Queens Birthday Trackday *Done and Dusted*

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Postby pc » Tue Apr 11, 2006 2:48 pm

Just a thought... If the groupings of cars are equalish speed/lap times (which is what Chelles has said) then it is concievable that each driver will get many 'clear' laps during the day. Especially if they go onto the track first.
As long as the groups aren't too big, then we will have safety, smooth running, minimal wait times, and clearish track for all :)
red car
1/4 mile - 14.683s @ 91.83mph
Manfield - 1:24s
Taupo - Track1 1:53s (road tyres) - Track2 1:22s - Track3 48s (with esses) - Track4 1:58s
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Postby Chelles » Tue Apr 11, 2006 3:11 pm

pc wrote:Just a thought... If the groupings of cars are equalish speed/lap times (which is what Chelles has said) then it is concievable that each driver will get many 'clear' laps during the day. Especially if they go onto the track first.
As long as the groups aren't too big, then we will have safety, smooth running, minimal wait times, and clearish track for all :)

You are totally right pc :). The groups will be of six cars and there will be 6-8 seconds between each car. I will always try to group similar cars together where possible; however this is hard when we have an eclectic mix of cars.
On the day if people feel they are getting driven all over there are two things to do. Tell me and I'll see where I can move you and you can get out of the way and let the faster car go pasts. That way they are off and out of your way giving you plenty of 'free space' to learn and play.

'96 RS Mirage Race car... (and when I'm a good girl; EVO 1!!) 2014 Toyota Hilux - daily driver!!
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Postby Zitchu » Tue Apr 11, 2006 9:02 pm

Just wondering what the options are for people that are planning to go but not to get on the track? Is the accommodation limited to 36 people or just the drivers?
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Postby Chelles » Tue Apr 11, 2006 9:38 pm

Zitchu wrote:Just wondering what the options are for people that are planning to go but not to get on the track? Is the accommodation limited to 36 people or just the drivers?

The accommodation is for anyone who is keen. Contact Adydas about the accommodation as it's a first in first served situation there.

Anyone is welcome to come along to the track day and the entire weekend of fun.

'96 RS Mirage Race car... (and when I'm a good girl; EVO 1!!) 2014 Toyota Hilux - daily driver!!
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Postby Chelles » Tue Apr 11, 2006 10:17 pm

Due to the huge demand I'm extending the amount of entrants to 42.
Will be running 7 groups of 6. There wont be an extension on this, so if you're keen I now have 11 spots free, so email me today for an entry from.

Chelles :D
'96 RS Mirage Race car... (and when I'm a good girl; EVO 1!!) 2014 Toyota Hilux - daily driver!!
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Postby MR2Doctor » Thu Apr 13, 2006 8:39 pm

Any places left? and can I get some info? send to auckland@mr2.org.nz , and well done for organising this.
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Postby Chelles » Thu Apr 13, 2006 9:12 pm

MR2Doctor wrote:Any places left? and can I get some info? send to auckland@mr2.org.nz , and well done for organising this.

Yup a couple, I've emailed you :)
'96 RS Mirage Race car... (and when I'm a good girl; EVO 1!!) 2014 Toyota Hilux - daily driver!!
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Postby Chelles » Sat Apr 15, 2006 9:01 pm

Hi all.

After an in-depth read of the track rules and much thought, I'm allowing passengers on the day. Your passenger will need overalls and helmet to be allowed in the car. They will need to sign the indemnity waver form before getting in the car. If you have a roll cage you must have at least a four point harness, no standard seat belts allowed. And the passenger must be 16 years old or over.

The passenger must not distract the driver at any time whilst on the track. If this is abused in anyway that compromises safety of you or other drivers this privilege will be removed.

Chelles :)
'96 RS Mirage Race car... (and when I'm a good girl; EVO 1!!) 2014 Toyota Hilux - daily driver!!
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Postby screamin' » Sun Apr 16, 2006 10:19 am

Cool, it's looking like it's going to be a good day!
When you get a chance Chelles, could you post up a quick list of cars that are turning up. Would be interesting to see the sort of diversity of vehicle Toyspeed forums attract :lol:
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Postby Pelo » Sun Apr 16, 2006 11:58 am

Awesome, so can we have a video camera bitch passenger? :)
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Postby Chelles » Tue Apr 18, 2006 8:59 am

Pelo wrote:Awesome, so can we have a video camera bitch passenger? :)

The camera will have to be secured in the car; you can't have anyone just holding it because if you crash it becomes a projectile. So yes you can have a camera as long as you can prove to me that it isn't going to come loose and hit you in the event of a crash.

screamin': I'll get a list together next week after entries are closed :)
'96 RS Mirage Race car... (and when I'm a good girl; EVO 1!!) 2014 Toyota Hilux - daily driver!!
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Postby Gudgen » Tue Apr 18, 2006 8:11 pm

screamin' wrote: Would be interesting to see the sort of diversity of vehicle Toyspeed forums attract :lol:

mostly hondas, dont be afraid, i wont be.. :lol:
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Postby screamin' » Tue Apr 18, 2006 8:25 pm

Good, you'ld eat my car alive. :oops: Have to admit the Skyline ain't that suited to Taupo, gear ratios are all wrong, still good fun tho :)
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Postby HELBND » Tue Apr 18, 2006 9:01 pm

ok finally got the $ in :oops:

will send the entry soon. how iron clad is that form? if the MR2 isnt ready, can i enter with something else?
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Postby Chelles » Tue Apr 18, 2006 9:07 pm

HELBND wrote:ok finally got the $ in :oops:

will send the entry soon. how iron clad is that form? if the MR2 isnt ready, can i enter with something else?

Of course you can enter with something else. Just let me know a couple of day before if possible, if you turn up with something else as long as it's 'road legal' you're fine, just come and let me know :)

I only have two spots left now. If you have had an entry form emailed to you and haven't got back to me with a yes or no and are still keen do it now as I'll be cutting off entries this Sunday.
Thanks :)
'96 RS Mirage Race car... (and when I'm a good girl; EVO 1!!) 2014 Toyota Hilux - daily driver!!
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Postby Chelles » Wed Apr 19, 2006 11:51 am

I have had a few people ask for clarification on the passenger thing and what we’ll be doing if it’s raining.

Cars with both roll cages and no roll cage can take passengers.
Does your car have a roll cage? Well in that case you must have a minimum of a four point harness for your passenger to be strapped into. No standard belt system to be used.

You don’t have a roll cage? You can have a passenger and can constrain them with either a 4 or 5 point harness or a normal seat belt system.

Rain? If it’s raining the day will go ahead. What is the point of hiding when it rains? We drive to work, school, friends etc on rainy day so why not on the track where it’s safer. It will great experience for you all to learn better car control in the wet.

The day is now full. If you have an entry form and are still keen then contact me today to confirm you intention and I’ll let you know what the situation is.
'96 RS Mirage Race car... (and when I'm a good girl; EVO 1!!) 2014 Toyota Hilux - daily driver!!
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Postby Dragger_Dan » Wed Apr 19, 2006 6:10 pm

Any chance of a list of entrants?

Postby Chelles » Wed Apr 19, 2006 6:25 pm

Dragger_Dan wrote:Any chance of a list of entrants?

yup plenty of chance :wink: ... just give me time to sort through all the paper work and I'll post a list up (mid next week all going well).

'96 RS Mirage Race car... (and when I'm a good girl; EVO 1!!) 2014 Toyota Hilux - daily driver!!
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Postby Dragger_Dan » Thu Apr 20, 2006 1:42 am

Sweet, will be good to know what's gonna be there and who.

Postby GT4-SUM » Thu Apr 20, 2006 11:14 am

sounds like another great weekend is gonna happen :lol:
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