat some green ones and run around my lounge as fast as i could, then eat the orange ones and try to pick up the sofa. I wish it were true!